I'm not a Dem, but i'll tell you in advance that I'll say it was stolen.
Right. You're not a dem, but you think that? You just can't possibly fathom that the U.S. continues to reject the socialist agenda the dems put out year after year, can you?
Even if McCain doesn't win, there is an attempted theft in process.
You wouldn't happen to have any, I dunno...proof of this, would you?
There's gonna be millions of voters who aren't going to have their vote counted by a variety of devious means. In the end, it may or may not be enough.
Don't worry. ACORN will make sure most dems are registered more than once and have more than one shot at having their "voice" heard.
Again though, what exactly are you basing this on, if you don't mind me asking?
I went to the trouble of writing this up, so I hope you will read it.
Although I have no party affiliation. I do have an interest in preserving Democracy. Right now, Democracy is hanging by a thread.
In the past, like most, I was very naive with regards to level of deception and dirty tricks that go on within a major election. The type of con games that are being played are multi-layered and result in anyone that isn't paying close attention, to not even realize they are being conned.
Your misguided reference to ACORN illustrates a pretty good example of being conned and not even knowing it. I've made many posts about this, but to put it bluntly, the accusations that ACORN is commiting voter fraud are bogus. It's one of the biggest lies ever sold. I doubt you will believe that. I don't want to spend to much of this post going over that. It's going to be long enough. To get a basic idea you can go to this link and read this short article
and I suggest you look on YouTube and watch the press conference that representatives of ACORN (along with others groups) gave about a week ago. To put it here would clutter things up (it's 45 minutes in 6 parts). I suggest entering the key search words "ACORN cspan press conference".
Anyway, I have a standing challenge to anyone that wants to accept it that no evidence of a coordinated effort to vote fraudulently will be discovered by any of the numerous investigations. If I'm wrong, I'll not post in this forum for 60 days for each poster that accepts the challenge. If I'm correct, they must not post in this forum for 60 days. Several are aware of this challenge and there have been no takers.
So why is there a scam to con the public into thinking there's massive voter fraud (by Democrats)? That's a very important question and the answer can't be easily expained in just a few paragraphs.
The Cliffs notes version of that answer is that Republicans need to supress large quantities of votes or they are going to find it very difficult to win elections. One problem for them is that groups like ACORN are tapping into a resource of voter eligible people that have never participated before. If the poor and minorities start to exercise their franchise, the future of Republican candidates is bleak.
The accusations that there is widespread voter fraud is a complete myth, but until the public wakes up to that fact, the Republicans will be able get away with erecting numerous boundries and obstacles to ballot access. It's my belief that this phony issue is being driven by high level RNC honchos. They tried to get it off the ground in 2004 and some of their efforts are connected to the ongoing investigation into the political firings of 9 U.S. Attorney's. A special prosecutor has recently been named and there's suggestion that she will expand the probe to include the use of the DOJ to promote the myth of voter fraud.
To follow along with how this is relevant and know what's going on today, you really need to have an understanding of some of the past. The first thing to understand is one of the methods that was used to essentially steal the vote in Florida in 2000 for Bush/Cheney. This method was using a concocted felon purge list that was 95% innaccurate to purge legitimate voters from the rolls. When those legitimate voters showed up to vote, they were turned away and there was nothing they could do about it. This sparked the birth of the Help America Vote Act that was passed into law in 2002. There's plenty of devious language in the HAVA law, but the thing that was most important to Democratic legislators and particularly the congressional black caucus was to have a mechanism so that voters that are erroneously purged from the rolls aren't denied their right to vote. The part of HAVA that addressed this was the introduction the dreaded "Provisional" ballot.
The provisional ballot is a 2nd class ballot that does not have to be counted. In the days that follow, State election officials make the determination if they are to be counted or not. There is no uniform standard for counting a provisional ballot. This is an important fact to know.
Democratic party lawmakers anticipated that this part of HAVA would thwart efforts to suppress votes and figured the worst case scenario would be that maybe 100,000 provisional ballots would be handed out in the 2004 election. As it turned out, their predictions were a little off. When the statistics came in, the number was staggering. Over 3 million provisional ballots were handed out in the 2004 election. Of those, over 1 million were not added to the count.
The next question to ask is WHO had to vote "provisionally"? Well the HAVA law says you are entitled to a provisional ballot if you aren't on the voter rolls OR... Your right to vote is challenged at the polls by another citizen. As it turned out, there was a mass challenge of likely Kerry voters by Republican operatives strategicly stationed throughout the country, primarily in poor minority areas in battleground states.
How did they know who to challenge? This is where they may have broken the law. They used a tactic known as "voter caging". Go look up that term "on the googles" if you need to learn about it.
One of the interesting aspects of the voter caging scheme is that Karl Rove's right hand man (Tim Griffin), who was directing the operation, misaddressed about 500 emails and sent them to an address with the domain name "GeorgeWBush.org". His intended recipient was at "GeorgeWBush.com". As a result, those emails are now in the possesion of the House Judiciary Committee after being subpoenad as part of their investigation in the firings of (9) U.S. Attorneys. It should be noted that Karl Rove's right hand man (Tim Griffin) was appointed interim U.S. Attorney for Arkansas after one the 9 U.S. Attorneys was forced out. Griffin resigned less than 24 hours after his emails were turned over to congress.
Anyway, to make a long story a little less long, indications are that the Republicans are poised to do it again on an even bigger scale and make 2004 look like a test run. This time they've used some of the most sinister aspects of HAVA to purge legitimate voters from the rolls, along with the false accusations against ACORN to give them cover for what's really going on, and good ol' voter caging to supress millions of votes. I'm anticipating the number of provisional ballots handed out in this election to be 8 million or more. A state to keep a close eye on is Colorado. Supposedly 20% of the registered voters have been purged from the rolls. Any of that 20% showing up to vote will be forced to the provisional ballot. At that point, the Secretary of State, who kicked them off the rolls, decides if their vote counts and can disqualify it for the flimsiest of technicalities. All indications are that the Colorado Secretary of State is in the tank.
I don't think this effort will be successful. It may in some states, but I don't think it will be for any lack of trying.
If Obama wins and as expected, there are Dem gains in the House and Senate, look for them to revisit HAVA and their anti voter caging bill that previously lost.