I'd like to welcome SBT, Sports Betting Trivia @ www.sportsbettingtrivia.com to our site..
I understand that there are many other places you could have chosen to meet your advertising needs and I really appreciate you giving us the business...
I like the fact that they are offering gamblers something which is UNIQUE...
Located in Costa Rica, these guys offer something UNIQUE compared to what other bookmakers are doing...
Furthermore, the main people behind SBT are friends with some people I went to High School with, so although they are relatively unknown at this time, I feel they are worthy of givng them a try...
Sports Betting Trivia.com offers the opportunity to win FREE ½ points or 5 cents off the money line in bets up to $1000.
-SBT Bonuses
-15% Sign Up
-10% Re-Up
-10% Referral
After you place any bet you will have the option to move the spread ½ a point or 5 cents off the money line in your favor by answering a trivia question correctly. There are 3 different trivia questions categories. You pick the one you like the most. We have SPORTS, MOVIES AND MUSIC trivia for everybody!
This question will pop up just after you confirm your wager and it is a 4 multiple choice question. This means that if you know nothing about sports, just by betting at Sports Betting Trivia.com you will have a 25% chance to win a FREE ½ point or 5 cents off the money line.
Sports Betting Trivia.com offers a complete gambling service on the NFL football, NBA basketball, MLB baseball, NHL hockey, Horses, Boxing, Golf, Nascar and more!
If you don't answer the question correctly, you will be betting the same line as advertised, but if you answer it correctly you will inmediately win a FREE ½ point or 5 cents off the money line.
I understand that there are many other places you could have chosen to meet your advertising needs and I really appreciate you giving us the business...
I like the fact that they are offering gamblers something which is UNIQUE...
Located in Costa Rica, these guys offer something UNIQUE compared to what other bookmakers are doing...
Furthermore, the main people behind SBT are friends with some people I went to High School with, so although they are relatively unknown at this time, I feel they are worthy of givng them a try...
Sports Betting Trivia.com offers the opportunity to win FREE ½ points or 5 cents off the money line in bets up to $1000.
-SBT Bonuses
-15% Sign Up
-10% Re-Up
-10% Referral
After you place any bet you will have the option to move the spread ½ a point or 5 cents off the money line in your favor by answering a trivia question correctly. There are 3 different trivia questions categories. You pick the one you like the most. We have SPORTS, MOVIES AND MUSIC trivia for everybody!
This question will pop up just after you confirm your wager and it is a 4 multiple choice question. This means that if you know nothing about sports, just by betting at Sports Betting Trivia.com you will have a 25% chance to win a FREE ½ point or 5 cents off the money line.
Sports Betting Trivia.com offers a complete gambling service on the NFL football, NBA basketball, MLB baseball, NHL hockey, Horses, Boxing, Golf, Nascar and more!
If you don't answer the question correctly, you will be betting the same line as advertised, but if you answer it correctly you will inmediately win a FREE ½ point or 5 cents off the money line.