Why do you NEED "The Democratic Party"? To Survive?
Why do WE need this?
We Don't. In The Long Run....We do not need a "Democratic Party"?
Just like my previous example: "Whig Party", we managed to get by without that. Somehow.
Go to your Local major college campus and ask 1000 kids what they are, about 70% will tell you: "Independent."
Democratic Party yes will continue to hobble along but the depth of corruption, mistrust borne of these past few months....Mortally Wounded: Democratic Party.
To use of "Snowflake":
Its what they ARE: Overly-Sensitive. Entitled. Close-Minded. Intellectually Stunted.
Devoid of Muscle Structure. of Indeterminate Gender (can't tell if they are a boy or a girl.)
Under Normal Circumstances I'd be totally (personal phisophy-wise) to agree 100% with you that the term "Snowflake" is getting overused here
but in this time I don't feel that it is. But "Rightie" for sure is as there are a VAST amount of people who have concerns for Safety of USA, Economy and Future for young people that, just bcuz they have concerns for such does not make them a "Rightie".
Here is part of why we are seeing "Snowflakes", explained in the Video below.
Warning tho: While this is certainly an educational watch and completely worth watching despite it being long at an Hour or so, its a depressing revelation that I'm torn between feeling like everyone should watch and no one should watch
cuz it spells out both: Why the world and particularly those most highly developed countries such as USA are seeing such a Dramatic Increase in Snowflakes
but also shines light on how entirely and deeply Fucked we might be. As a Species. Due to the Chemicals that surround us.
Which are a big contributing factor to why humans are evolving in to what they are: Gender-Confused etc. "Snowflakes".
There are Scientific Reasons why we are seeing people becoming so entirely messed up, as they are: