From the right side of aisle, I would nominate the following for under the bus treatment.
GWB (clearly a liberal with conservative clothing aka religion)
John McCain (anit smoking and campaign restrictions, definition of a soft righty)
Alan Spector
David Gergen (a guess he's a R but did advise Clinton)
Bill Oreilly (how did this guy get so big time? Oh yeah, AARP)
Bill Crystal ( prime example of what's wrong with neo cons co opting right)
Sean Hannity (not a bad tv broadcaster, but his radio show overlaps too much with Limbaugh)
Mark Levine (a Savage wannabe but with half the intelligence)
GWB (clearly a liberal with conservative clothing aka religion)
John McCain (anit smoking and campaign restrictions, definition of a soft righty)
Alan Spector
David Gergen (a guess he's a R but did advise Clinton)
Bill Oreilly (how did this guy get so big time? Oh yeah, AARP)
Bill Crystal ( prime example of what's wrong with neo cons co opting right)
Sean Hannity (not a bad tv broadcaster, but his radio show overlaps too much with Limbaugh)
Mark Levine (a Savage wannabe but with half the intelligence)