Well we all know where I stand on this matter.
But hedging comes in a lot of varieties. Some I take excpetion to, like having a total blow out winner (seemingly) for a game, then trying to hit the second half. To me that is more or less a whole other bet. So if I had a team -3 for the game, and they were ahead 24-0 at the half, I wouldn't be taking them or their opponent whatever they would be offered at in the second half. Even if it was alucrative number. Unless I decided that it had some value somehow, which is always subjective.
But I hedge off all the time in seires plays. I got decent brakes in both these LCS match ups. I bet NY on the opener, then boguth a little on Bos after they lost game one, then bought back a little more when they lost game 2. I didn't however buy any when they were down 0-3, but who could? Even if you were over exposed on the Yankees. Most eople are not going to bet against over 100 years of history for some nice odds. GHuys who had the Yanks at +140/150 or whatever more than likely were counting their money up 3-0, especially after they scored 50 runs in that 3rd game.
But that series in and of itself is a PERFECT example as to why you should always hedge. Even with a seemingly insurmountable advantage.
But that is why ML based plays differe from spread based plays as well. You can not only hedge, but sometimes get some built in scalps as well.
Everyone like to win a big bet that they make, but in the long run if you hedged off every time you would be much further ahead. It isn't about the winning, it is about NOT LOSING. If I make 10 bux per on 100 plays, and never lose, I know where I am oping to be after those 100 plays. A guy betting one way has no way of knowing, he can only hope he hits more than h eloses, or he doubles down on awinner that gets him at least even.
Anyone reading the forums sees that. The first couple weeks the forums are rocking, everyone gung ho for football, and making money. Now most guys are dead ass broke and the forums have become ghost towns, except right on game time when the degenerates are out in force. And it isn't half way through the season yet.
The only thing you need to know is who makes more in thelong haul, the gamblers or the books? Books are basically hedging and adjusting all the ime to try and keep some semblance of balance. While some will take positions, they always have insurance. The list of books that gambled repeatedly are scattered throughout these forums, it doesn't take much of a search to find them.
Hedging is the smart way to survive.Gambling is good if you have a lot of money and aren't afraid to lose it. It all depends on what you are looking to accomplish.