With his stock price on a steep decline since it's inception. It's now at .13 cents and falling. Wayne Root's company "The Winning Rdge", is on the verge of being delisted. His income the last three years is over 2 million below his expenses and frustration has led to desperation by Wayne.Inside sources have said that investors have told him to break even by the end of March or they are pulling out. The house of cards could be coming to an end. Investors are angry. Lawsuits from people owed money,i.e. sporting news radio and others are starting to close the noose on one of the world's top *ullshiters and self professed champion handicapper. Wayne thought by going public he could raise the bar and become the elete sports service in the country. Instead he might be finished and forced to grovel to Jim Feist's feet for a job. Great job Wayne! What goes around, comes around.