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27-7-3-2 Meet Stats
1st: 6-Three to Thirteen $40WP
$20 exacta box: 6/5
$10 triple: 6/5/2,4
$10 triple: 6/2,4/5
$10 triple: 5/6/2,4
$20DD: 6/4,6,8
1st: 5,6
3rd: 2,5,6
4th: 2,5,12
5th: 2,4,8
2nd: 6-Saratoga Spirit $60WP
$30 exacta box: 6/4; 6/8
2nd: 4,6,8
3rd: 2,5,6
4th: 2,5,12
5th: 2,4,8
3rd: 6-Know it all Anna $40WP
$20 exacta box: 6/2; 6/5
4th: 5-Casigordo $40WP
$20 exacta box: 5/2; 5/12
5th: 2-Spearhead $60WIN
$30 exacta box: 2/8
$20 exacta: 2/4
$20 Grand Slam:
5th: 2,8
6th: 3
7th: 2
8th: 2,4,6
6th: 3-Deedeezee $150WIN Best Bet
$40 exacta: 3/1; 3/2
$20 triple: 3/1,2/1,2,4,7
$20DD: 3/2,5,7
6th: 3
7th: 2,5,7
8th: 2,3,6
9th: 1,4,7,8
7th: 5-St Louie $60WP
$30 exacta box: 5/2; 5/7
8th: 2-Finn's Girl $40WP
$20 exacta box: 2/3; 2/6
9th: 1-Starago $60WP
$20 exacta box: 1/4; 1/7; 1/8
$10 triple: 1/4,7,8/2,4,7,8,9
$8 triple: 4,7,8/1/2,4,7,8,9
27-7-3-2 Meet Stats
1st: 6-Three to Thirteen $40WP
$20 exacta box: 6/5
$10 triple: 6/5/2,4
$10 triple: 6/2,4/5
$10 triple: 5/6/2,4
$20DD: 6/4,6,8
1st: 5,6
3rd: 2,5,6
4th: 2,5,12
5th: 2,4,8
2nd: 6-Saratoga Spirit $60WP
$30 exacta box: 6/4; 6/8
2nd: 4,6,8
3rd: 2,5,6
4th: 2,5,12
5th: 2,4,8
3rd: 6-Know it all Anna $40WP
$20 exacta box: 6/2; 6/5
4th: 5-Casigordo $40WP
$20 exacta box: 5/2; 5/12
5th: 2-Spearhead $60WIN
$30 exacta box: 2/8
$20 exacta: 2/4
$20 Grand Slam:
5th: 2,8
6th: 3
7th: 2
8th: 2,4,6
6th: 3-Deedeezee $150WIN Best Bet
$40 exacta: 3/1; 3/2
$20 triple: 3/1,2/1,2,4,7
$20DD: 3/2,5,7
6th: 3
7th: 2,5,7
8th: 2,3,6
9th: 1,4,7,8
7th: 5-St Louie $60WP
$30 exacta box: 5/2; 5/7
8th: 2-Finn's Girl $40WP
$20 exacta box: 2/3; 2/6
9th: 1-Starago $60WP
$20 exacta box: 1/4; 1/7; 1/8
$10 triple: 1/4,7,8/2,4,7,8,9
$8 triple: 4,7,8/1/2,4,7,8,9