The US - Israel marriage.....

At what point will this ridiculous marriage come to an end? I know the US government has its head up Israels ass but I was just wondering if this sentiment is shared by US people. I've never really understood the reasons behind this marriage other than the US kinda has a souvenir nation left over from World War II but what exactly do people nowadays think?


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem..

The People's Champ
Like all things on the US foreign policy is based upon whats "In our best interests"??

In fact, Israel is the ONLY US friend and democracy in the region.

Do you think the Saudi's (home of Bin Laden) are our buddies?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joey C:
Like all things on the US foreign policy is based upon whats "In our best interests"??

I dont know about, it seems like now its based on whats in Israels best interest thanks to people like Rumsfeld!

1- I love you!
2- The check is in the mail!
3- I wont cum in your mouth!

How u figure that?

U think Arabs like Christians any more than they like Jews?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Did you know Iraqs foreign minister Aziz is christian?

1- I love you!
2- The check is in the mail!
3- I wont cum in your mouth!

Where Taconite Is Just A Low Grade Ore
Aug 20, 2000
Did you know he lost one at Auschwitz? He fell off a guard tower!!

I love my country but fear my government.
i made the point in another israel or not,they are a democracy and our biggest ally in the region.....strangely enough,the u.s. stands by it`s allies(how very un-french of us).....

israel does have nuclear weapons....they have not used them,even though gravely provoked....

saddam hussein is on record as saying,"my biggest mistake was not having nuclear weapons when going into kuwait".....if you have a brain in your head,you understand that if the israeli`s hadn`t taken out that french built iraqi nuclear reactor in the 80`s,there would have been nuclear weapons thudding into israel,not poorly guided scuds.....and as i said,about 3 hiroshima-sized nuclear bombs would pretty much annihilate a small country like israel....

make no mistake....a big part of our decision to take saddam out,is rooted in the continued existence of israel....which,is seen as being jeopardized by the one dictator in the middle east crazy and ballsy enough to try and annihilate them...

the world is becoming rife with black market nuclear processing material and some say,actual nuclear weapons(the soviet union cannot account for all of their cold war weapons)....n. korea has already been caught secretly shipping missiles to terrorist nation yemen on unmarked vessels....

if saddam`s reactor hadn`t been taken out prior to the gulf war,israel would most definitely have been hit with nuclear weapons.....thus,bringing retaliatory strikes with nuclear weapons from israel....thus opening the middle east up to a full scale arab vs israeli conflict,fecking up half the world`s oil supplies,and possibly creating a global catastrophe.......

it`s not hard to understand why we are doing what we are doing...the guy has proven he`s willing to do what your average despot will not do.......

if you can`t assuredly get the knife away from jack the ripper....then you have to get rid of jack....

[This message was edited by sphincter on 03-19-03 at 11:17 PM.]
Good post sphincter.

Slim- I got to say, I am sorry I ever read this thread, I think I just lost a lot of respect for you. I respect anyones right to express there opinion's or politics , I just take grave offense to your statement-

At what point will this ridiculous marriage come to an end?

Lander- Can you elaborate please. What is your problem with The United States and Israel?

articulate and poignant. well said, thank you!


first Iraq, then France
I don't post here that much anymore but I still lurk and I must say, as a Jew and somebody that has always tried to show respect to every poster here that has deserved it, I am dismayed by SLIM's comments. I thought you were one of the good guys.

In a time when our country is trying to band together to take out the real bad guys, it amazes me when anti-semitism and racism STILL comes to the forefront! You have a lot of respect here among your peers. Hopefully, you will consider how hurtful your comments are and either delete them or explain them.
How can you explain referring to Israel as-

" a souvenir nation left over from World War II "

Aside from outrageous ignorance,
agree with Israeli politics or not, but for this land, our people would not exist. How many people did slim or landers family lose in the holocaust?

Cha ching

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I second that dogball. Good point you made. I am proud that Israel has the toughest military, best technology and the most loyal and devoted citizens.
>it amazes me when anti-semitism

A very large # of the anti-war crowd are anti-semitic... I personally saw & heard it today in downtown San Diego.

- - -
"This is the business we've chosen." - Hyman Roth
"Lander- Can you elaborate please. What is your problem with The United States and Israel?"

I pressume that you're assuming back lack of siding with Isreal is anti-semetic, however this is not the case. FYI - I have several Jewish friends, afterall it's hard not to when you work in Manhattan for a few years. I also have Muslim friends.
Regardless, that is all irrelevant as this isn't a matter of siding - it's a matter of perception. People believe what they are told - the Germans are the prime example of this as are most wars.

My statement is this : Good or Bad most major media outlets are owned by the Jewish. IMO this is why the Isreali/Palestinian conflict is always shown so one-sided.

Why do you think when an Isreal tank rolls across the strip and blows up some Palestinian building it's called defense, but when a Palestian straps a bomb to himself it's called terrorism? If the Palestinians had the money & the weapons that Isreal has then would they not be called terrorists? Of course not.

I think both sides are wrong, but we're shown one side. If the Gov't doesn't take that side then the media can/will effectively destroy political careers.

Media is more dangerous then government.

"How many people did slim or landers family lose in the holocaust?"
2 Great Uncles fighting JUSTLY for your people. Don't twist this.
The dogs finally show what they're all about. Shame on you.

"Walter Williams is my hero" outandup 2002

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