Guys, don't mean to be opposing you just want to offer my opinion.
Every year, some new political agenda takes place. For example here in CR...they started charging for a lisence to operate a sportsbook, but it's not a real lisence because they haven't made it legal yet. To make it legal it is a long process I guess, where they have to write articles so that all other areas of the government can refer to them such as municipalities. So for now, you pay 25k for a peice of paper, and if you don't pay they come knocking on your door.
Since this happened, many people felt uncomfortable, because it is to them, just a shakedown. Furthermore, banking became more difficult. Banks were closing down accounts, making it difficult for operators to even pay their clerks and bills. From what I understand, the banks in the US that are corresponding to the various banks here, were putting pressure on them asking them to be tight and strict with their clients. The banking laws that were passed last year and this year in the US ("Terrorist Laws") really concentrate on the "know your customer clause".
So the way some operators saw it at that moment, was that the US is taking over and CR is shaking down these businesses for as much as they can. I don't blame them, but c''s not so simple.
So now these operators, feeling uncomfortable, hear of another haven....doesn't mean it is any better, but to them at the moment it is.
Speaking to various operators who have taken a trip over there, these are the remarks I got:
"It's a real city, with real restaurants" I guess TGIF, OUTBACK and ROMAS are all fake.
"You only have to pay clerks $400 a month, and they have an excellent work attitude" OK, they save some money...and don't have to deal with much crap....but are all Panamanian people like that...or just who he met?
"The bandwidth is dependabe and cheap" I agree with that one, as Cable and Wireless was the main provider there.
"There is much more to do in Panama" I can understand that, but how much time do you have to spend having fun?
"You can use the American Dollar everywhere" SO? Can't you do that here?
All in all, I think that people talk about moving because they feel unsecure in a location sometimes....but after putting thought and effort into it they realize that it costs money to move, and what is a haven today may not be a haven stick it out until it is necessary to move.
Ghost Out!
P.S. Belize was done for people out of Margarita....due to some asshole who caused a ruckus with the local government resulting in the National Guard coming into the offices there and shutting them down, while holding their huge guns. If that happens anywhere it is a valid reason to move into even the middle of the jungle!