The Take down of Anthony Weiner (THE TRUTH shall set you FREE!!!!!!!!)


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
so who is involved in this conspiracy?

Weiner, took his set-up like a man. Allowed himself to be humiliated, didn't even fight it. I only wonder why he was so stupid and voted against the Patriot Act when he's one of "THEY" and he should know what the end result was going to be.

BTW: I digress, but I didn't realize he was the only one to vote against the Patriot Act, truly amazing

back to the list of conspirators

every member of Congress
the girls who were texted
Tweeter, for allowing the path to be set up
The FBI, for assisting in the cover-up
The press, for playing along

and of course, the entire membership of "THEY", which consists of tens of millions of people

Nov 16, 2008
^^Weiners wife is bisexual? Solid.
There's a real porno film waiting to happen....One of the sexters meets him and his wife is there, the next thing you know the sexter and his wife are eating pussy and Weiner is in the middle of them..LMAO--

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
of course 153 voted against extending the Patriot Act but THEY chose to go after one of the least powerful and most unknown of the 153

news at 11

Sep 18, 2009
so who is involved in this conspiracy?

Weiner, took his set-up like a man. Allowed himself to be humiliated, didn't even fight it. I only wonder why he was so stupid and voted against the Patriot Act when he's one of "THEY" and he should know what the end result was going to be.

BTW: I digress, but I didn't realize he was the only one to vote against the Patriot Act, truly amazing

back to the list of conspirators

every member of Congress
the girls who were texted
Tweeter, for allowing the path to be set up
The FBI, for assisting in the cover-up
The press, for playing along

and of course, the entire membership of "THEY", which consists of tens of millions of people

lol....its a lot of things you don't realize....but you going to come across...sooner or later....

Sep 18, 2009
Did Huma Abedin get paid $700,000 for consulting fees or for hot lesbian sex with Hillary?

The Times of London was the first paper to report on the Huma Abedin / Hillary Clinton lesbian rumor. What do you want to say to the Times editor?Do you believe the rumors: Are Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin lesbian lovers?
Pravda: The official pre-election campaign has not started in the United States yet, but the unofficial version of it full of rumors and slander is in full swing already. Candidates running for presidency in the USA have been defamed in all possible ways. Anonymous emails, regular mail letters, leaflets stuck on buildings and underneath windshield wipers accuse the candidates of most grievous sins imaginable.
H-squared (Huma and Hillary) - can the dynamic duo appeal to middle America?

5 September, 2007 in Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, accomplished women, presidential campaign, presidential candidate, women and power by Uncommon Female
The August issue of American Vogue featured an article on Huma Abedin, the traveling chief of staff for presidential hopeful, Hillary Clinton. As observed on Gawker, the Vogue article is lengthy but lacks substance similar to the Observer piece in April. Huma is characterized in short as a control freak, beautiful and a force to be reckon with. Yet, there isn’t much evidence of her intellect and capabilities outside of showing composure in designer clothes and accessories and having a keen understanding of political dynamics in the Middle East having lived there until her teens and raised by parents who are professors and of Indian and Pakistani descent. She has worked for Clinton as an intern/aide since graduating from George Washington. I just don’t see how she can be sought out for her expertise in matters related to the Middle East when she hasn’t worked in an objective international capacity outside of being Clinton’s aide. If she has, the authors of the artices in Vogue and the Observer should have pointed that out rather than rely on just the opinions of others. How about demonstrating the woman’s true smart rather than focusing on how smart and polish she looks in an Yves Saint Laurent suit?
It is worrying too that high power people in Washington like Senator Clinton is heavily relying on the advice of people who haven’t had extensive professional experience in international politics. Even if she grew up in the Middle East, I think that things have changed drastically in the 12+ years she has been away in Washington at college and working for Clinton. Somehow I don’t think that growing up in Saudi Arabia was so bad.
I’m sure that Senator Clinton have some very smart people working for her which makes me surprise that they allow such articles to be printed. Not so much the fact that the articles has a lot of fluff painting Huma as a super-woman, a wonder-kid. By putting forth the image of Huma and Hillary has dynamic, stylish, professional women, they are widening the gap between Senator Clinton and middle America, a weakness of her campaign. I would hope that America is ready for a woman president. However, I’m not sure if America knows how to relate to a woman presidential candidate and the fact that she’s an accomplished lawyer/politician woman makes it even worse. There’s no need to paint a perfect picture of these women to give the average Joes and Janes out there more reason to stay clear of Hillary Clinton. I hope Hillary’s team start to realize that they need to bring Hillary more down to earth to start winning the votes in areas she desperately
U.S. presidential front runners defamed (
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton was said to have a lesbian relationship with her aide, Huma Abedin.

Reliable Source said:
I am close enough to Hillary and Huma to tell you that this “rumor” is true. It is well known inside her campaign that Hillary and Huma are an item. If you call Hillary’s residence in DC first thing in the morning, Huma answers the phone. Same thing late at night and on the road. It’s a closely guarded secret that Hillary’s inner circle guards at all costs.
See the answer here and what readers think.

Yes, this is just like a Clinton

Yes, this is just like a Clinton
A major sex scandal story involving one of the leading presidential candidates is believed to be soon published by the LA Times, Big Head DC has learned. Details are slowly trickling in through people who’ve heard about the story, and with Larry Flynt saying he’s set to reveal a “huge” sex scandal story involving a sitting senator in the coming days, the rumors seem to be gathering traction.
“So I was down in DC this past weekend and happened to run into a well-connected media person, who told me flatly, unequivocally that ‘everyone knows’ the LA Times was sitting on a story, all wrapped up and ready to go about what is a potentially devastating sexual scandal involving a leading presidential candidate,” reports Pajamas Media’s Ron Rosenbaum. “‘Everyone knows’ meaning everyone in the DC mainstream media political reporting world. ‘Sitting on it’ because the paper couldn’t decide the complex ethics of whether and when to run it. The way I heard it they’d had it for a while but don’t know what to do. The person who told me is not an LAT person and knows I write and didn’t say ‘don’t write about this.’”

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005

loren, it would be cool if you're right

but I'm not holding my breath ole buddy

Sep 18, 2009
Theres no way to know......but know that what ever the media is telling you is only half of it...

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Theres no way to know......but know that what ever the media is telling you is only half of it...

we agree, next round on me

New member
Jun 2, 2006
The Onion is more credible then CNN though, I'll give the OP that.

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
Sorry folks, its got nothing to do with sex...LOL Anthony Weiner as some of you may remember was responsible for the 911 Rescue Bill..that would have compensated the 911 rescue workers with over 7.4 billion dollars....The powers that be don't give a shit about a bunch of sick rescue workers....Weiner is being reminded who butters the bread in this town....You silly fools believing this had something to do with Sex..hahaha....This is punishment, plain and simple - Loren78

Have you ever considered the possibility that you may be batshit insane?

New member
Nov 10, 2010

  • Weiner could draw on pensions and benefits worth more than $1m in his lifetime
  • Already offered a cameo role in Entourage
  • Porn guru Larry Flynt offers him a job with a hefty salary
  • Holidaying in the Hamptons with Huma
  • Spotted singing love songs in Long Island grocery store
  • Has lucrative pension deal to fall back on while his staff are jobless
  • Enjoys other perks like free parking and use of congressional gym
  • President puts belief in Weiner saying he will 'refocus' and 'bounce back'
  • Washington pundits say he is already planning comeback
  • Sources say he may even run for his seat again in special election

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