Thank you XS. Best of luck to you, sir.
Winner thursday.
11-7 +350
Week 3 since 2001 inclusive
HF 60
HD 33
RF 36
RD 76
Want to get a couple of these up because I'm losing some line value.
Buffalo +2 -102 (@ Mia)
Don't think that Rexy is gonna want to go 0-2 in the Division. The last two weeks Buffalo had to face Luck and Brady. Miami faced Cousins and Bortles.
Cincy +2' -108 (@ Balty)
The last three matchups the Bengals have feasted on Black Bird both SU and ATS. I haven't seen anything thusfar this year that would put the tiger meat on the plate.
San Fran +6' +100 (@ Azo)
So Zona beat New Orleans and Chicago. Gimme 22 guys from this board and we have a chance against those bums. I'll take the team everyone wrote off before the season even began with the generous 6' in a Divisional game.