vega & ivan dont get along

CrAzY Jivin' IvaN

From: Vancouver, BC, CANADA
Registered: 03-18-02
Posts: 4091
Vega007 and ur multiple accounts please stop aattackin dell dude

maybe if you could afford a $500 bet you would instead of your $5 bets you told me earlier on MSN a while back lol
posted 11-29-02 03:30 PM

vega 007
Resident CFL guru and Village Idiot

From: Cowtown, AB Canada
Registered: 10-29-02
Posts: 1191
Shut the f-ck up Ivan you still think that I'm Beantownjim. Well Ivan I am in Boston now but I'm not him. And I'm not anyone else. Ivan, if you can proove that I am another poster, either here or at MW, I will pay you 100 dimes. Go ahead, if you can prove that I've posted under a name in which I did not inform everyone that it was me right away, then I will pay. I have only ever made one ghost post, under the name "no dice" which was in my rookie thread at MW. I did it as a joke and only posted once under that name. So f-ck off.

31 days and counting to the greatest fix in NFL history
posted 11-29-02 03:41 PM

CrAzY Jivin' IvaN

From: Vancouver, BC, CANADA
Registered: 03-18-02
Posts: 4091
Moderator check his IP on his last post
"Shut the f-ck up Ivan you still think that I'm Beantownjim. Well Ivan I am in Boston now but I'm not him. And I'm not anyone else. Ivan, if you can proove that I am another poster, either here or at MW, I will pay you 100 dimes. "

I assure you his IP matches the same IP heused a week ago (meaning he did NOT leave his house and even remotely travel to Boston lol)

what a punk

100 dimes = 100 (10 cents in CAD terms)

Remember Sean is a punk (village idiot - he even admits it and being a loser as well) 100 multipled by 10 cents = $10 only lol

he does not have $100,000

We all know this guy is a BORN LIAR

It makes me wonder why some people have to lie on the internet to boost their ego. I guess when people like Sean has no friends (and has no social life - no job nor proper education) it hurts to see ppl like these idiot post day in and day out.
posted 11-29-02 04:04 PM

vega 007
Resident CFL guru and Village Idiot

From: Cowtown, AB Canada
Registered: 10-29-02
Posts: 1191
Ivan, I will bet you 100000000 billion dollars to your one dollar that I am in Boston. I was on a plane to Phoenix yesterday, from there I went to Logan Airport in Boston. They will check my IP. I GUARANTEE (nice spelling by the way) that I am in Boston. Just north of it, actually. Just off the 1 93, about 11 miles north of the Fleet.

31 days and counting to the greatest fix in NFL history
posted 11-29-02 04:10 PM


New member
Sep 21, 2004
General, you are a mod here I think. Please do an IP check on here and tell Ivan where it comes from.

31 days and counting to the greatest fix in NFL history
Your on vacation in one of the coolest cities in the US and your in a internet pissing match with a 18 yr old. You have been online all day why don't you get out and see the city....retard

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Yes General I should grow up a bit. Hopefully the mean streets of Boston will help me along the way.

Richard I am, no shit, going out with this chick tonight. It's great, normally I am such a loser with girls, and here I am, my first day here in Boston, scratch that, my first breakfast in Boston and I hook up with the Boston College Girls Swim Team. UNBELIEVEABLE. This is like being down 6-0 with 1 second left in the fourth and throwing a BC hail mary, a la Flutie .. I am SO in. I'll let you know how it goes boys, and Richard, I'm not on vacation. I am here for five weeks with a view on returning to live in early March, when I get out of trade school.

31 days and counting to the greatest fix in NFL history

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