True Moon, but that line would still get hammered by the smarts taking Det plus points..hand over fist betting..even farm out orders via beards.
Win or lose..square action included..the BMs still have to keep a respectable scarecrow up to keep the pros from firing in too hard.
P.S. If this were in an early softer series, where they thought they knew for sure that either a sandbagging or wounded LA to date, was ready to "bring it" in a high PE spot(like Gm-4 VS Hou, or Gm-3 & Gm-4 vs SA ), they may make LA chalk, but given level of play thus far, and stakes at hand, the results show obvious level of being outplayed, thus if making LA chalk for Gm-4 would be clearly gambling by any BM..the square action will love LA in this spot at any the Pros the price is a factor in play size(if not also for some the side also)..oh the intrigue!
[This message was edited by Horseshoe on June 11, 2004 at 12:55 AM.]