Yeah Gore has backbone alright.....he said Fuck You to the world when he got involved with this:FROM THE ARCHIVES DOC...old but at least its whole.....
October 27, 2000
Congress denied details on Gore deal
The Clinton administration is continuing to withhold from Congress details of Vice President Al Gore's secret deals with Russia despite appeals made during closed-door briefings for members of Congress.
Senators yesterday were denied access to a secret list of Russian arms the administration allowed Moscow to send Iran without incurring U.S. sanctions, as agreed to in a secret deal, according to a letter from a group of senior Republicans.
During a House briefing yesterday, members were denied access to two secret letters - one from Russian Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin and one written by Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright.
The refusal to disclose details about Mr. Gore's arrangements appears to fulfill a request made in a classified 1995 letter from Mr. Chernomyrdin. According to the letter, first disclosed by The Washington Times Oct. 17, Mr. Chernomyrdin urged Mr. Gore to keep secret Russia's nuclear deal with Iran from "third parties, including the U.S. Congress."
During yesterday's briefing, State Department officials showed House members a copy of a separate classified 1995 "aide-memoire" signed by Mr. Gore and Mr. Chernomyrdin. But the officials would not allow Congress to keep a copy, and they also refused to provide copies of the "Dear Al" letter from Mr. Chernomyrdin and another classified letterfrom Mrs. Albright sent to Moscow in January, congressional aides said.
The aide-memoire, signed by the two leaders, committed the United States not to impose sanctions on Russia for conventional arms sales to Iran that are required under U.S. law.
Among the Republicans who signed the letter were Majority Leader Trent Lott of Mississippi, Jesse Helms of North Carolina, Sam Brownback of Kansas, Gordon R. Smith of Oregon, John McCain of Arizona, Richard G. Lugar of Indiana, Fred Thompson of Tennessee, Don Nickles of Oklahoma, John W. Warner of Virginia and Richard C. Shelby of Alabama.
A House aide said members were "angered and frustrated" by the refusal to explain the deals during yesterday's briefing. "Iran's nuclear weapons program was being built up and these agreements helped that," the aide said. "The Gore-Chernomyrdin agreement basically expedited Iran's nuclear missile program." Texas Gov. George W. Bush called again yesterday for Mr. Gore to provide a full explanation of the secret arms dealing. "Al Gore owes the American people an explanation about his role in the secret agreement between him and then-Prime Minister Chernomyrdin allowing Russia to sell arms to Iran," said Bush spokesman Dan Bartlett. Mr. Bartlett added: "Senator McCain has said that Gore's claims on the issue are 'probably false' and that his actions are 'inexcusable.' Al Gore's explanation of his secret agreement regarding arms sales to Iran defies credibility."
Thanks AL.....good luck in 08.