Tim Duncan has earned $220 million over his career. After taxes and agent fees lets say that left him with $110 million. I don't understand why these guys look to make exotic investments in businesses they know nothing about. Even if you put money is lousy treasury bonds you can earn 3% a year. You can also put the money in stock market in a plain vanilla S&P or total market fund. You might have some ups and downs but you'll still earn about 5-6% a year over the long haul. It's never enough for these players. They have to get involved with LLP's, restaurants, wineries, gyms, athletic equipment, sports drinks. The problem is for ever honest and hardworking financial advisor there is a thief or bungler. Roger Staubach had one of the most successful real investment businesses in the country. I guarantee that Roger learned and studied the business as much as he did when he was in the NFL. He was a real estate broker in the offseason. He sold his business in 2008 for $640 million dollars. Tim still has plenty of money left but he did get divorced so I'm sure this $20 million put a serious dent in his wealth. It's just mind boggling about how much athletes and celebrities get taken for. I think all sports leagues should employ ex-FBI and forensic accountants to clear any financial advisor before a player hires them. The player doesn't have to take the leagues advice but at least it gives these players a fighting chance. You can't expect kids with one year of college who never had dime in their life to make smart decisions.