Still bitching about Connecticut, but still living in the same place, paying the same taxes, to the same state government he's complained about for years. Why don't you just grow a pair and move to Arkansas or some shit hole conservative state?
because my family? my friends? my business that I actually built all by myself? plus attending my favorite sporting events gets a whole lot harder.
I' know my roll in life, I'm the provider, the problem solver and I have broad shoulders so I can carry the burden. I'm here to help carry Malloy supporters. Plus, if too many more people like me leave, who's going to carry the idiots that elect idiots like Malloy to improve their lives? who's going to provide for the democratic base? Your people need me, so just say thank you.
If I want to laugh at clueless career politicians who's life calling is lying, then fucking everything up and then lying some more, I'm going to do just that. Their idiocy is amusing, albeit in a sometimes painful way.
The anchors in life aren't drowning me, they're drowning themselves. I actually have empathy for them, although I'll never understand why they still believe the same shallow lies they've been believing for years, decades, generations........, you'd think they would have learned something by now. C'est la vie
Have a great day, I know I will