Why has the line shifted to PK on this game?
God damn the fucking line movement! :smoking:
<TABLE borderColor=#000000 cellSpacing=0 width="98%" bgColor=#000000 border=0><TBODY><TR bgColor=#363636><TD width="100%"><SMALL>
8:00 pm </SMALL></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE borderColor=#000000 cellSpacing=0 width="98%" bgColor=#000000 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle width=35>727</TD><TD width=180>
Butler</TD><TD align=middle width=85>
pk</TD><TD align=middle width=85>
128</TD><TD align=right width=45>-110</TD><TD width=85></TD><TD width=85></TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle width=35>728</TD><TD width=180>
Bradley</TD><TD align=middle width=85></TD><TD align=middle width=85></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Is this a
TRAP GAME for those who are betting Butler?
I should have waited.
I may have to buy back my Butler -2 bet and get
JUICED! Damn it! :sad3: