I hope this works as a reverse jinx, but I'm afraid that my fears have been realized. I have the OVER 89 1st half. I have the OVER 177.5 for the game. Both are important to my day and I believe that I have already lost both!!!!! I KNEW IT l;askdjfa;lskdjfl;askdjfa;lsdjf;laskdjfl;askdjf;laskdjf. ME & EVERYONE and their cat and dog and wife were on the OVERS in this one. ;lasjdf;laksdjf;laskdjfalskjdf;alskjdf;laskjdfla;skjdfla;skdjfl;askdjfal;skdjf
tulsa ;alsdjf;alskdjf;alskdjf;alskdjfa;lskdjf damn
tulsa ;alsdjf;alskdjf;alskdjf;alskdjfa;lskdjf damn