Today makes the 11 weekends in a row that Obumbles has gone golfing.

Jul 30, 2006
That silly guy was supposed to be focused on jobs and the economy. Looks like he's too busy golfing to even get a budget passed.

Four more years of this and we should be in a much better place as a country.

I'm so proud of Barry Obumbles! What a guy!

New member
Feb 4, 2009
Even God rested on the 7th day...............How bout u "Di*kwad..u ever take a day off. Or do ur Janitorial duties keep u busy 7 days a week.
Jul 30, 2006
Even God rested on the 7th day...............How bout u "Di*kwad..u ever take a day off. Or do ur Janitorial duties keep u busy 7 days a week.

What I would ask you would be when does Obumbles work? Everything is going to shit and he continually hits the golf course.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Barry doesn't make any decisions, its irrelevant how many day's off he has.

Barry is to the US power structure as Ronald McDonald is to McDonalds. Just a mascot.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
Barack Obama's decision to play golf on Memorial Day was disrespectful and hardly presidential

President Obama played golf on, Memorial Day, for the 70th time during his 28-month long presidency.

The decision to golf on Memorial Day invites comparison with President George W. Bush, who gave up the game early in his presidency and said he did it out of respect for the families of those killed in Iraq.

New member
Jun 2, 2006
More redundant hatred... you are starting to embarrass yourself Dave!!

Where's the hatred in that post?
His posed the question, "what were/are Obama's accomplishments in office so far"

Care to field that one?

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Where's the hatred in that post?
His posed the question, "what were/are Obama's accomplishments in office so far"

Care to field that one?

I've already schooled Dave in this topic. He has nothing left since he can not engage in intelligent debates over how to fix or how we got in to the current economic situation today. He is embarrassing and he is almost making you look more intelligent... which I thought was an impossibility!!

And if you want a starting point on Obama's accomplishments so far... take look...
Sep 21, 2004
Even God rested on the 7th day...............How bout u "Di*kwad..u ever take a day off. Or do ur Janitorial duties keep u busy 7 days a week.

Hey asshole. Willie called you out for being a liar on here, and offered to put up $1K to prove it.

Are you going to keep dodging the bet, or are you going to admit you're a fucking liar?

New member
Jun 2, 2006
12 reasons why Obama won't be reelected:

1. Velma Hart Syndrome
Many of Barack Obama’s supporters “are exhausted.” Many defected in the midterms. Independents, suburban residents, college graduates, working-class voters, and even Hispanic voters shifted right. Exit poll analysis by National Journal shows “white voters not only strongly preferred Republican House and Senate candidates but also registered deep disappointment with President Obama’s performance.” Team Obama will focus heavily on minorities, the young, and women, but voter enthusiasm may be tempered by economic exhaustion. Good news for Team O? Velma liked the speech Tuesday night.

2. The Obama Overexposure Effect
With counsel that he needs to get out more among the people to sell his message, voters may be turned off by the Obama Overexposure Effect. A Pew 2008 weekly survey showed, by a margin of 76 percent to 11 percent, respondents named Obama over Sen. John McCain as the candidate they heard about the most. Close to half said they heard too much about Obama. And by a slight but statistically significant margin, they then had a less favorable view of him. Before the 2012 campaign even kicks off, will Obama fatigue return?

3. Debt Bomb
The national debt reached $10 trillion under President Bush, but deficit spending is at an all-time high under President Obama, with $1.4 trillion added in 2009 and $1.3 trillion in 2010. And the CBO now projects a deficit of $1.5 trillion this year. That means the federal government will borrow 40 cents for every dollar it spends. Bankruptcies loom for many states faced with unfunded public pension liabilities; strong-arm demands for bailouts by unions will threaten Democrats’ credibility. Sixty-eight percent of likely voters already express a preference for smaller government and lower taxes. Talk of more federal spending and the potential for state bankruptcies will increase voter anxiety. As the GOP educates voters about what the exploding debt burden means for future generations, its cost-cutting measures and messaging will resonate.

4. Voters Aren’t Better Off
In 1980, President Ronald Reagan famously asked: “Are you better off than you were four years ago?” The answer for many is “no,” with higher unemployment, more debt, record-high home foreclosures, and another housing dip on the way. The long road to economic recovery will continue to frustrate voters. And weekly reminders of rising prices at the gas pump and grocery store, where it hurts most, may cost Obama the election.

5. Ailing Health Care
If “Obamacare” was historic legislation, so too was the House vote to repeal it. Though repeal today may be moot as Senate passage and a presidential veto are unlikely, as the true bottom line becomes known, in terms of increased costs, decreased access to care, and increased government controls, health care once again will be a decisive campaign issue. Efforts to dismantle or defund Obamacare will continue for the next two years. And as the public listens more to the credible Rep. Paul Ryan, the president will be on the defensive daily.

6. Tea Party Momentum
The momentum will not stop. With a majority voice and a mandate, GOP House members, and the increasingly popular Speaker John Boehner, are making all the right moves, with humility and focus on the most important issues: the economy and health care. Fired up by victories in the historic midterm elections, Tea Party, conservative, older, and right-leaning moderate voters will turn out in droves in 2012, challenging the Democrats’ ground game. With 33 Senate seats (23 of which are now held by Democrats), 435 House seats, 11 governorships, and perhaps the ultimate fate of Obamacare still on the line, all politics is turnout.

7. Obama’s Transparency Problem
If House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa is effective in questioning mismanagement and opacity in the administration, Team Obama will be forced off-message as the public is reminded daily of the president’s one-time promises of transparency. A bill introduced on the first day of this session that seeks to cut off funding to 39 “czars” appointed without congressional approval may also find its way to the light of day on Issa’s desk. And sunshine tends to disinfect.

8. Congressional Districts Reapportioned
With the reapportionment of congressional districts from the 2010 Census, and with Republican control of more governorships and state legislatures, Obama’s electoral road to reelection is not without a few bumps. Eight states gained at least one congressional district; five of those are traditionally red states, including Texas, which gained four seats. Six of the 10 states to lose a district are blue. And once reliable Democratic states voted Republican in the 2010 midterms. While Chris Cillizza of The Washington Post shows how Obama could survive the challenge, Karl Rove builds a case for the president falling 67 short of what he needs to remain in the White House.

9. The Wars Aren’t Over
President Obama gets credit for continuing George W. Bush’s strategies in Iraq and Afghanistan. And though the public grows weary, the anti-war movement is now strangely silent. The number of voters who believe the terrorists are winning is at its highest level in over three years, and voters continue to believe Obama’s ideas on foreign policy don’t quite match their own. Those concerns, along with growing international threats from Iran, and our increasing economic dependence on China, may push votes into the R column.

10. What About Overregulation?
By moderating his anti-business rhetoric, selecting William Daley of JPMorgan Chase as his new chief of staff, and naming General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immelt as the chair of the White House’s new Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, Obama is sending signals of the administration’s shift toward the center. But without real changes to the overregulation strangling business growth, those signals may be seen as all smoke, no fire. And if private-sector job growth does not improve, voters may punish Obama at the polls.

11. Republicans Are More Trusted
The country yearns for an optimistic leader who believes in America, and who is willing to make hard choices to save future generations from the burden of our mistakes. Many thought that was Obama’s promise. No matter how it may be spun, the midterm elections were a referendum on the president’s performance and platform. And Republicans are now more trusted on all the top issues, including the economy, taxes, and health care.

12. The Vision Thing
Though President Obama has matched his highest job approval rating after the Bin Laden killing, that rating has since slipped drastically, he is under 50 percent when it comes to the economy, viewed by the public as the highest priority. Trust in his ability to handle health care has dropped to a new low. And only 32 percent of independents would vote to re-elect Obama if the election were held today. A $1 billion campaign fund may not be enough if the GOP’s “Candidate X” presents a compelling and distinctly different narrative, a better vision for tomorrow.

New member
Jun 2, 2006
9 of those 12 points I've been trying to hammer home to you so called intellects for the past year.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
9 of those 12 points I've been trying to hammer home to you so called intellects for the past year.

Without insults, the thing I've been trying to hammer through is the reality behind the economy and the policies that have been enacted. Majority of voters do not understand economics. The only reason I get in Obama arguments and Republican/Democrat shouting matches with you guys is you throw out just blind insults towards the President with out even looking in to the reality of his situation. Almost every point you just made is a subjective talking point based on people's perceptions of Obama so far. Not a single one of those points above actually discusses the economy and how mathematically his policies have affected the economy as a whole. It's impossible to argue with people trying to protect a party with out regards to the underlying facts. And I'm sorry, the economy isn't some magic tool that has an on and off switch. The reality behind economics can take years to decades to work itself out.

And we just lost a quarter of our nation's wealth and 8 million jobs. You can't just fix that overnight. Especially with such a wimpy stimulus package!! I literally can't argue with people like you or Dave. You simply say "Obama is the worst President ever". That isn't an argument, that is just a stupid subjective statement. Tell me why you think your economic theory would put us in a better position today than Obama's. Like a detailed description of how cutting spending will cause a country in a recession to get out of it. We have centuries of empirical evidence on what happens during recessions. Do you really think the powers to be are that dumb? Do you really think controlling a $14 trillion economy and 310 million selfish babies is really that easy of a task?

RX resident ChicAustrian
Aug 8, 2005
"You've reached the office of President Barack Obama. I'm sorry, I can't answer the phone right now. Please leave your name, reason for calling, and a return phone number, and I'll get back to you when I get back from the golf course. Thank you, and may God bless America."

New member
Jun 2, 2006
We get it, your issue is economy, the man most qualified in that area is Jon Huntsman, I'm busy with my baseball thing so I won't list his credits, trust me, his credits in commerce and economics are beyond impressive.

He will more than likely run on the republican ticket in the primaries, will you and Vit dismiss him because he's republican?
The man is 10000000x more qualified in economics than Obama.

Aug 6, 2006
Hey asshole. Willie called you out for being a liar on here, and offered to put up $1K to prove it. Are you going to keep dodging the bet, or are you going to admit you're a fucking liar?

He's a lying little hateful mosquito. But at least he only buzzes in once or twice a week. Probably soiling some other forum the rest of the time.

Aug 6, 2006
I sent a letter to Obama a few weeks ago. At they brag about how this is the most engaged, in touch administration blah blah blah. Three weeks later I get a form letter as a response which was obviously sent to everybody who wrote in on the issue regardless of how each recipient viewed it. Three paragraphs of boilerplate rhetorical pablum.
Oct 30, 2006
Barry doesn't make any decisions, its irrelevant how many day's off he has.

Barry is to the US power structure as Ronald McDonald is to McDonalds. Just a mascot.

Jul 30, 2006
How do you guys suppose Obumbles even has time for golf with all the vacations and whitehouse hip hop thug parties he plans? The man prolly needs a golf day here and there. It's hard work handing out my hard earned tax dollars to food stamp and welfare recipients.

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