<dl><dt class="hwrd">Main Entry:</dt><dd class="hwrd">de·flow·er
</dd><dt class="pron">Pronunciation:</dt><dd class="pron"> \(ˌ)dē-ˈflau̇(-ə)r\ </dd><dt class="func">Function:</dt><dd class="func">transitive verb </dd><dt class="ety">Etymology:</dt><dd class="ety">Middle English deflouren, from Middle French or Late Latin; Old French desflorer, from Late Latin deflorare, from Latin de- + flor-, flos flower — more at blow</dd><dt class="date">Date:</dt><dd class="date">14th century</dd></dl> 1 : to deprive of virginity 2 : to take away the prime beauty of
— de·flow·er·er noun
— de·flow·er·er noun