26 out of 33 here. Of the 7 mistakes, 2 were boneheaded careless slips from doing it too quick, not reading thoroughly, 4 I really didn't know, and I'd say one was badly worded by whoever created the test.
The wording of the free markets vs. central planning question was misleading and unfair IMO because markets don't enforce anything physically with coercion, but they do it metaphorically and for all practical purposes by providing the right incentives.
26 out of 33, 78.8%, which it says is 1% higher than the average? The average score is 77.6 but our elected officials averages 44%?! Lol I'm not surprised, but still, that's pretty sad. The average score no doubt is inflated by people cheating with Google.
D seems like the best answer to me. A isn't worded properly IMO.30 outta 33 here
funny how my free market kook ass got the free market question wrong
this question's wording confused me i knew it was A or D.....and still don't quite understand why D wouldn't be a valid answer
and according to the article this question had the lowest score which makes sense as its the crappiest unclear question of them all IMO
anywho cool quiz
27) Free markets typically secure more economic prosperity than government’s centralized planning because:
A. the price system utilizes more local knowledge of means and ends
B. markets rely upon coercion, whereas government relies upon voluntary compliance with the law
C. more tax revenue can be generated from free enterprise
D. property rights and contracts are best enforced by the market system
E. government planners are too cautious in spending taxpayers’ money
non usa - 23
The crappy questions are crappy for everyone Levi.
The questionaire may have been designed with some deliberate errors, so no-one gets
100%, or some are pure guesses and the answer is really only an opinion.
Often happens with psychometric testing, to confuse those intelligent but unadaptable literal minded individuals who think they know everything.