ok like i said this is a tough board so please bet within your means
pitt/cincy under 36 - 2600-2k
see above
Car- 3- 1200 to win 1k -
really like the panthers in this spot. saints have shown me some things this year but everytime they look solid they comeback and look subpar.. car pissede about last week performance and i expect a D to make it tough on brees. colston back from injury will need a couple weeks of fast paced actionj he's onlyy 80% back
Wash -7- 880 to win 800
Brownies caught the G men in the right spot, they wont be so lucky the secodn time around a nfc east squad as they will play on 5 days rest and are away.. portis or not i like wash to win by 13
Bal +3- 825 to win 750
hmmmm i must say i kind of lean tl miami in this spot, but ray lewis and joe public not flacco i mean joe pub) is what gives me faith!!!!.. pts may matter
BUFF -1 5500 to win 5000
LOOOOOOOVE THIS SPOt . team off a bye at home , 2 weeks to prepare agaisnt a team playuing sunday night and traveling across country , and to be honest havent looked special to me yet (n.e. sux).. special teams will be a HUGE factor today looked for bobby april to have his boys ready for a october shower!!!!
4 o clocks will be some as well looking hard at g.b.
also a couple of o/u leans do what u want with them i'm betting some but not posting these
the cat