

He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
<><><><> The 2003-04
Hockey Contest<><><><>

Scoring Alerts: http://therxforum.com/6/ubb.x?a=tpc&s=100090022&f=428090432&m=181102101&r=981102101#981102101

***************** Money Leaders *****************

<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">Rank Player $ YTD Sat 17 -> -> ->

1 cmogly 3527 -150 -150
2 chach 3437 -130 100 -100 -130
3 CrAzY Jivin' IvaN 1840 0
4 scripter 1455 -300 -100 -100 -100
5 giorg0s 1426 202 100 102
6 Jack of Hearts 1112 -348 -130 -100 -118
7 manly 876 0
8 Uncle Moneybags 838 0
9 neilm 729 0
10 Allstar 710 0
11 Burner 1 685 -50 100 -150
12 iceman2002 679 -100 -100 NP NP
13 MT_Pockets 554 -180 -180
14 No Cred 527 0
15 gambl0r 473 0
16 spidermonkey 465 0
17 Silver Pegasus 455 0
18 ThreeUnits 403 -180 100 -100 -180
19 laxer 390 0
20 guysmiley 344 -147 100 -100 -147
21 Ice King 302 0
22 smoothie 300 0
23 tootired 297 0
24 Blacklab 234 0
25 vegasguy39 222 0
26 EYO's Chadman 207 0
27 Iwannawin 206 0
28 The MD Kid 189 0
29 padres12 187 0
30 blkjk 181 -168 -120 -150 102
31 sick gambler 129 0
32 EveryGamblersDream 119 -265 push -100 -165
33 Patrick McIrish 113 0
34 wagara 110 0
35 raiders72001 102 0
36 Big Jesss 100 0
36 BlueBombers2003 100 0
36 GottaWinToday 100 0
36 waymac 100 0
40 MPriorCanKu 83 0
41 blue edwards 80 0
42 Rosemary 63 0
43 sportsbet 49 0
44 Rude 45 -135 -100 100 -135
45 Thunder 40 0
46 LogansRun 38 102 102 -100 100
46 TIME TO MAKE $$$ 38 0
48 Oracle 32 -136 -100 129 -165
49 BuzzRavanaugh 10 0
50 ScoobySnacks 5 0
51 mdrams 2 0
52 RPM 0 0
53 G. MONEY -12 0 100 NP -100
54 Kris1 -32 0
55 CINCI_HUGG -44 0
56 Augustus -46 0
57 CD155 -60 0
58 mrgas41 -78 0
59 lander -80 0
60 The Quiet Man -100 0
61 vycka -110 0
62 Blown Head Gasket -128 0
63 Green Doberman -146 0
64 nidman -148 0
65 Budman -151 0
66 jam -154 77 110 -135 102
67 sidingman -158 0
68 vinividivinci -184 0
69 mr. obvious -187 0
70 Korn -229 0
71 Teddy kgb -237 0
72 collegegambler -274 0
73 themanowesme -284 0
74 Peebs -303 0
75 FISHHEAD -306 0
76 GamBleHolic -308 0
77 bookiebuster -318 0
77 playersonly69 -318 0
79 hockeyguru -335 0
80 HABSMAN -360 255 NP 145 110
80 The General -360 0
82 SLIM- -375 0
83 jesss -401 0
83 weebs -401 0
85 Edko -406 0
86 Texas Triangle -409 0
87 trytrytry -421 0
88 droc -442 0
89 bucsfan67 -448 0
90 Egis -458 82 100 100 -118
91 SSI -512 -165 -165
92 eh? -520 0
93 J Money -522 0
94 Cooper -533 0
95 youngman -545 0
96 mr Floppy -570 0
97 MadCapper -586 0
98 Oorang -588 0
99 oilman -602 0
100 Zen -603 -100 -100
101 Canadian Underdawg -612 0
102 Blaze -627 0
103 tiger74 -633 0
104 Kiss1 -637 0
105 Dr. Gambler -648 0
106 pmck -649 0
107 jofl -684 0
108 Bron -685 -315 push -150 -165
109 gamblman -692 0
110 pete54 -703 0
111 Bloodhound -730 0
111 dennistheman -730 0
113 sakras -736 -400 -120 -100 -180
114 briguy -754 0
115 SLUGGO -761 0
116 bobk -770 0
117 Payback2 -920 0
118 Faceless -929 0
119 RobFunk -935 0
120 driver8 -1016 129 -100 129 100
121 grover -1039 -340 -120 -120 -100
122 eltonio -1041 0
123 60feetheat -1136 0
124 No locks here -1137 0
125 shawn555 -1169 0
126 HateTheRiverCard -1171 -210 100 -130 -180
127 theD -1183 0
128 maskoutain -1202 0
129 usmcmp -1268 0
130 Axelp -1274 0
131 Rattler -1288 0
132 Eagles Win Bowl -1329 0
133 chriscol -1465 -180 -100 -180 100
134 green monster -1984 0
135 BOONE -2077 0
136 joel2002 -2118 -183 -118 -165 100
137 Darryl Parsons -2139 0
138 Brown sugar -2203 -108 -100 -118 110
***************** Alphabetically *****************

<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">Rank Player W L T $ YTD Plays

123 60feetheat 7 22 1 -1136 30
10 Allstar 39 28 1 710 68
56 Augustus 35 27 4 -46 66
130 Axelp 12 20 2 -1274 34
36 Big Jesss 1 0 0 100 1
24 Blacklab 23 15 1 234 39
102 Blaze 22 29 3 -627 54
30 blkjk 70 81 13 181 164
111 Bloodhound 4 10 1 -730 15
62 Blown Head Gasket 4 5 0 -128 9
41 blue edwards 4 3 1 80 8
36 BlueBombers2003 1 0 0 100 1
116 bobk 45 46 7 -770 98
77 bookiebuster 17 19 2 -318 38
135 BOONE 57 69 4 -2077 130
114 briguy 14 17 2 -754 33
108 Bron 60 55 9 -685 124
138 Brown sugar 60 85 11 -2203 156
89 bucsfan67 65 51 17 -448 133
65 Budman 6 5 1 -151 12
11 Burner 1 54 32 4 685 90
49 BuzzRavanaugh 7 6 2 10 15
101 Canadian Underdawg 23 24 3 -612 50
57 CD155 15 11 3 -60 29
2 chach 104 57 16 3437 177
133 chriscol 51 59 3 -1465 113
55 CINCI_HUGG 6 6 0 -44 12
1 cmogly 89 50 14 3527 153
72 collegegambler 12 13 1 -274 26
94 Cooper 36 45 11 -533 92
3 CrAzY Jivin' IvaN 70 62 14 1840 146
137 Darryl Parsons 69 89 17 -2139 175
111 dennistheman 12 18 2 -730 32
105 Dr. Gambler 12 16 3 -648 31
120 driver8 57 69 8 -1016 134
88 droc 5 8 4 -442 17
132 Eagles Win Bowl 15 23 5 -1329 43
85 Edko 12 14 2 -406 28
90 Egis 103 81 8 -458 192
92 eh? 15 17 0 -520 32
122 eltonio 34 44 7 -1041 85
32 EveryGamblersDream 41 56 16 119 113
26 EYO's Chadman 3 1 2 207 6
118 Faceless 40 40 12 -929 92
75 FISHHEAD 3 6 1 -306 10
53 G. MONEY 82 77 4 -12 163
15 gambl0r 68 63 9 473 140
76 GamBleHolic 15 11 0 -308 26
109 gamblman 66 47 11 -692 124
5 giorg0s 84 68 17 1426 169
36 GottaWinToday 2 1 0 100 3
63 Green Doberman 16 18 5 -146 39
134 green monster 55 75 8 -1984 138
121 grover 37 47 3 -1039 87
20 guysmiley 89 76 16 344 181
80 HABSMAN 93 95 6 -360 194
126 HateTheRiverCard 96 95 13 -1171 204
79 hockeyguru 4 6 0 -335 10
21 Ice King 10 8 0 302 18
12 iceman2002 77 62 11 679 150
27 Iwannawin 4 2 0 206 6
93 J Money 4 9 1 -522 14
6 Jack of Hearts 83 75 16 1112 174
66 jam 95 79 17 -154 191
83 jesss 5 8 0 -401 13
136 joel2002 70 77 10 -2118 157
107 jofl 18 28 4 -684 50
104 Kiss1 37 39 2 -637 78
70 Korn 48 43 3 -229 94
54 Kris1 33 24 4 -32 61
59 lander 1 2 0 -80 3
19 laxer 15 9 0 390 24
46 LogansRun 53 56 4 38 113
97 MadCapper 21 36 6 -586 63
7 manly 63 46 13 876 122
128 maskoutain 25 31 3 -1202 59
51 mdrams 3 3 1 2 7
40 MPriorCanKu 10 8 1 83 19
96 mr Floppy 10 16 0 -570 26
69 mr. obvious 8 8 1 -187 17
58 mrgas41 41 41 9 -78 91
13 MT_Pockets 61 40 0 554 101
9 neilm 39 30 10 729 79
64 nidman 6 7 0 -148 13
14 No Cred 16 10 1 527 27
124 No locks here 49 56 5 -1137 110
99 oilman 4 10 2 -602 16
98 Oorang 58 54 15 -588 127
48 Oracle 95 71 4 32 170
29 padres12 17 14 3 187 34
33 Patrick McIrish 3 2 0 113 5
117 Payback2 36 37 6 -920 79
74 Peebs 1 4 1 -303 6
110 pete54 32 33 4 -703 69
77 playersonly69 53 46 9 -318 108
106 pmck 28 38 8 -649 74
35 raiders72001 2 1 0 102 3
131 Rattler 63 83 13 -1288 159
119 RobFunk 28 54 9 -935 91
42 Rosemary 28 21 4 63 53
52 RPM 1 1 1 0 3
44 Rude 33 32 8 45 73
113 sakras 80 87 11 -736 178
50 ScoobySnacks 1 1 0 5 2
4 scripter 84 103 10 1455 197
125 shawn555 19 31 3 -1169 53
31 sick gambler 54 46 10 129 110
67 sidingman 5 4 0 -158 9
17 Silver Pegasus 31 17 2 455 50
82 SLIM- 6 10 3 -375 19
115 SLUGGO 38 47 3 -761 88
22 smoothie 15 13 3 300 31
16 spidermonkey 38 39 8 465 85
43 sportsbet 9 8 3 49 20
91 SSI 49 51 13 -512 113
71 Teddy kgb 2 4 0 -237 6
86 Texas Triangle 14 14 0 -409 28
80 The General 4 7 0 -360 11
28 The MD Kid 44 49 12 189 105
60 The Quiet Man 0 1 1 -100 2
127 theD 18 28 3 -1183 49
73 themanowesme 8 10 1 -284 19
18 ThreeUnits 90 68 8 403 166
45 Thunder 3 2 0 40 5
103 tiger74 2 7 0 -633 9
46 TIME TO MAKE $$$ 15 12 0 38 27
23 tootired 18 18 4 297 40
87 trytrytry 1 5 0 -421 6
8 Uncle Moneybags 39 48 6 838 93
129 usmcmp 28 38 7 -1268 73
25 vegasguy39 7 4 2 222 13
68 vinividivinci 2 3 0 -184 5
61 vycka 32 38 7 -110 77
34 wagara 4 3 2 110 9
36 waymac 1 0 1 100 2
83 weebs 88 75 8 -401 171
95 youngman 2 6 1 -545 9
100 Zen 25 32 6 -603 63

[This message was edited by Jack of Hearts on January 20, 2004 at 10:08 AM.]


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002

As stated in the rules...


posted Jan 17, 04 01:14 PM <---- First game started at 1:05 PM.
Washington Capitals OVER 4½ -115 <--- 1:05 start - no play
San Jose Sharks +½ +145 <--- Win
Dallas Stars OVER 4½ +110 <--- Win
[This message was edited by HABSMAN on January 17, 2004 at 01:57 PM.]
[This message was edited by HABSMAN on January 17, 2004 at 01:58 PM.]

** This is the first circumstance we've had of this kind, but the rule is clear.
A 5 Unit Penalty must be imposed for the infraction but the plays will stand on
games having not already begun when the edit was made.

posted Jan 17, 04 02:00 PM
N.Y RANGERS +1/2 -110
EDMONTON +1/2 120 <------- bad line - no play
CALGARY -1/2 +130

posted Jan 17, 04 12:25 PM <---- first post
Washington Capitals +½ +170

posted Jan 17, 04 04:51 PM <---- second post not allowed
Tampa Bay Lightning -147 <--- no action
Toronto Maple Leafs -135 <--- no action

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Check with The General....I double posted, and wanted him to take one of the posts out....both were before gametime...he by mistake left the one in that i had Left a note saying **delete this post please**, so i went in after to erase that message, because i thought my plays may have all be erased had I not edited that message out.......docking me $500 for that is unfair...a mod can check and see what was edited, and they will see the only thing touched after gametime was what i stated above.


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
I will defer to The General on this one. I was unaware that a post was deleted. If that is the case, then I will reserve judgement and allow The General to intervene. I will, however, offer this arguement to support the decision I made. This may sound trivial, but in fairness to others who have strayed from compliance with the rules, I was attempting to remain consistent and rule this case in a similar fashion. In the past, ANYTIME a second post was made, it was ignored and it's contents were graded 'no action'. If, as you say, this all went down BEFORE the start of the first game, you had the right to go back and edit your first post, but NOT to make a second post. This was an error in judgement on your part. In my opinion, as others would probably agree who have been penalized, you did not have a right to request the deletion of a post and I don't believe the request should've been granted. You had an option to edit your post, and you failed to use it. You say a mod can check to see what was edited. If that's the case, then instituting a 'no editing' rule would seem pointless. Everyone could just go in and edit their picks anytime they wanted and then fall back on the premise that 'hey, the mods can go back and verify what was originally posted. No problem.' We made the rule in order set a guideline to follow, so that everyone would be on the same page. There should be no exceptions. Ok, once the deletion was made, you claim that the wrong post was deleted. Just another illustration of what can go wrong when you try to bend the rules. I'm not sure of the timeframe, but I assume by the time you saw this, the first game had already started. NOW, you elect to go in and edit THIS post. The ULTIMATE sin! There is absolutely NO EDITING after the start of play! IMO, there should've been some sort of penalty for this bad judgement. My original ruling actually gave you the benefit of the doubt. I issued the 5 unit penalty but I also allowed your 2nd and 3rd picks to stand - both winners. In the spirit of the rule, your entire post probably should've been graded 'no action' along with the imposed penalty. So, in summary, if I were to make a reevaluation, I would suggest eliminating the 5 unit penalty, but grading ALL PLAYS as 'no action'. That is entirely up to The General. I rest my case.

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
HABSMAN accidentially double posted during a site slowness. He ask I delete one of the posts in the same thread and I did. He then went and edited his request for me to delete which made it look as if he edited his post. His plays should count as posted if not edited after 1st game.


HABSMAN "outta here"? Cmon man. Jack is the best grader we have had and follows contest rules to a tee. I like that style. Just a misunderstanding. Things happen.


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
HABSMAN, Sorry you feel the way you do and I hope you reconsider. The General has made his ruling and I think you should be satisified...

posted Jan 17, 04 01:14 PM <---- First game started at 1:05 PM.
Washington Capitals OVER 4½ -115 <--- 1:05 start - no play
San Jose Sharks +½ +145 <--- Win
Dallas Stars OVER 4½ +110 <--- Win

Still a long way to go. I suggest you stick with it.

* Btw, I wonder how Jerry would've ruled in this case.

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