What passes for "scientific research" & How computer-generated fake papers are flooding academia



New member
Sep 21, 2004
Rather interesting timing considering the posts I made regarding "scientific research," how to consume it, and how universities perpetuate the cycle of pseudo scientific research. Maybe this will help some begin to look at "scientific research" with a more balanced, knowledgeable, informed perspective.

Came across this piece from The Guardian today and thought it was relevant to that topic. Clearly there is a propensity on the part of many to defend their beliefs and/or back up there theories thru citing "science" or "scientific research" as if it was gospel truth. To reemphasize a previous point, many who cite such studies do not have the training required to properly consume and understand how the research was conducted and what the results "really" mean. I will address this a little more in a subsequent post in this thread.

The article also shows how it isn't only the public which is fooled by pseudo science. The professionals within a given field of academia, who are supposedly smart enough to know better, fall victim to even bogus "scientific research" due to the pressures inherent in the cycle of academia to protect itself.


[h=1]How computer-generated fake papers are flooding academia[/h] More and more academic papers that are essentially gobbledegook are being written by computer programs – and accepted at conferences

• Higgs would not have found his boson in today's publish-or-perish research culture

Like all the best hoaxes, there was a serious point to be made. Three MIT graduate students wanted to expose how dodgy scientific conferences pestered researchers for papers, and accepted any old rubbish sent in, knowing that academics would stump up the hefty, till-ringing registration fees.

It took only a handful of days. The students wrote a simple computer program that churned out gobbledegook and presented it as an academic paper. They put their names on one of the papers, sent it to a conference, and promptly had it accepted. The sting, in 2005, revealed a farce that lay at the heart of science.

But this is the hoax that keeps on giving. The creators of the automatic nonsense generator, Jeremy Stribling, Dan Aguayo and Maxwell Krohn, have made the SCIgen program free to download. And scientists have been using it in their droves. This week, Nature reported, French researcher Cyril Labbé revealed that 16 gobbledegook papers created by SCIgen had been used by German academic publisher Springer. More than 100 more fake SCIgen papers were published by the US Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). Both organisations have now taken steps to remove the papers.

Hoaxes in academia are nothing new. In 1996, mathematician Alan Sokal riled postmodernists by publishing a nonsense paper in the leading US journal, Social Text. It was laden with meaningless phrases but, as Sokal said, it sounded good to them. Other fields have not been immune. In 1964, critics of modern art were wowed by the work of Pierre Brassau, who turned out to be a four-year-old chimpanzee. In a more convoluted case, Bernard-Henri Lévy, one of France's best-known philosophers, was left to ponder his own expertise after quoting the lectures of Jean-Baptiste Botul as evidence that Kant was a fake, only to find out that Botul was the fake, an invention of a French reporter.

Just as the students wrote a quick and dirty program to churn out nonsense papers, so Labbé has written one to spot the papers. He has made it freely available, so publishers and conference organisers have no excuse for accepting nonsense work in future.

Krohn, who has now founded a startup called Keybase.io in New York that provides encryption to programmers, said Labbé's detective work revealed how deep the problem ran. Academics are under intense pressure to publish, conferences and journals want to turn their papers into profits, and universities want them published. "This ought to be a shock to people," Krohn said. "There's this whole academic underground where everyone seems to benefit, but they are wasting time and money and adding nothing to science. The institutions are being ripped off, because they pay publishers huge subscriptions for this stuff."

Krohn sees an arms race brewing, in which computers churn out ever more convincing papers, while other programs are designed to sniff them out. Does he regret the beast he helped unleash, or is he proud that it is still exposing weaknesses in the world of science? "I'm psyched, it's so great. These papers are so funny, you read them and can't help but laugh. They are total bullshit. And I don't see this going away."

• This article was amended on 27 February 2014, to cite Nature as the source of the story

*I added bold emphasis to what I believe is the most important thing to take away from this article IMHO.*



New member
Sep 21, 2004
Krohn, who has now founded a startup called Keybase.io in New York that provides encryption to programmers, said Labbé's detective work revealed how deep the problem ran. Academics are under intense pressure to publish, conferences and journals want to turn their papers into profits, and universities want them published. "This ought to be a shock to people," Krohn said. "There's this whole academic underground where everyone seems to benefit, but they are wasting time and money and adding nothing to science. The institutions are being ripped off, because they pay publishers huge subscriptions for this stuff."

Even though the article cited is from the UK, I assure you it applies to the state of academia in the US.

A little inside baseball as it relates to my field. While I don't research and publish anymore, I do have to keep up with the research in the field. So, I read the journals, attend conferences, and so on.

To show you how deeply this cycle of pseudo science runs, I will tell you how the publishing game is played in the area of Child Development related research topics. There are basically 3 tiers within the potential publishers within my field.

Top Tier -- most professionally rigorous journals which are subject to extensive peer review. Reserved for the most "important" and most sound research studies in the field. Very tough to get your study published within one of these journals and, as a result, very big influence on your career when you can get articles accepted and published. Can be a "closed society" in some respects.

Mid Tier -- fall back journals for studies which get rejected by the Top Tier journals. If your article isn't accepted by a Top Tier journal, you repackage it and submit here. As a researcher, you target one of these journals as a potential publisher from the get go when you know your study will likely be rejected at the Top Tier. Why? Time is also a pressure factor for academics--you can't go too long without showing academic contributions to your field via published or presented papers.

Bottom Tier -- these are frequently called "junk" publications. They accept articles rejected by the top 2 tier journals. But, they also publish articles the upper tiers would not even consider for publication. The reasons could vary--no real contribution to the field, poorly conducted research, studies which receive poor reviews, etc. These journals exist for the sole purpose of allowing academics to get credit for a publication IHMO. Most academics will not even cite studies published by these journals in their literature reviews.

When your study doesn't get accepted at any of the three tiers, you then rewrite it as a commentary or magazine article and submit it one of the thousands of parenting or children magazines or blogs so you can still add it to your resume.

So, you have a system set up by academics, run by academics, in order to promote and protect academics. I know this sounds rather cynical to someone who isn't within the system.

This is not to say there isn't any sound, important academic research being conducted and published. Technological breakthroughs in my field (and related fields) have produced an exponential growth in what we now know to be truth about children based on scientific research in the last 10 years. The key is knowing the difference between a sound "scientific research" study and a pseudo study. You can't cite a study as sound, professional research simply because it was published in a journal or presented at a conference.

The academic underground produces vastly greater amounts of pseudo science vs. true science. One simple rule of thumb, if the study you cite has never been replicated, there is a reason. If it is worth replicating, the field will do so and give it credibility.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
So, you have a system set up by academics, run by academics, in order to promote and protect academics. I know this sounds rather cynical to someone who isn't within the system.

It all makes perfect sense.

Oct 12, 2008
Rather interesting timing considering the posts I made regarding "scientific research," how to consume it, and how universities perpetuate the cycle of pseudo scientific research. Maybe this will help some begin to look at "scientific research" with a more balanced, knowledgeable, informed perspective.

Came across this piece from The Guardian today and thought it was relevant to that topic. Clearly there is a propensity on the part of many to defend their beliefs and/or back up there theories thru citing "science" or "scientific research" as if it was gospel truth. To reemphasize a previous point, many who cite such studies do not have the training required to properly consume and understand how the research was conducted and what the results "really" mean. I will address this a little more in a subsequent post in this thread.

The article also shows how it isn't only the public which is fooled by pseudo science. The professionals within a given field of academia, who are supposedly smart enough to know better, fall victim to even bogus "scientific research" due to the pressures inherent in the cycle of academia to protect itself.


How computer-generated fake papers are flooding academia

More and more academic papers that are essentially gobbledegook are being written by computer programs – and accepted at conferences

• Higgs would not have found his boson in today's publish-or-perish research culture

Like all the best hoaxes, there was a serious point to be made. Three MIT graduate students wanted to expose how dodgy scientific conferences pestered researchers for papers, and accepted any old rubbish sent in, knowing that academics would stump up the hefty, till-ringing registration fees.

It took only a handful of days. The students wrote a simple computer program that churned out gobbledegook and presented it as an academic paper. They put their names on one of the papers, sent it to a conference, and promptly had it accepted. The sting, in 2005, revealed a farce that lay at the heart of science.

But this is the hoax that keeps on giving. The creators of the automatic nonsense generator, Jeremy Stribling, Dan Aguayo and Maxwell Krohn, have made the SCIgen program free to download. And scientists have been using it in their droves. This week, Nature reported, French researcher Cyril Labbé revealed that 16 gobbledegook papers created by SCIgen had been used by German academic publisher Springer. More than 100 more fake SCIgen papers were published by the US Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). Both organisations have now taken steps to remove the papers.

Hoaxes in academia are nothing new. In 1996, mathematician Alan Sokal riled postmodernists by publishing a nonsense paper in the leading US journal, Social Text. It was laden with meaningless phrases but, as Sokal said, it sounded good to them. Other fields have not been immune. In 1964, critics of modern art were wowed by the work of Pierre Brassau, who turned out to be a four-year-old chimpanzee. In a more convoluted case, Bernard-Henri Lévy, one of France's best-known philosophers, was left to ponder his own expertise after quoting the lectures of Jean-Baptiste Botul as evidence that Kant was a fake, only to find out that Botul was the fake, an invention of a French reporter.

Just as the students wrote a quick and dirty program to churn out nonsense papers, so Labbé has written one to spot the papers. He has made it freely available, so publishers and conference organisers have no excuse for accepting nonsense work in future.

Krohn, who has now founded a startup called Keybase.io in New York that provides encryption to programmers, said Labbé's detective work revealed how deep the problem ran. Academics are under intense pressure to publish, conferences and journals want to turn their papers into profits, and universities want them published. "This ought to be a shock to people," Krohn said. "There's this whole academic underground where everyone seems to benefit, but they are wasting time and money and adding nothing to science. The institutions are being ripped off, because they pay publishers huge subscriptions for this stuff."

Krohn sees an arms race brewing, in which computers churn out ever more convincing papers, while other programs are designed to sniff them out. Does he regret the beast he helped unleash, or is he proud that it is still exposing weaknesses in the world of science? "I'm psyched, it's so great. These papers are so funny, you read them and can't help but laugh. They are total bullshit. And I don't see this going away."

• This article was amended on 27 February 2014, to cite Nature as the source of the story

*I added bold emphasis to what I believe is the most important thing to take away from this article IMHO.*

beliefs are powerful, sir. And yeah, monies, right or wrong, grossly impact. In the end, science wins...:). Stay good.

New member
Jan 16, 2013
Now that its silly to call it 'Global Warming' its 'Climate Change' probably in 20 years as the World starts to cool, they'll call in "Global Cooling". One thing stays the same, whatever they call it the villain is carbon emissions!


New member
Sep 21, 2004
In the end, science wins...:).

Ricboff, I would totally agree with your conclusion in the context of the hard sciences.

Regretfully, I have to argue the other side with regard to the "soft" sciences which should be influencing educational and child care/parenting policies in the US. Can cite numerous examples where the research proves one thing while policy dictates another. It is depressing at times.

Simple example, you nailed it in the other thread regarding the importance of parenting. Yet, there is an greater and greater antagonism between parents and the educational system in the US. Why turn your greatest ally into your enemy?

Apr 14, 2006
Nothing new. 4 areas which have been practicing this for years.

1) Statiticians
2) Economists
3) Global Warming Alarmist
4) Pharma Companies

Jul 4, 2012
beliefs are powerful, sir. And yeah, monies, right or wrong, grossly impact. In the end, science wins...:). Stay good.

Not really.

I can tell you that DDT is not a carcinogen and did not cause birds to die and should never have been banned. I can tell you that the people who banned it knew that it wasn't carcinogenic and banned it anyway. I can tell you that the DDT ban has caused the deaths of tens of millions of poor people, mostly children, whose deaths are directly attributable to a callous, technologically advanced western society that promoted the new cause of environmentalism by pushing a fantasy about a pesticide, and thus irrevocably harmed the third world. Banning DDT is one of the most disgraceful episodes in the twentieth century history of America. We knew better, and we did it anyway, and we let people around the world die and didn't give a damn.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Nothing new. 4 areas which have been practicing this for years.

1) Statiticians
2) Economists
3) Global Warming Alarmist
4) Pharma Companies

Care to elaborate as I am not exactly sure how you see these fitting and don't want to make any assumptions concerning your thoughts.

One common claim made about the 4 areas is the possibility of fudging #'s/stats to generate the desired results. A good statistician will tell you the stats don't lie, but the person manipulating them may, indeed, be corrupt.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
There's a difference between academics figuring out ways to get their crap papers published versus academics accepting such published papers. Many of these journals do not proof read every research paper they get rather they publish them based off the source, so if the source wants to play games and submit crap, it will be accepted by low tier journals. Does not mean it will be accepted by peer review. I feel like this is a very misleading implication of the knowledge people have from the research that is accepted and it just caters to the nutters like Sheriff Joe and Gas Man that they can continue thinking like retards.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
There's a difference between academics figuring out ways to get their crap papers published versus academics accepting such published papers. Many of these journals do not proof read every research paper they get rather they publish them based off the source, so if the source wants to play games and submit crap, it will be accepted by low tier journals. Does not mean it will be accepted by peer review. I feel like this is a very misleading implication of the knowledge people have from the research that is accepted and it just caters to the nutters like Sheriff Joe and Gas Man that they can continue thinking like retards.

"smart people think like me"



New member
Sep 21, 2004
There's a difference between academics figuring out ways to get their crap papers published versus academics accepting such published papers. Many of these journals do not proof read every research paper they get rather they publish them based off the source, so if the source wants to play games and submit crap, it will be accepted by low tier journals. Does not mean it will be accepted by peer review. I feel like this is a very misleading implication of the knowledge people have from the research that is accepted and it just caters to the nutters like Sheriff Joe and Gas Man that they can continue thinking like retards.

The article cited in the OP in the thread clearly points out how easy it is for junk papers to get accepted at academic conferences. And, yes, it isn't uncommon for junk papers to be given the nod for presentation at conferences.

Speaking in relation to my field, those types of papers will not be accepted at the major, national research conferences as there is a peer review component to that process. Not saying junk papers never get accepted at those conferences, but the claim that every paper submitted for potential presentation is categorically false.

The second post in the thread was strictly concerning the process for getting papers published in my field only, the soft science publications regarding education, children, developmental psych to be more specific.

I am not sure what journals you are referencing when you say, "Many of these journals do not proof read every research paper they get rather they publish them based off the source, so if the source wants to play games and submit crap, it will be accepted by low tier journals. Does not mean it will be accepted by peer review."

The type of publication you are referencing here, where papers accepted at face value, wasn't even given consideration in most 3 tier description. They are research rags and everyone within a given field knows which publications are rags. For the most part, a researcher/prof is foolish to even reference such a publication on his professional curriculum vitae. All the publications I would include in my three tier description have a peer review component although there differences in the degrees of rigor applied in each tier.

Not sure I completely understand the point you were making in the last sentence of your post. Feel free to clarify as I made no attempt to mislead anyone regarding the nature of the research in my field. As I said in the last sentences of post 2, if you choose to cite a study, you should only do so if it has been replicated. Crap science is only given life by those who lack the wisdom to properly consume it.

Oct 12, 2008
Not really.

I can tell you that DDT is not a carcinogen and did not cause birds to die and should never have been banned. I can tell you that the people who banned it knew that it wasn't carcinogenic and banned it anyway. I can tell you that the DDT ban has caused the deaths of tens of millions of poor people, mostly children, whose deaths are directly attributable to a callous, technologically advanced western society that promoted the new cause of environmentalism by pushing a fantasy about a pesticide, and thus irrevocably harmed the third world. Banning DDT is one of the most disgraceful episodes in the twentieth century history of America. We knew better, and we did it anyway, and we let people around the world die and didn't give a damn.

it's ugly when evil gets control. Science is about truth. It doesn't know 'good or bad'. And science, in the end does win. Truth ultimately wins. It HAS to, :)

Apr 14, 2006
The article cited in the OP in the thread clearly points out how easy it is for junk papers to get accepted at academic conferences. And, yes, it isn't uncommon for junk papers to be given the nod for presentation at conferences.

Speaking in relation to my field, those types of papers will not be accepted at the major, national research conferences as there is a peer review component to that process. Not saying junk papers never get accepted at those conferences, but the claim that every paper submitted for potential presentation is categorically false.

The second post in the thread was strictly concerning the process for getting papers published in my field only, the soft science publications regarding education, children, developmental psych to be more specific.

I am not sure what journals you are referencing when you say, "Many of these journals do not proof read every research paper they get rather they publish them based off the source, so if the source wants to play games and submit crap, it will be accepted by low tier journals. Does not mean it will be accepted by peer review."

The type of publication you are referencing here, where papers accepted at face value, wasn't even given consideration in most 3 tier description. They are research rags and everyone within a given field knows which publications are rags. For the most part, a researcher/prof is foolish to even reference such a publication on his professional curriculum vitae. All the publications I would include in my three tier description have a peer review component although there differences in the degrees of rigor applied in each tier.

Not sure I completely understand the point you were making in the last sentence of your post. Feel free to clarify as I made no attempt to mislead anyone regarding the nature of the research in my field. As I said in the last sentences of post 2, if you choose to cite a study, you should only do so if it has been replicated. Crap science is only given life by those who lack the wisdom to properly consume it.

Welcome to the Poly Forum. One piece of advice, you are trying to hard. Just do what the rest do on here and post some opinion or copy some hack editorial piece, and then totally ignore any rebuttal or just do what dumb fucks like Akphi and Guesser do and just insult anyone opposing their opinion and call other people stupid or primitive.

Good luck.

Sep 21, 2004
Welcome to the Poly Forum. One piece of advice, you are trying to hard. Just do what the rest do on here and post some opinion or copy some hack editorial piece, and then totally ignore any rebuttal or just do what dumb fucks like Akphi and Guesser do and just insult anyone opposing their opinion and call other people stupid or primitive.

Good luck.
Forgive Gassy res, he's a mean drunk who projects when he's in the sauce too hard. I applaud your effort to raise the bar. Don't get discourage by his type.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
real science involves studies to arrive at certain conclusions or at least point them in a certain direction, real science systematically eliminates other possibilities, real science addresses variables and opinions that lead to a different conclusion and then set out to prove the opposition wrong

often times modern day science seems to start with a desired conclusion, and then boasts about studies that support their conclusion (presumably to receive more government funds) and the worst thing about it is that it simply ignores or trivializes facts that don't support their positions. In some cases, they actually commit fraud. Man made global warming be a case in point

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Welcome to the Poly Forum. One piece of advice, you are trying to hard. Just do what the rest do on here and post some opinion or copy some hack editorial piece, and then totally ignore any rebuttal or just do what dumb fucks like Akphi and Guesser do and just insult anyone opposing their opinion and call other people stupid or primitive.

Good luck.

this is something one has to learn through experience

over the years, how many people have you watched try and reason with those that can't be reasoned with?

eventually they arrive at the same conclusion, but the human spirit is resilient in many of us. we think we can make a difference for them. Eventually we all realize we're dealing with some really dense and stupid muthu fuckers around here, and then one simply chooses to toy with them

if you can't reach them, you might as well use their weaknesses for levity

Nov 2, 2008
Now that its silly to call it 'Global Warming' its 'Climate Change' probably in 20 years as the World starts to cool, they'll call in "Global Cooling". One thing stays the same, whatever they call it the villain is carbon emissions!
Not to worry, it'll be back to global warming in just a few months.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
real science involves studies to arrive at certain conclusions or at least point them in a certain direction, real science systematically eliminates other possibilities, real science addresses variables and opinions that lead to a different conclusion and then set out to prove the opposition wrong

often times modern day science seems to start with a desired conclusion, and then boasts about studies that support their conclusion (presumably to receive more government funds) and the worst thing about it is that it simply ignores or trivializes facts that don't support their positions. In some cases, they actually commit fraud. Man made global warming be a case in point

Keynesian economics and Gorebull Warming® aren't real science.

Only the true ideological cult followers believe that nonsense.

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