Wayne Root on "Savage Nation" (1/30/2009)


Jan 19, 2005
Wayne on with Michael Savage on "Savage Nation" (1/30/2009)

<EMBED src=http://blip.tv/play/gsh+6dRxAA width=300 height=300 type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></EMBED>

Jan 19, 2005
Wayne on "Savage Nation" with Michael Savage talking about California's Budget Crisis

<EMBED src=http://blip.tv/play/Ae6KQwA width=320 height=270 type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></EMBED>

I'd rather be Kayak fishing
Jul 18, 2006
I didn't know Mr. Root was so politically savvy. Awesome stuff! America is fucked.

Jan 19, 2005
Hes awesome, and I cant wait for Ron Paul and Wayne Root to join forces on the same ticket. He tells it like it is and I look forward to posting more of his views to create more fans

Jan 19, 2005
Monday, May 4, 2009, 11:23 AM

How Obama Conducted a Mafia-Style Shakedown and Stole Chrysler From Secured Lenders and Handed the Stolen Goods to the Auto Unions.

By Wayne Allyn Root, 2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential nominee

I've been arguing for 2 years now that Barack Obama and his anti-capitalism, pro-union friends want to change the way America does business. I've stated out loud on numerous occasions that their goal is to destroy (or certainly badly damage) capitalism and tilt the playing field in favor of socialism. I've argued that Obama is trying to turn the U.S. economy into FRANCE- a country dominated by big government and big unions. Well I wish I were wrong, but my worst fears were realized last week when Obama literally stole the ownership of Chrysler from capitalist investors and risk-takers, and handed the stolen property to the auto worker unions that supported him in the recent Presidential election. It was a shakedown that would make John Gotti or the leaders of the Crips and Bloods proud.

Obama is my Columbia University Class of '83 classmate. As such, I can tell you that the vast majority of my classmates at Columbia University disdained capitalism and capitalists. Worse, Obama went on to become a law student, law professor and lawyer (as well as a “community activist” ie professional protestor). Lawyers are the natural enemies of business- they don't create jobs. To the contrary, they sue the courageous capitalist job creators and risk-takers, thereby destroying jobs. With a natural disdain of business, Obama has spent the past 25 years since our college graduation attacking and suing business, as well as teaching others how to do the same. He has never in his life started a business, funded a business, risked his money on a business, or created a single job. Now we've elected him to run the entire American economy. As a man with zero business experience, a natural disdain of capitalism, and now drunk with power, Obama has decided to abandon the rule of law and conduct a hostile takeover of American business. Frightening.

Here is what happened at the Chrysler negotiations last week. Plain and simple, Obama conducted a Mafia-style shakedown. He went to SECURED creditors who risked $6.9 Billion of their risk capital on saving Chrysler, and who rightly owned a large majority of the company, and told them their secured interest was no longer secured. Obama put a gun to their heads and told these capitalist risk-takers to accept a 86% markdown of their secured holdings in Chrysler. Next he proceeded to hand a vastly larger 55% ownership to the Auto Workers Union, which was unsecured, last on the totem pole of creditors, and therefore likely to receive little or nothing in the event of a business failure. Obama, the mafia don, decided to throw the rule of law out and shakedown the wealthy capitalists he so disdains. He told secured creditors (capitalists who happen to usually support Republicans and fiscally conservative candidates), owed $6.9 billion, that their ownership was worth pennies on the dollar, while he handed (out of the blue) majority ownership to unsecured auto workers (who happened to support Obama's Presidential campaign with millions of dollars in contributions and man-hours). He capped off the shakedown by allegedly threatening to use the White House Press Corp. to destroy the reputation of the creditors. John Gotti would be proud.

I've been in business my entire adult life. I've raised money, risked money and borrowed money on countless occasions. The rule of law is simple: whoever risks their cold, hard cash always has priority over all other creditors. Those with skin in the game are always in the drivers seat. My creativity, tenacity, organization skills, motivation skills, and thousands of hours of work always stand in line behind those who put their money at risk. Risk talks, all the rest walks. That's how capitalism works. PERIOD.

That's the rule of business…and the rule of law. Now, along comes Obama to change the rules. When a man disdains capitalism and capitalist risk-takers, suddenly the rules are out the window. Suddenly those who put up the capital, those who shoulder the majority of the risk, are no longer first in line if the business fails. Obama made it abundantly clear last week in the Chrysler negotiations that the rule of law has been replaced by the rule of street thugs and shakedown artists. Obama's plan simply ignored the secured first-in-line creditors and risk-takers, gave them pennies on the dollar, and rewarded (paid-off) the auto unions with a majority interest for risking nothing. Then he turned around and blamed the capitalists for being selfish, and unwilling to sacrifice.

Where is the sacrifice of the auto unions? Sacrifice? Obama just pulled off the biggest taxpayer and capitalist rip-off in history. Taxpayer money, and investor's money just got “crammed down” to almost nothing, to make room for majority ownership for Obama's friends at the auto unions. Of course he and his political allies will receive HUGE kickbacks in campaign contributions in the future for his thuggery.

This is a political payoff- pure and simple. It is a shakedown of epic proportions. The bankruptcy judge and courts should, of course, absolutely reject Obama's shakedown tactics and follow the rule of law. Unfortunately, with an administration that has clearly shown itself willing to operate on an intimidation, thug, and mafia level, I have no confidence that will happen. But the fair outcome to uphold the rule of law, is that the people involved in this political shakedown and theft should all be sent to prison for extortion, fraud and grand theft (just as the mafia would be for taking the same actions).

One of the biggest problems with politicians like Obama who have a total lack of understanding about business, economics and the world economy is that they do not see the unexpected consequences of their short-term political payoffs. In this case, it is none other than the destruction of capitalism and the American economy.

Since Obama took office the mantra we have heard is the need to get credit and capital flowing again. Our children's and grandchildren's futures have been mortgaged with the trillions of dollars that Obama has spent to accomplish that goal. Now, in one fell swoop of audacious ignorance for the sake of political payoffs, Obama has slammed shut the spigot of capital flow to American business. As has been made clear over the past months, foreigners control much of our capital. But, because we are a land of laws, including the law that those who provide the capital stand first in line to get it back if the business venture should fail, they have readily invested this capital in American businesses. NO MORE! Obama has just thrown that out the window and the ripple effects will be rapid and devastating.

In a global economy it is as easy to invest in a business in Europe, China, or Brazil as it is in the United States. Given the fact that President Obama now says your secured capital can be stolen from you, why would anyone (foreigners or Americans) any longer invest in American business? Obama has just made it far harder, if not impossible, to get any capitalist investor or risk-taker anywhere in the world to invest in any American business. Perhaps President Obama really hates capitalism and capitalists. Or perhaps he just doesn't understand it all. Either way, his actions have caused great damage to the American economy.

Is there a way to undo the damage? Yes. Voters can elect candidates who understand business; understand the long-term consequences of their actions; support and reward capitalism; encourage free markets without government interference, manipulation or extortion; value the rule of law; and don't support government making payoffs to political supporters.

As I close, I have a few important question for you President Obama- Without capitalism or capitalists willing to take risks, who is going to pay the bills for all your out-of-control spending plans and welfare programs disguised as “tax cuts” (for people who don't pay taxes)? Who is going to pay for your dramatically increased handouts and entitlements? Who is going to pay for your next round of bailouts? Who is going to pay for your next round of economic stimulus? I'm afraid you've got a huge problem President Obama. I'm afraid you have budget and revenue projections that you can throw out the window. I'm afraid you have tax revenue projections that are now closer to fairy tales than reality. I'm afraid you now have deficits the size of which no one has ever dared imagine in world history. Here's the moral to the story for my socialist college classmate: Be careful what you wish for, it may come true.

Wayne Allyn Root was the 2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential candidate. His new book will be released by John Wiley & Sons this July entitled, “The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts.” The book is available for pre-sale at Amazon.com. For more of Wayne's views, commentaries, or to watch his many media interviews, please visit his web site at: www.ROOTforAmerica.com


Here to help
Jul 15, 2005
Brucefan, Root is a black eye for the Libertarians. He's a career conman, a boiler room hustler, penny stock scammer. Bad, bad, bad news for a party looking to be taken seriously.

Jan 19, 2005
Brucefan, Root is a black eye for the Libertarians. He's a career conman, a boiler room hustler, penny stock scammer. Bad, bad, bad news for a party looking to be taken seriously.

His politics are dead on, and thats all I care about

Lets not forget we elected Barak Obama, talk about shady backgrounds:ohno:

"Here we go again"
Jul 1, 2006
I like Root's political views alot. They are dead on.

Anyone who is a tout is somewhat sleazy, but he isn't as bad as Brandon Lang and other huge scumbags.

Jan 19, 2005
One of the reasons I post most of his stuff from his blog is that very few people during the election got a chance to hear what he has to say.

He wasn't allowed in the debates, most networks other then fox ever gave him any airtime, the guy has a very confident strong personality , great common sense , and a tell it like it is approach to politics

I really believe that most people when they dig deep enough, agree with the Libertarian viewpoints of being fiscally conservative, but more liberal on social issues.

The more you listen to him, the more you will like him, unless you still hold a grudge from that GOY play he gave you on the Usc Oregon game back in 85 that went up in flames

"Here we go again"
Jul 1, 2006
I agree, he should get more air time. Instead we are force fed corrupt politicans who are all bought and paid for by the same special interests.

Wayne Root truly is someone everyone should look at. However, I doubt he will ever be taken seriously due to this background. With that said, I never saw him as a scamdicapper. When he lost he admitted it, and he doesn't post phoney records and lie about his record like Brandon Lang and others.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
I love Michael Savage's show... best show on the radio.

LONDON (AFP) – The government published a blacklist on Tuesday of people recently banned from the country including a Hamas lawmaker and a Jewish extremist, as well as anti-gay protestors and a far-right US talk show host, Michael Savage.

New member
Feb 8, 2007
Root's book, "The Zen of Gambling" is a pretty good read. He's pretty full of himself but his sportsbetting advice is pretty solid (in that particular book anyways).

New member
Apr 21, 2002
Michael Savage might be the biggest blowhard on radio. I've listened to this guy quite a bit back in the day and his opinions are baseless far too often. If you can't base what you are saying on anything that is close to being real, then keep your uninformed BS to yourself IMO.

Jan 19, 2005
W.A.R: The Wayne Root Radio Show | Week 2

<EMBED src=http://blip.tv/play/gsh+gYmRB4qtUQ width=640 height=510 type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true">

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New member
Feb 1, 2005
Hes awesome, and I cant wait for Ron Paul and Wayne Root to join forces on the same ticket. He tells it like it is and I look forward to posting more of his views to create more fans

Will NEVER happen...FUCK ROOT..

Some choice quotes by W.A.R.

"Doctor Paul sounds almost apologetic to our enemies. He sounds much like the blame America first crowd." "If America had never interfered in the affairs of any Arab country the Islamic extremists would still be trying to destroy us."
"In the political world, a candidate is only as strong as his weakest link. Ron Paul's weak link is national security and the war on terrorists. Unfortunately for him, that's the issue at the top of almost every American voter's list. In the end, almost every parent in this country will put aside every other issue. They want a President who will keep their children safe at night. A President willing to fight and win the war on terror at all costs. They want a President who's strong enough to stand up to the most evil enemies of freedom since Adolph Hitler.
Ron Paul looks, and is, weak on this issue."
"...Presidential politics is not a game of badminton. It's full contact tackle football- with no helmet or pads. Ron Paul seems weak on this issue and has handed his opposition some ammunition to attack him with."
"The enemy we face is the most brutal and barbaric since Adolph Hitler. Nothing we do...or Ron Paul does...or any President does...will end this struggle. No interference in their affairs is necessary to attract the hatred and murderous venom of Islamic extremists."
"They hate us because we're not Islamic.
They hate us because we're a Democracy.
They hate us because we allow dissent.
They hate us because we treat our women like human beings and equals.
They hate us because we let young girls go to school.
They hate us because we believe in progress.
They hate us because we celebrate music, art, dance, literature, and sexuality.
They hate us because we believe in equality of races.
They hate us desperately because we actually allow Jews to survive and thrive in our society.
They hate us because we don't murder gays in the street for the 'crime' of being gay."

"Islamic extremists hate us and will continue to try to kill Americans and our children until we defeat them. To Islamic extremists we aren't humans or Jews or Christians or Americans. To them, we're all infidels."
"Bullies always see those who don't fight back as weak. Islamic extremists hate anyone that doesn't believe as they do. They want to cut our heads off, mutilate our bodies, and then set our corpses on fire in the streets. They hate us whether we interfere or not. They hate us for interfering, and they hate and laugh at us for appearing weak because we didn't interfere. On this topic Ron Paul is just plain wrong. They hate us and will continue to try to kill Americans and our children until we defeat them. "
"There will almost certainly be attempts at a nuclear attack on American soil...There will be more attempts to bomb planes and trains. It's coming. Our enemies are plotting and planning high-profile attacks at this very moment."
"Ron Paul is polling at 1% to 3% for only one reason: he is not seen as the leader best
able to defend America by 97% to 99% of the American public. That's a fact. "

Jan 19, 2005
If Government Can’t Run a Brothel, They Can’t Run National Healthcare!
Sunday, August 2, 2009, 10:07 AM
Cash for Clunkers: More Proof of the Failure of Government-Run Anything

New Book About the Failures of Government

By Wayne Allyn Root, Author
The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts

My new book describes the failures, mistakes, lies and losses of government at every level, from every program, literally from the inception of government. The list is long- Amtrak, U.S. Postal Service, Hurricane Katrina, The VA System, the Walter Reed Hospital scandal, the post Iraq war planning, the public school system, and of course Medicare and Medicaid- the government run healthcare programs that threaten to eat up the entire U.S. non-military budget and single-handedly bankrupt our country.

But no story paints the picture of why government shouldn’t and cannot possibly be allowed to run national healthcare (adding up to 17% of the United States economy) like the story of a brothel called The Mustang Ranch. My adopted home state of Nevada is the only state in the nation with legalized prostitution in rural counties. The sex industry is obviously lucrative. It’s impossible to lose money, selling sex. Brothel owners have been retiring as multi-millionaires since the days of the Wild West. But no brothel in the history of Nevada ever made more money than the infamous Mustang Ranch. The owner made tens of millions of dollars, perhaps over one hundred million dollars. But he refused to pay his taxes. He was indicted by the IRS, fled the United States, and now lives on his mega-million dollar fortune in Brazil, a fugitive from justice.

But it’s what happened next that defines the failures of government. The greedy federal government actually decided to take over the management of the Mustang Ranch. And under the management of our federal government, the most successful brothel in America went bankrupt in one year.

The moral to the story:


Next time President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, or Harry Reid tries to tell you that the government can run healthcare more efficiently than private industry, tell them that the people that run government are so incompetent that they can’t even run a brothel.

Some other observations of the week:

The federal government can’t run a “Cash-for-Clunkers” program either. More proof of the utter incompetence of government bureaucrats and politicians. They estimated the cost of this program would be $1 Billion dollars. That was actually the cost for 4 days of the program.

The moral to the story: When Obama, Pelosi and Reid estimate the cost of government-run universal healthcare at $1.2 Trillion, simply assume that number is greatly underestimated.

By the time it’s through, the bill for nationalized healthcare will be in the trillions of dollars per year. Cash for Clunkers ran through all that government money so fast, simply because the government was giving away free money. Trade in your car, and Uncle Sam will hand you thousands of dollars- no questions asked.

Well what exactly is universal healthcare? FREE MONEY. It’s a program that pays for your every health and medical need. If ou think Medicare and Medicaid are bankrupting the nation, you ‘aint seen nothin’ yet! People that have waited years, perhaps decades, for checkups, tests, operations, dental fillings- will all rush to the doctor within minutes of hearing it’s all free. The system will be overrun and overwhelmed. We’ll have instant lines, chaos, and confusion. The quality of care will deteriorate within days. Rationing will be necessary within a short period of time (you know like “Grandma is 80, let her die”). The $1.2 Trillion budget will be gone in a matter of months…or weeks. Like everything government estimates, the numbers will multiply dramatically and tragically. Government-run healthcare will bankrupt America...just as it bankrupted Medicare and Medicaid on a smaller level…and the most successful and profitable brothel in the history of Nevada.

One more observation of the week- about Obama’s Infamous Beer Summit:

Please have someone inform Obama that we are broke. As in busted, insolvent, indebted (to China) and bankrupt. No more free beers for guests at the White House. From now on entertain at your own expense, or make it a CASH BAR. The taxpayers can’t afford to pay for free drinks every time you make a misstatement.

Wayne Allyn Root was the 2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential candidate. His new book was just released last week entitled, “The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts.” The book is available at Amazon.com or at bookstores across the USA. For more of Wayne's views, commentaries, or to watch his many media interviews, please visit his web site at: www.ROOTforAmerica.com

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
But it’s what happened next that defines the failures of government. The greedy federal government actually decided to take over the management of the Mustang Ranch. And under the management of our federal government, the most successful brothel in America went bankrupt in one year.


that is seriously too fuckin funny

All you really have to do is look at our leaders, be it Obama, Nancy, Reid, Bush, Bubba, Gore, McCain and ask, do you really think these guys can micro manage society?

I'm mean get clue already.


Jan 19, 2005
Let the Citizen Revolution Begin: THROW THE BUMS OUT!
Friday, August 7, 2009, 08:25 AM
Obama and Paranoid Democrats Denigrate Citizen Protestors by Calling Them “The Mob”

Town Hall Meetings Turn Ugly- But “The Mobs” are Merely the Citizens Reacting to Socialism

Obama Orders Union Thugs to Intimdate Peaceful Citizen Protestors

By Wayne Allyn Root, Author
The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts

It’s all over for Obama. Only six months into his first term the economy is tanking into oblivion; tax revenues are falling the fastest since the Great Depression; deficits are rising to record highs never before imagined; Obama’s polls already make him (at this point in any Presidency) one of the most unpopular Presidents in modern history; and the citizens are headed for full scale revolt as Obama ignores this economic Armageddon and throws caution to the wind in order to play out his Socialist experiment- spending trillions more on universal healthcare, cap and trade, and soon…a second stimulus. It’s all coming apart at the seams. Obama has created a citizen revolution.

Obama and his paranoid Socialist minions are compiling an “Enemies List” and they are not even shy about it- they publicly announce they want citizens to send them negative emails and stories about his universal healthcare. Note to Obama: Be sure to add this commentary one to the list. I’m proud to oppose Socialism.

As riots breakout at Town Hall Meetings, Obama tries to intimidate the citizenry by calling patriots and heroic American citizens unwilling to accept a Socialist takeover of our economy…a mob. Some mob. This mob is as All-American as you can get. The are high on drugs…Geritol. They’re armed to the teeth…false teeth. And they have weapons…canes and walkers. Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Dodd and Frank are being attacked by a mob of senior citizens and parents and grandparents…scared and angry because Obama is enslaving their children and grandchildren to a lifetime of big government, big spending, big taxes, big deficits, big debt, and big unions.

These heroic American citizens actually recognize Socialism when they see it. They recognize unsustainable debt. They recognize redistribution of wealth. They recognize Obama’s brand of thug capitalism- when government fraudulently hands ownership of GM and Chrysler to the same unions that destroyed them in the first place. They recognize cronyism in the corporate bailouts and stimulus plans- when Obama transfers trillions of dollars from taxpayers to his campaign contributors and friends (ACORN). They recognize a cover up- when Obama blames the healthcare crisis on everyone BUT lawyers, because he is a lawyer, his radical wife is a lawyer, their best friends and advisors are lawyers, their biggest campaign contributors are all lawyers.

This heroic group of American citizens that Obama calls a “mob” recognizes hypocrisy when they see it- as Obama takes school choice away from minority children in Washington DC, while he sends his precious daughters to elite $40,000 per year private schools. They recognize fraud as Obama demands we all sacrifice- except for union bosses and union employees. This mob sees the truth- that a true hero like Abraham Lincoln saved the union, while Obama only cares about saving the auto union…the teachers union…and the government employees union.

They see Obama staring at economic Armageddon, and yet planning to spread the “Michigan model” to the entire country. When confronted with peaceful but angry citizen protestors, Obama calls in union thugs and goons to intimidate the citizens. It’s amazing what you can buy with billion dollar handouts and bribes to unions.

They see Obama demanding we all go “green”- while Congress orders new private jets that cost hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars and will use more fuel in a few flights than millions of citizens in their cars for a year combined. And this angry “mob” of seniors recognizes a future of healthcare rationing run by government bureaucrats who will decide who lives and dies based on hypocrisy, cronyism and unsustainable levels of debt. They rightfully wonder whether union members will receive special privileges from the healthcare commission, while the rest of us are left to die?

Yes, Obama you have a Citizen Revolution on your hands- just as I predicted in my new book, “The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts.” But I’m not preaching or desiring violence. We don’t need violent revolution in America. We have freedom. We have free speech. We have elections. And we have a right to THROW THE BUMS OUT.

I am asked on hundreds of radio talk shows, “What can we do to stop Obama from Socializing America?” The answer is simple. Let your voices be heard. Call radio talk shows. Attend Town Hall meetings with your Congressmen. Write letters to the editor. Hound your elected officials, from the U.S. Senate down to the local dog catcher. Let them know first hand of your outrage. We need protests from those people that work for a living, and create jobs, and build businesses, and pay far more than our fair share of taxes. It's time to shout, scream, clench our fists in rage, and most importantly, offend. The time for politeness and manners is long since past. This man Obama and his mob of Pelosi, Reid, Dodd, Frank and Rangel are trying to destroy our economy, highjack capitalism, and enslave our children and grandchildren to a lifetime of crushing debt; redistribution of wealth through destructive taxes; a perpetual welfare state; and a Big Brother takeover of every aspect of our lives. It's time to take action before there is no economy or country to save.

But the best thing we can all choose to do is to take back power peacefully- through elections. In 2010 and 2012 we can execute a plan to THROW THE BUMS OUT. And I don’t just mean Obama and the Democrats. Throw them all out. Every single incumbent. Even the Republicans, and the so-called Blue Dog Democrats. They are all guilty. They are all part of the problem. It is through the compromises of “moderate” Republicans and Blue Dog Democrats that big government, big spending and big taxes have been enabled. It was Bush who started this mess- with excessive spending, record-setting growth of government, stimulus plans, and bailouts. Bush and the Republicans enabled Obama. They opened the door to Socialism. Our job as citizens and taxpayers is to vote against every single incumbent politician in the country.

Let’s send a message heard ‘round the world- just like our Founding Fathers in 1776. Let’s start over with a brand new government…with a brand new Congress…with citizen politicians who want to dramatically reduce the size and scope of government…and return power to the people- just as the Constitution demands.

But don’t just vote against every incumbent. For the first time in your life, vote for third party candidates who will actually cut government, not just talk about it. Vote for Libertarians (like me) who don’t support corporate welfare or bailouts. Who won’t vote for earmarks. Who don’t support the expansion of the welfare state. Who don’t want to punish success. Who don’t believe it’s greedy to want to keep more of your own money. Who have no interest in becoming career politicians.

Vote for citizen politicians who actually want to affect dramatic change in Washington, and then go back home to their families and businesses. Who want to actually reduce their own power…who want to make their own office less important…who want less control over your life…who actually believe in personal responsibility…who actually want to cut their own budgets…who don’t want to “bring home the bacon” to their own districts, but instead do what’s right for the entire country. Who will choose to vote NO on any bill that increases spending, raises taxes, or grows government.

This is the Citizen Revolution that is within our grasp. This is our 1776. Let’s set the goal right now: Not one incumbent shall remain in office by November of 2012. Not one. That’s our goal. THROW THE BUMS OUT.

Every last one of them.

Wayne Allyn Root was the 2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential candidate.

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