In this so called world of gambling you need a little luck. A few weeks ago i was driving home and turned on a sports talk radio show, i think it was espn gamenight. they were talking about the miami and florida game and how luck and emotion play huge factors in college football.they went on to say that these 2 factors are intangibles that you dont know when they will show up, i am a firm believer in both. when abdul kahliq threw the pick for 6 you saw doubt creep into this minny team, at that point the emotion they were triving on left. throw in a little luck on the behalf of the wolverines with the spotting of a few huge 1st downs and also the fumble which they got back in the closing secs and their you have your luck. i dont care if you are the greatest gambler in the world. gambling is not a science, its a 50/50 guessing game. the better team tonight didnt win, but luck and emotion were on the side of the wolverines in the end.
congrats to the michigan backers dont forget to count your lucky stars tonight.