Wayne Allyn Root's "FREE" Saturday CFB "Perfect Play"


I am sorry for using the "R" word - and NOTHING EL
Oct 21, 1999
Sometimes in life, you want something sooooooo bad – that when you eventually get it – it is a letdown. For me – that was at times the case – but NOT this time.

I will make no bones about the fact I have wanted to “bust” Wayne Root for some time now (again – for I have done so in the past). I was all set to do it a few weeks ago – but couldn’t since I was assigned some basketball games to ref at the last second (I do High School and youth leagues many Saturday mornings).

Every Saturday morning from 8-9A (PST – which all times are, since I live in CA) Wayne Root bought time on the ESPN Radio affiliate in the area, KSPN, 710-AM. In it – he shows us all just how brilliant he is – and how dumb we are – by very slyly insulting us and making us feel bad about the fact we aren’t him.

This Saturday was no different. To rehash all of the “B.S.” we get tossed our way we take forever, but for those who have heard the show – you know what I am talking about. For those who haven’t – it was nothing more than a case of “Wayne being Wayne.” The show starts off by telling us it is hosted by “World Champion Handicapper and Chairman of the Board - Wayne Allyn Root (Based on his laughable showings in the Stardust Invitational - I have NO CLUE how he has won ANY Handicapping Championships at all - unless he uses the same approach to the way he gets on TV all the time - BUYS it/them).” When Root comes on, he tells us all how this is the “Most popular sports handicapping show on radio.”

Wayne starts the show talking about the good and bad from last week (FYI – MANY “good” and very few “bad”). He told us how his “Perfect Play” from last week was USC over WSU and ran his record to 7-1 of 88% (We were told 4 of the 7 winners were double-digit dogs that won SU, while the other 3 faves won by about 30 per game). He then told us how in the last 8 weeks, he has had 32 dogs than won outrite and he is on the “run of a lifetime.” He told us all how he had Virginia Tech last week “in what might be the upset of the season and this is why they call me ‘The King of Upsets’” (Do we bother telling him Va. Tech over Miami probably isn’t even in the Top 25 as far as upsets this season – and he is the “King of Upsets” – he makes his callers/listeners VERY “Upset”).

Root and Larry Ness talked about some games. Root said his college POW (for the show) was Tennessee over Miami (In hindsight – good call – gotta give it up to him), adding (and I SWEAR he said this), “Phillip Fullmer is more predictable than Richard Simmons showing up at a party as a Gay man (I SWEAR he said this – talk about poor taste – but then again – he is "World Champion Handicapper WAYNE ALLYN ROOT!").”

Root then told us how he had ANOTHER “Perfect Play” this weekend and for the FIRST TIME EVER would give it out FREE. He told us all how “This is the MOST exclusive club in all of handicapping.” Wayne told us to get the Bonus Play to call him at his office, 1-800-922-ROOT (FYI – I think ALL of his numbers end in “7668” so it makes him seem like an even bigger shot then he is – or thinks he is).

Wayne also went on to tell us all how he and the rest of his crew (Randy White, Larry Ness, Joe Phillips and Al McMordie) host the FIRST Handicapping show on Pay-Per-View called “Ultimate Edge” and it airs Saturday and Sunday at the cost of $14.95 and they analyze every NFL game. We were also told later that Wayne has a house overlooking the Vegas Strip (remember this for later – trust me on this one!) and how last week he gave someone a free trip to Vegas and he was going to do it again for the Super Bowl. He said he could do that because he is the “Greatest Handicapper in Las Vegas history.” Wayne told us to call his free pick line at 1-800-810-7668. I did that and on this line – once again, Wayne told us to call for a FREE “Perfect Pick” play – but this time gave us another phone number to call of 1-800-419-7668 (I KNOW why he does this – this way he can monitor where all calls come from and determine which reaches the most people – this is VERY smart on his part – and it kills me to say that!).

Ok – now that we have all of the prelim stuff out of the way – time to call the “Greatest Handicapper in Las Vegas history.”

When I called at 9:25A, the operator picked up the call and said, “Thank you for calling Wayne Root Sports.” She asked me for my phone number and name – which I gave her. She told me a rep would call me back in a few minutes (It should be noted here 1 time I busted Root in the past – and it took 2 times to do it – since the first time I called – they never got back to me – and I waited for over 1 hour). Sure enough, at 9:39 the phone rang.

The guy told me his name was “John.” He asked what he could do for me? (Sorry – but isn’t it supposed to be the other way around?). I told him I heard on Wayne’s radio show how Wayne told us all he had a “Perfect Play” for today that would be free to all callers (Wayne mentioned this SEVERAL times on the show, too) and that I also heard it on Wayne’s free pick phone, too.

Well, Wayne schooled John the right way in sales, for John quickly told me the play wasn’t free – but rather part of a package they have (mark this down – this might be a record for the fastest “bait-and-switch in Scamdicapping history – less than about 20 seconds into the call). John said they had TWO Conference GOYs and a PERFECT PLAY for Sunday (Hold on a second – didn’t Wayne-o tell us the “PP” was a Saturday CFB Game?) and if the “PP” didn’t hit I would get the rest of the season for FREE thru the Super Bowl. I asked if the only way to get the “PP” was to pay for it – and John said “Yes.”

John then gave me “his” number for future calls of 1-877-509-8518.

I asked John what kinds of levels of plays they have at Root. John told me they have (and once again – recall this for later!) Millionaire’s and Chairman of the Board plays as well as rare “Perfect Plays” (Called “PP” from now on) and that the first 2 levels are for people who bet around $100 a game.

At this point I once again told John the radio ad said the “PP” would be FREE to all callers. John then told me I must have misunderstood the ad and that the “PP” was NOT free for calling in – but for signing up for a package. John then did something that nearly put me on the floor with laughter pains. He said something to the effect of, “Let me look thru all of our ads here and see which one you responded to.” He rattled off a few (once again – this KILLED me) and finally said once again – the “PP” was FREE when I signed up for their service (and once again – I will tell everyone here – the radio ad said FREEEEEEEEE – NOT “Free for signing up” – a HUGE difference!).

He then said once again the “PP” was something they threw in for free for people who signed up today. I then asked John what kind of percentages they hit with their plays. John told me in football they are: 701 w/PP, 8-2 w/Board of Directors plays (remember this number) and 12-4 w/No Limit plays.

John then asked what kind of player am I – how much do I bet on games. I told him “not much – only a few hundred.” John then said he has been with Root for 20 years (remember this number). He said that if I play about $500 a game – I really only want to play about $100 on their Millionaire and Chairman plays for they aren’t as strong – they only hit about 60% (John said this – not me). John then told me their “No Limit” plays are ones I can move $500 on and thru their 800-number they sell them in a package of picks. I could sign up for $450 for a week and get “No Limit” picks as well as the “PP.” John told me the “PP” normally sells for $1,000 on the web and it is even 3-0 in hoops (keep this in mind later, too). John then tried to sell me another package – this one with “2 top picks” plus a “No Limit” play as well as a Board of Directors play for only $25 and that I could “move a nickel” on the No Limit plays.

John then stuck his foot deeper in his mouth by telling me Saturday they had their Big 12 AND Big 10 “Games of the Year.” He then told me something (that nearly floored me) that “these plays are not the best I have today and you shouldn’t bet more than about $100 on them.” So let me get this straight. Wayne Root has the nerve to call something a GOY – but then tell people the pick is a weak one and not to bet much on it at all? So why the HELL is it a GOY? To me, a GOY is a pick you can step out on – a pick you bet MULTIPLE times your normal play because you have complete confidence it will hit – not something you toss out and tell people to bet a small amount on. Doc had his Big 10 GOY Saturday – think he told people, “It is my GOY – but bet less than you normally would on a ‘regular’ pick I have?” HELL, NO! I can say with 100% certainty – Doc told his clients to “step it up” on his GOY – but here we have “The Greatest Handicapper Alive” telling us he has a GOY – but don’t bet too much on it.

John then had the nerve to ask me to give them a shot for the weekend for only $450. This would include the “PP” Sunday (what happened to Saturday’s “PP”?). John said he wants to get me on board as a client (DUH!) and that he wants to be honest with me (Sure, John – when is that gonna start – or will it ever?). He said he will make me money (Ok – between us, here – how many times has a service ever said, “We plan on losing you money.”). John said they had 7 games on the board today – but he only wanted me playing 2 – the “PP” and “Board of Directors” (so keep that in mind all of you out there who called for the other 5 pix Saturday). John told me he would have $2,000 to $3,000 in my pocket by Monday. He said, “I don’t want you playing the small stuff like Millionaire and Chairman’s plays.” Those he told me – I should only play $25 to $50 on and/or with parlay cards (Once again – keep this in mind people the next time you see one of Root’s plays at these levels).

At this point in time – I decided to have some fun with John. I told him I was kind of concerned doing business with a company that is $15 Million IN DEBT! John was stunned I could say such a thing, asking me where did I see this? I told him I read some stuff on sites like Bloomberg’s and other related sites – and from reading their financials – saw they were $15M in debt. John once again acted amazed I could say such a thing and told me “that’s not true.” He said “the company made $50 million in profit last year,” and then when I said that’s not true he quickly changed it to “$50 million in business” (a sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight difference there). John said, “we are the #1 sports service in the country and have 75 sales people working for the company” (fill in your own line there).

John then told me how Wayne takes a helicopter from his home in Malibu to Las Vegas almost every week (and WHO do you think pays for this – Root or the company – and if it is the latter – think that eats into the $50M they allegedly gross – and who are we kidding – even if Root does gross $50M – the time he buys on TV and the costs associated with it are an enormous drain on revenue). John told me they are “making money on games” and (get this) they have an IN HOUSE verification system that records all of their picks (You mean Wayne Root is monitored by…Wayne Root – geez – no conflict of interest there – is there?).

John then told me how Wayne has a 20,000 sq/ft home worth $5M overlooking the “Anthem Country Club” in Green Valley (Ok – recall how way back when – Root told us his house overlooks the Vegas Strip? Well, if you go to Mapquest – you will see the Anthem CC is 15 miles EAST of the Strip – meaning the only thing he might be able to see of the Strip from that house is the tippy-top of the Stratosphere – or the light from the Luxor at dark – something 99% of Vegas can see – so no biggie there). John then told me HE has a 5,000 sq/ft house in Vegas that goes for $500,000 (does anyone believe any party of this- me, neither?) and that he has been with Wayne for 18 years (recall back near the top – John said he has been with Wayne for 20 years? Ok – so which lie is it – 18 or 20 years – or in John’s case – DAYS – and as for his $500k home – my guess is he has a HOME worth $5,000 – NOT a 5,000 sq/ft house).

John then told me that over their next 50 games, he PROMISED me they would win 35 and lose 15, or better. He told me they can’t hit all of their games – but they can hit a high percentage (but didn’t John tell me earlier that the Millionaire and Chairman plays “only” hit 60% - and those aren’t games I want to bet a lot on – so I can hit 70% with shitty games – is that right, John?).

I had heard enough with John, so I told him I wanted to buy their package for $450. I gave John 100% phony info. John told me the $450 would take me thru MNF (but wasn’t I told 1 week, earlier?) and that for the money – I would get: 2 plays worth $500 each – a “PP” and a “no Limit” play; A “handful” of Wayne’s Millionaire and Chairman plays – to which he ones again added, “Don’t move too much on those games – maybe $100 to $200 a game”; the GB/Philly MNF game.

I asked John if that includes basketball, too. John said it is just football and they really don’t do any basketball (but didn’t John tell me earlier that their hoops “PP’s” are 3-0 this season – don’t tell me John made that up – nahhhh!).

John added that his manager – Steve – would call me back after the credit card was processed. He told me that on my credit card bill, the charge would read, “Root Funds” – hinting that this way no one will know what the “real” purchase was.

I then hung up and walked away dying of laughter.

Sometimes you really want something – and are disappointed when it comes about. THIS TIME – was NOT the case. Calling – and busting Root – was like Barry Bonds seeing an 85-mph batting practice “fastball.” We know what Barry would do to that pitch – and ditto with what I got done with ‘Wayne-O.” I will say I had a LOT more stuff to bust him on – but couldn’t bring it out because of reasons I can’t get into here on this site. There are some people who know why I have to keep some stuff “in my pocket” – and I have to leave it at that.

I will add 1 more thing. If “World Champion Handicapper Wayne Allyn Root” ever sees this (yeah- right) and wants to challenge any part of this – you have an e-mail addy listed below for me. Gotta tell ya, though – I 100% stand by EVERYTHING I wrote.

This shall be all (for now?)

I am sorry for using the "R" word - and NOTHING EL
Oct 21, 1999
1 thing I failed to mention here:

John said he has been with Root for 18-20 years. OK - so even if that is true - Root was under the Jim Feist "umbrella" up until about 5-ish years ago. So, even if John really did sell Root's picks - technically he was a Feist employee - NOT a Root employee.

Geez - you mean one more LIE from John (and does anyone here truly believe that is his name?)

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Damn Winky- Way to keep us hanging for the sequel. I'm looking forward to it as much as Matrix Revolutions, and I doubt I'll be as disappointed. GOod work as usual. This read was highly entertaining and generated 5.5 out loud guffaws. Which is OVER the total! Like some great charities like to say upon donating, "Thanks for Caring"

New member
Sep 21, 2004
winkyduck, Enjoyed reading your article and i appreciate the time and effort that you put into getting it together. I know that we've had a few run-ins over the last few years but i'm sure that i set myself up for them. I was on a 0-12 (financial setback) slide until last night when i finally went along with the majority and took Pitt @+5.0. As i watched the game, i could imagine losing that game just like i had on at least 60-70% of the other games. Anyway, Best of Luck to you.
al watts
"There was a tout he's broke as hell and Wayne-O is his name-o"


Duck once again you've outdone yourself!!!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
There's really nothing funny about his. It makes me SICK.

How many DUMB and DESPERATE people are there out there paying this guy 450 dollars OR MORE?

Wayne Allen Root should be in JAIL.

Does ANYONE disagree with this? I mean, handicapping is an honest trade in my opinion. But this is NOT what he does...

Rx. Senior
Sep 20, 2003
As much as I hate the scamdicappers, I can tell you that the Anthem Country Club in Green Valley (Henderson), does have one of the most beautiful views of the city.

Rx. Senior
Nov 21, 2002
sometimes even a drunk can fall off a ladder and land in water

New member
Sep 21, 2004
winky - You rule man! I love reading these posts. Each time I become more amazed that people like this scamdicapper do this to people. Obviously they have no conscious.

Thanks for all of your work exposing these idiots.

To all - These guys have good information sometimes but please don't support these jackoffs! (Stating the obvious) They don't care about you, they just want your money!

You can easily get more info here.


New member
Sep 21, 2004


New member
Sep 21, 2004

About 10 years ago when I was in college I pitched in with some friends and we bought SCORE's service and to make a long story short they sucked ass. They hit about 30% at best. I would unload on these games early Saturday, with what little money I had, then get drunk & watch them lose. Later at night, I'd call their message service and threaten to go to Boston & kick all of their scrawny 185 pound asses.

I forgot to mention this service cost us $1500. So every year I try to find out their picks and then go against em'. They have their College Lock Of The Year this week so if anyone can find it put it up here so we can all fade it & make some dough.

Good Luck,


New member
Sep 20, 2004
Does SCORE ever take anybody off their mailing list for that 'newsletter' they send? I've been getting that for at least 15 years and have never used them for anything but great laughs. I was lucky as I was clued in early on from a relative that had used them and had the same experience that you had.
The pictures of Elvis or other dead celebrities betting(I presume through Score's help) and winning big in some 30 year-old photo are classics. Their bashing of Phil Steele in every issue is another staple of their crappy letter.
I don't ever remember requesting this scam letter,either.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I love listening to the joke of a show WAR has, which also plays here in Las Vegas on the local ESPN station. It's sad some stations have to stoop to this level just for the $$$.

Anthem does have a good view of the Strip, but I wouldn't define it as Green Valley as it is in the southeast foothills. Some info on his home...


Now, notice it ain't no 20,000 sq. feet, just over 5,000. Maybe *John* lives in the guest house in the back of the property.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
If you watch the TV show on Satursay, you see Chet Coppic as one of the xappers. Chet used to do the sports in I

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Sorry about the double post, but to continue Chet did the spoorts on a local Inianapolis TvV station, we became friends when he used ti interview me when i w3as coaching then when my son was playing BB. Chet only knew hockey, he moved to chigago to do sports there, he came home a year ago and looked me up he knew i was a player so he knew i would call him on his involment with Root, he told me Root pays him to give out the other side of games he gives out, tat way Root covers himself on his phone and TV releases, i said or you not ashamed and he said he could not pass up the money, so do not be taken in by these guys.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Coppic is in with the Feist group right? Root's "mega" company is way more "diversified" than Feist and has their hands in any number of moneymaking ventures that can make their stockholders feel comfortable that all their eggs aren't in one basket. No need to give out both sides of a game when you are busy subsidizing Afghan opium farmers.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I Have done the same thing as you done winky. last years.
seen the number in the USA TODAY NEWS Paper and gave them a call to get the Bonus Play.I talk with the sales REP. asking me a the same bullcrap as he ask you. was a long time ago so could not recall all of the details. but i do know they will not let you get off the phone until they make a sale. but I was busy and no time to capp any games. so i gave them a try. to see what would happen. BOY WAS THAT A FVCKING MISTAKE.

went with the one week deal, and they came out gate hot as hell so took my 225 and made a 1000 for the week. oh wait, it was 450 but i was a first time player with them so i got a dicount that why it was 225. but before i got any plays from them because it was the middle of the week some other person call me up say everthig is ok good to go. have not gotten any plays as of yet he want to sign me up for th year. break everthing down total price for the rest of the football season will be 4500 shit small time player have that kind of money to hand over to someone for some plays up front on no payment. well we was on the phone about hour or more. in any other case i would have just hung up the phone. BUT,I have giving them money for one week. before i got one play out of them they want 4500 for the rest of the year. and this was the kicker if they did not win me so much money buy a date that was pick out by my other REP. I could have the rest of the season for free. hell if you lost that kind of cash you could not play the rest of the season. you are done. I would think.

so back to the story so won a 1000 with my 225 Ivestment. so i went with another week well that one would cost me 750 for a month. so i say what the hell if they could make me 1000 in one week. i was going to pay with the mans cash anyway. first week out the gate got blasted come back with sorry first losing week. ok, it can happen so the next week got hot and smoke cool i say but after that was cold as dry ice. i was so pissed i could have kick wayne root ass so many times over it still would not be enough. like you would kick some ass and rest and go back and do it again. you know what i am talking about. I don't have to say anymore about it.

bottom line is, what was a nice week, turn out to be a NIGHTNARE of a month. and one of them thing that you will have to learn the hard way and on your own. after that i went against most of there play and made out better off for the rest of the month.

one more thing they are very big on you useing you own money like a credit card. when i put it to him let's play with the mans money if you want back for another month we need to win. guest he could not see it that way. just pull out the platic and play.


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