<TABLE class="rgMasterTable MasterTable" id=ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_GamesGrid_ctl00 style="TABLE-LAYOUT: auto; WIDTH: 100%; empty-cells: show" cellSpacing=0 rules=all border=1><TBODY><TR class=rgRow id=ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_GamesGrid_ctl00__12 style="HEIGHT: 20px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white"><TD align=right>09/05/2009
03:30 PM
</TD><TD>155 - Georgia
156 - Oklahoma State
</TD><TD align=middle>5798 </TD><TD align=middle>
</TD><TD align=right>+6 -110
-6 100
</TD><TD align=right>+5.5 -110
-5.5 100
</TD><TD align=middle>
It's got potential to get to 7. I hope it does because I really want to play GA.