What are your predictions about the MEMO??? -- Feb 1, 2018


New member
Jan 11, 2015
If you put all the pieces together here's what you get. The DNC rigs the Democratic Primary Election against Bernie Sanders so Hilliary can win the nomination. Obama's administration starts to request surveillance on Trump, his family, his transition team, and anyone associated with him. Donna Brazil gives Hilliary the questions to a debate. The DNC pays Christopher Steele to come up with a smear dossier about Trump. The mainstream media releases a taped conversation about Trump talking about grabbing women parts. After all this Trump still wins the General Election. Obama orders an investigation into Russia meddling in our elections. Obama changes Executive Order 12333 to allow more agencies to have access to surveillance data. The Democratic Party comes up with a scandal that Trump Colluded with Russia to win the election with no evidence or proof. This wild claim is backed up by the mainstream media. Obama hold overs start unmasking Trump's transition team and staff members then release the classified information to the mainstream media. Why? Because the DNC and the Obama administration colluded with the intelligence community to thwart Trump's campaign efforts to get him elected president. All this Russia collusion is an attempt to cover up the fact that the Obama administration, the intelligence community, the DNC, along with the mainstream media used our nations surveillance as a political tool to try to get Hilliary elected President. This makes Watergate look like a kindergarten play. Let that sink in.......

Absolutely correct.

The key is that all this is held together, in the end, by the will of the people. Brainwashed liberals need to understand that the shadow governement and the media are working together against the will and benefit of the people. Once they get to that point, then we can get the country back. Until it gets to that point things cannot be truly accomplished.

Although this is ridiculously huge showing a rigged election between Obama and Clinton, it is not enough. It is just a building block b/c the levels of brainwashing is epic. More and more unraveling of this corruption needs to be shown and then eventually it will all unravel.

Only problem is that they will try to kill Trump first. We need 8 years of Trump and then his son to be president to get to 12 years. If that were to happen, it would no doubt be achieved and we could upend the scam of the Federal Reserve.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
If releasing the memo did nothing else other than open the eyes of the naive,
if only for a moment, then it was a success. For those who believe the U.S.
could never become a banana republic their beliefs were shaken if only for
a day. If the memo actually exposed corruption within our government then
what's next?

That's the big question in my mind. Forget that our government was corrupt,
I already new that. Forget the fact that the powerful among us can literally
commit murder and get away with it, I already knew that too. Will justice
prevail, will the perpetrators and their enablers pay a price or will their
status allow them to ride of into the sunset unscathed?

We're at a crossroad, do we turn left or do we turn right? My fear is we will
blindly keep going straight ahead like nothing ever happened.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
If releasing the memo did nothing else other than open the eyes of the naive,
if only for a moment, then it was a success. For those who believe the U.S.
could never become a banana republic their beliefs were shaken if only for
a day. If the memo actually exposed corruption within our government then
what's next?

That's the big question in my mind. Forget that our government was corrupt,
I already new that. Forget the fact that the powerful among us can literally
commit murder and get away with it, I already knew that too. Will justice
prevail, will the perpetrators and their enablers pay a price or will their
status allow them to ride of into the sunset unscathed?

We're at a crossroad, do we turn left or do we turn right? My fear is we will
blindly keep going straight ahead like nothing ever happened.

Of Obama's and Crooked Hillary's numerous evil deeds, for once the government officially acknowledged one of them. Not quite vindication for Seth Rich, but whatever... it's a start.

The left just doesn't care. No matter how much it is proven a fraud, "Russia Russia Russia!" is a means to an end - reversing an election they lost. Like petulant children, any further discoveries will be met with the usual foot stomping covering their ears screaming "la la la la la la!"

And the beat marches on...

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Of Obama's and Crooked Hillary's numerous evil deeds, for once the government officially acknowledged one of them. Not quite vindication for Seth Rich, but whatever... it's a start.

The left just doesn't care. No matter how much it is proven a fraud, "Russia Russia Russia!" is a means to an end - reversing an election they lost. Like petulant children, any further discoveries will be met with the usual foot stomping covering their ears screaming "la la la la la la!"

And the beat marches on...
Now we're going to find out if the right does.

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
Twitter running a fake news story.

Carter Page Touted Kremlin Contacts in 2013 Letter

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
I'll say it again...

Twitter is worse then CNN & MSNBC.....And it's not even close

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Steve King’s Memo Warning: ‘Watch Closely for Barack Obama’s Fingerprints’

The Associated Press

by ROBERT KRAYCHIK3 Feb 2018581

“Watch closely for Barack Obama’s fingerprints,” said Rep. Steve King (R-IA) on Saturday, suggesting the recent alleged partisan weaponization of state surveillance powers could be connected to the 44th president. “[Democrats and their allies] will defend Barack Obama at all costs, and they’ll defend Hillary Clinton almost at all costs unless they have to sacrifice her to protect Barack Obama,” he added.

King offered his remarks during an interview with Breitbart News’s Deputy Political Editor Amanda House on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Saturday.

Against the backdrop of
Friday’s released memo from the House Intelligence Committee (HIC), King called for further investigation into what role, if any, Obama and his cabinet officials played in procuring state surveillance of Carter Page and George Papadopoulos (two peripheral operatives of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign) via Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) applications submitted before the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC).

The HIC memo alleges the commission of abuses of power by the FBI and Justice Department (DOJ) under the Obama administration in surveilling Page and Papadopoulos.

“Look at all of these investigations now,” said King. “Look closely for Barack Obama’s fingerprints. I’ve just identified some that I think are fingerprints, and I think this trail leads to the Obama presidency, to Barack Obama himself, but it’s going to take some time if we get there, and I’m not certain that the evidence trail necessarily leads there. There’s an indication trail that says we need to take a look and find out. But if it’s not Barack Obama, then who is it? Well, it’s Loretta Lynch, for example, and James Comey, and McCabe, and that cast of characters from Sally Yates on down. I don’t think we’ve ever seen such a long row of very high-level executive branch officials wrapped up in something here that is political partisanship, weaponizing the FBI and DOJ to do opposition research that was stimulated by the presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and [paid for with her] and the DNC’s checkbooks.”

House recalled Obama’s denial — made during an
interview with Fox News Channel’s Chris Wallace on April 10, 2016 — that partisan and political considerations would afford Hillary Clinton favorable treatment by the FBI and DOJ during ostensible federal investigations into her negligent handling of classified information via email and other telecommunications during her tenure as secretary of state.

Partial transcript below:

WALLACE: Mr. President … some people I think are worried whether or not — the decision whether or not, how to handle the [Hillary email] case, will be made on political grounds, not legal grounds. Can you guarantee to the American people, can you direct the Justice Department to say, “Hillary Clinton will be treated as the evidence goes — she will not be, in any way, protected”?

OBAMA: I can guarantee that. And I can guarantee that not because I give Attorney General Lynch a directive, [but because] that is institutionally how we have always operated. I do not talk to the attorney general about pending investigations. I do not talk to FBI directors about pending investigations. We have a strict line and always have maintained it.

WALLACE: So, just to button this up —

OBAMA: I guarantee it.


OBAMA: I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department, or the FBI, not just in this case, but in any case.

WALLACE: And she will be —

OBAMA: Full stop. Period.

WALLACE: And she will be treated no different —

OBAMA: Guaranteed. Full stop. Nobody gets treated differently when it comes to the Justice Department, because nobody is above the law.

WALLACE: Even if she ends up as the Democratic nominee?

OBAMA: How many times do I have to say it, Chris? Guaranteed.

During his interview with Wallace, Obama further claimed that Hillary Clinton “would never intentionally put America in any kind of jeopardy.” King linked Obama’s description of Clinton’s supposedly good intentions to the Obama administration’s ultimate exoneration — via
James Comey’s statement on July 5, 2016 — of the former first lady on the grounds of an alleged lack of intent to feloniously mishandle classified information.

The Obama administration sought to use state surveillance powers to collect intelligence on then-presidential candidate Donald Trump and his associates to afford Hillary Clinton’s political campaign advantages, speculated King.

“[The FBI was doing] opposition research [into the] Trump campaign,” said King. “To think what that means, it looked to me like it was a fishing expedition. They had targeted Carter Page because they saw that he had direct communications with Trump, and they wanted to pick up anything they could pick up on him that could be leaked to the press.”

“This is an arrogance of being high-level operatives in the FBI and DOJ,” said King. “To take your profession that you’re paid to do and decide that you know best who should be president of the United States, and that should be Hillary Clinton.”

Democrats, their consultants, and their news media allies will “manufacture arguments… without regard to truth [and] without regard to being objective” on the issue of political and partisan weaponization of the FBI and DOJ in order to “move public opinion,” said King.

“[Democrats want] to destroy the credibility of the objective truth,” added King. “They will defend Barack Obama at all costs, and they’ll defend Hillary Clinton almost at all costs unless they have to sacrifice her to protect Barack Obama.”



Apr 14, 2006
You are joking- right?

Fascinating they won't release the democratic memo huh?

Hey dipshit, the Dem memo has been read by members of the intel committees and has been stated that ZERO of the facts in the Nunes memo were contested.

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