So , if Platinum, which actually has a use ( catalytic converters), can drop that badly.....
How secure can you feel with Gold ?
The main use of Gold is to sit in vaults... because it always has been highly valued... so it always will be ?
Why isn't it trading well over $1,000 now ?
My problem with Gold is that it isn't used for much beyond jewelry, and tiny amounts in electronics. Man could live just fine without it.
Gold was $1,000 in 1980.... that would be something like $2,500 today, just to break even ( no interest), for holding it for 28 years.
Who is taking Gold for food and stuff in dire times ahead ?
I'd rather not be too into Gold. Farmland ( I'm sounding like Fishhead !), might be more like it. Perhaps less precious metals like copper ?
I know you can't move copper like Gold, but at least it is needed.