Do you understand exactly who Nunes is, what he does and what the point of writing this memo was? It isn’t some personal journal diary that he decided to make public for fun.
My guess is no, based on what you’ve been posting.
Second Dossier by ‘Creepy Clinton Confidante’ Raises Doubts About FBI’s Trump Probe
Second Dossier by ‘Creepy Clinton Confidante’ Raises Doubts About FBI’s Trump Probe
Fascinating why the Dems are trying so hard to stop "The Memo"?
And if you come at me with national security bullshit I'd gladly point you in the direction of our southern border.
I can see Rosenstein getting his poop shoot packed. As for the restThis is all Hussein's fault, the Pavians who were dumb enough to vote for him and the spineless RINOs who refused to stop him for 8 years.
This is what you get. This is what happens when voters give Democrats the keys to the car - they crash it straight into the ditch.
Hussein's criminality runs deep - Fast and Furious, Benghazi, EPA, IRS abuses and now deeply embedded corruption and politicization of our intelligence agencies and state dept that will need to be fumigated by the time all is said and done. Hussein weaponized our intelligence services - FACT.
It's nothing Trump did, anyone in his place would be subjected to the same vicious Deep State lies, smears, lamestream media leaks and attacks undermining his agenda. It's who they are and what they do.
After Rosenstein, McCabe, Comey etc. are exposed in the memo and "Russia collusion" is revealed as the delusional hoax we all know it is, Trump needs to clean out the DOJ/FBI and fire Mueller.
Then, if he's serious about "draining the swamp", Crooked Hillary, Lois Lerner, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Valerie Jarrett, John Kerry, Susan Rice and the Big Daddy community organizer himself need to be held accountable by military tribunal(s) for the criminal role(s) they played in the previous regime.
President Trump, do what you were elected do - DRAIN THE SWAMP!
I can see Rosenstein getting his poop shoot packed. As for the rest
of them, do you have any idea of what it would take to just indict let
alone convict all of them? First of all you'd need someone relentless enough
to spend the next 20 years of his/her life making the case then prosecuting
and convicting. A couple of them would die before they were convicted and
the country would loose interest.
I don't know anyone willing to put that kind of effort into it, Trump included.
He's only be around for 7 more years. After that who knows what's going to
happen. Hell by then the majority of people in this country may be observing
the call to pray every day for all we know.
Sorry Joe, realistically I don't see it happening.
Fascinating why the Dems are trying so hard to stop "The Memo"?
And if you come at me with national security bullshit I'd gladly point you in the direction of our southern border.
Hmmm- why should anyone be concerned about a drumpf flunky who has conjured up a remarkable story that frames special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation as an FBI effort to hurt Trump? Gee I wonder? I love that to make this a truly comprehensive conspiracy theory, it uses both Hillary Clinton and the infamous Steele dossier in establishing the connections. Classic page from republitard playbook.
In the interest of national security, why aren't they releasing the other memo?
Oh yeah- forgot it's not about that. It's all about discrediting all of those investigating the corrupt fucker.