And somebody needs to stick an apple into the mouth of that fat ugly bitch, Huckabee Sanders, and put her into the over like the pig she is. I'm surprised she doesn't come to the podium munching on a piece of chicken, and she wears more makeup on her eyes than Bozo wears on his entire face. Fat slob, just like that looney father of hers, talking about it's "highly inappropriate" to question a general, FUCK you, Porky, what is this, a Junta, he's a public official who is accountable like everybody else, and, the video shows that he LIED:
And somebody needs to stick an apple into the mouth of that fat ugly bitch, Huckabee Sanders, and put her into the over like the pig she is. I'm surprised she doesn't come to the podium munching on a piece of chicken, and she wears more makeup on her eyes than Bozo wears on his entire face. Fat slob, just like that looney father of hers, talking about it's "highly inappropriate" to question a general, FUCK you, Porky, what is this, a Junta, he's a public official who is accountable like everybody else, and, the video shows that he LIED: