The Neocons Have Landed -- in France! (And eek just heeved in his beer!)


Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td style="font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold;" valign="top" width="99%">Polls: Sarkozy Elected French President</td> <td align="right" valign="top"> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> <!-- headline end --> <!-- date/author start --> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td colspan="2">
</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="99%">May 6 02:08 PM US/Eastern
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</td> <td style="font-size: 14px;" valign="top" width="99%">PARIS (AP) - French voters chose Nicolas Sarkozy as their new president on Sunday, giving the conservative a comfortable margin for victory and a mandate for change, result projections from four polling agencies showed. His Socialist opponent conceded minutes after polls closed. The agencies said the conservative won 53 percent of the vote amid massive turnout, dashing Socialist Segolene Royal's hopes of being elected France's first woman president. The projections were based on vote counts from representative samples of hundreds of polling stations across the country.


As predicted by yours truly months ago, the pro-capitalist, anti-entitlement, pro-American Nicolas Sarkozy has been elected by the good people of France.

The man who once stated that he wanted his picture taken with George Bush in the White House will now get his wish.

This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. :103631605

Sep 22, 2004
I wonder who will riot first:

The students
The farmers
The immigrants
The unions


Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
eek, as I keep saying to my conservative brethren, if we can just get past this Gorebull Warming© lunacy, we can bury the socialist revolution once and for all.

Nutters like you will always look to Hugo Chavez for inspiration, but the mainstream have recognized socialism for the backward religious superstition that it is.

Rx. Veteran
Apr 22, 2006
Here's a nice piece by European press isn't encouraging riots, are they?

<HR noShade SIZE=1>
The riots will begin when he is elected

[FONT=Geneva,Arial,sans-serif]Nabila Ramdani
Sunday May 6, 2007
The Observer

A bright spring morning on Paris's Left Bank and les flics are already out in force. You can glimpse the red bands on their kepis as they lurk behind bushes waiting to trap another speedster. Here's one now, accelerating as he sees the path opening up in front of him.
Faster, faster and then a sharp blast from a whistle as he's pulled over by at least three stationary policemen. They know offenders will come quietly, offering names and addresses in expectation of a caution, or even a fine. <HR class=mpu>
Such heavy policing is to catch people jogging on the grass. There is a €33 punishment for breaking Luxembourg Gardens bylaws. Particularly antisocial runners might even earn a truncheon swipe to the chest.
This is law and order, Sarkozy-style. It was as 'le tough cop' that Nicolas Sarkozy styled himself during two terms as Interior Minister, producing a police force almost entirely in his own image, that is to say small-minded, awkward, at times extremely nasty, and - as far as keeping the peace is concerned - surprisingly ineffective.
As a young Frenchwoman of Algerian descent who has spent more time in Paris's banlieues than its famed Latin Quarter, it's clear to me that Sarkozy shows no sign of learning from his mistakes. Urban unrest will be a prevailing feature of his presidency, starting with rioting on the night he is elected. In the words of a friend: 'It may be that thousands take to the street, but I can't help feeling it's going to be worse than that'.
A chilling blend of uncompromising brutality and extreme pettiness has dominated France since Sarko became Interior Minister in 2002. His first bill introduced prison terms for a vast range of petty offences from begging and 'insulting security guards' to 'loitering in communal areas'.
Civil liberties groups said it was waging 'war on the poor'; Sarko said it was fighting an ever-rising crime rate, one that is still escalating. A tough, intimidating police force was viewed as a priority by Sarko, and thousands more officers were put on the beat.
When Azouz Begag, the minister for equality, disagreed with the reactionary approach to the suburban riots of autumn 2005, he was threatened with a punch by the diminutive Sarko. Such aggression was in people's minds when, last month, a riot broke out at the Gare du Nord after the police had laid into an alleged illegal immigrant who had not paid his metro fare. Witnesses said officers hit him 'time and time again'.
The so-called 'blacks' and 'beurs' - those with African or North African backgrounds - are often singled out for physical reprimands. Sarko has made crackdowns on immigrants the cornerstone of his law and order policy.
Go to the suburbs at any time of day or night and you'll see Sarko-style violence used to quell everything from unruly schoolboys to domestic disputes. Alleged offenders will be lined up against walls, handcuffed, and then punched viciously. This unofficial policy reached its zenith during the civil unrest of 2005.
It began in the Parisian suburb of Clichy-sous-Bois, following the deaths of two teenagers attempting to hide from police. It was Sarko who at first described protesters as 'hoodlums' and 'gangsters', but it soon became clear they were victims of the police brutality he had done so much to encourage. In February, two officers were charged in connection with the deaths.
With an alienated, unemployed and largely immigrant underclass blamed for making a political protest through the disturbances, the ever tactful Interior Minister called them 'scum' to be 'washed away with a power hose'.
In last year's 'circulaire Sarkozy', Sarko proposed giving residency papers to immigrant families with children already integrated in French schools. Some 25,000 applied. It was then just a matter of refusing the vast majority and going to arrest those who remained. Parents were picked up as they collected their children from school.
The political establishment may complain about Sarko using his state-funded henchmen to investigate everything from political rivals to troublesome journalists, but it is those who are regularly victimised who suffer most.
There have been sops to immigrants, of course. Sarkozy is too smart to ignore a sizeable electoral power base. In 2002, he set up France's first Muslim council, he opposed the ban on headscarves in schools and he favours positive discrimination. All small comfort for those who know that a Sarko presidency will be characterised by aggression towards those who do not fit his vision of an ordered, small-minded state. And there will also be no running on the grass in Luxembourg Gardens.
· Nabila Ramdani is a history lecturer at Paris University.
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Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
Great article, AL! Are lefties calling Sarkozy Hitler yet? Give them time.

This is a great day for the French people and a bad day for Islamofascists, entitlement sluts and their sympathizers.

Rx. Veteran
Apr 22, 2006
Well, it's amazing watching these French peaceniks trying to influence elections with threats of violence. Democracy is set up so we don't have to settle issues with violence. One man, one vote and everyone lives with the results. They'll grasp the concept eventually, I hope.

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
Sarkozy must have been channeling Reagan...

Next Tuesday, all of you will go to the polls, will stand there in the polling place and make a decision. I think when you make that decision, it might be well if you would ask yourself, are you better off than you were four years ago?

Is it easier for you to go and buy the things in stores than it was four years ago? Is there more or less unemployment in the country than there was four years ago?

Is [France] as well respected throughout the world as it was? Do you feel that our security is as safe, that we're as strong as we were four years ago?

And if you answer all of those questions yes, why then, I think your choice is very obvious as to whom you will vote for. If you don't agree, if you don't think that this course that we've been on for the last four years is what you would like to see us follow for the next four, then I suggest another choice that you have.

The French people finally woke up!!


"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen."
Dec 6, 2004
More evidence of the global infection of this gutter ideology showing up in the strangest of places FRANCE no less. If France can go NEO then no place is safe from this scourge against mankind.

More rearranging of the deck chairs on the Titanic by the scumbag Police State antisepticly efficent anti-human rights anti freedom pro-genocide Bush masters- the Illuminati.
This asshole Sarcoma will bring back the guillotine if he is allowed to.

My condolences to the people of France. Theyve just given up all their rights and signed their own death warrant.

All thats left now is the cryin and the dyin...

Drink up Eek, whereever you are, its getting dangerously near to closing time...

"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen."
Dec 6, 2004
“Nicolas Sarkozy, through his proximity to business circles and media powers, through his taste for intimidation and threats, will concentrate power as it has never been before,” Mr. Bayrou said. “Through his temperament, and the themes he has chosen to stir up, he risks aggravating the tears in the social fabric, notably through policies that give an advantage to the richest.”

Just what the world needs- another Bush clone...

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
Hey TR, I forgot to mention, Sarkozy loves Israel too. (And doesn't care much for savages who raise their sons and daughters to be martyrs, blowing up pizzerias, buses, train stations etc.) :thumbsup:

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
Sarkozy added that he wanted to tell his "American friends that they can rely on our friendship ... France will always be next to them when they need us."

Democrats are deeply, deeply depressed. First Germany, now France. Kerry's corrupt and morally bankrupt "friends and allies" were booted to the curb and the people are beginning to see things the George Bush way. :103631605

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
Sarkozy added that he wanted to tell his "American friends that they can rely on our friendship ... France will always be next to them when they need us."

Democrats are deeply, deeply depressed. First Germany, now France. Kerry's corrupt and morally bankrupt "friends and allies" were booted to the curb and the people are beginning to see things the George Bush way. :103631605

:aktion033 Well said! :toast:

Rx. Veteran
Apr 22, 2006
“Nicolas Sarkozy, through his proximity to business circles and media powers, through his taste for intimidation and threats, will concentrate power as it has never been before,” Mr. Bayrou said. “Through his temperament, and the themes he has chosen to stir up, he risks aggravating the tears in the social fabric, notably through policies that give an advantage to the richest.”

Just what the world needs- another Bush clone...

I guess this Mr Bayrou is above reproach in anything he says and his personal motives or agendas should never be called into question. Please post more of his ideas, opinions and theories so I can adopt them all.

"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen."
Dec 6, 2004
Only a dickless spineless Rovian whore would be inspired by this piece of shit...bon appetite, I do hope you choke on the entrails...

Mans greatest wealness is his willingness to accept change for the sake of it.

Methinks some of those provinces were vote tainyed just a bit maybe, another reason for the coming, inevitable, riots , Bastile day in its intensity. I am half French and I know what the French people must be feeling now- they are suddenly looking down the barrel of a gun. Proud, free, France, a country that had the balls to reject Bush's vision, and stay free, has just been turned into Malcolm Mcdowell in the classic filme A Clockwork Orange, forced to watch violence on film (in this case French telivision', barring American style blackout of MSM coverage unsuitable for the peoples consumption banned material. Or maybe the coverage will be extensive and send a message the the French people- shut-up.

Mans greatest strength is to have the courage and conviction to resist and reverse change when it becomes clear that change was in the best interest of powerbrokers playing them for fools to change it back to their best interests with great suffering and sacrifice.

"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen."
Dec 6, 2004
<TABLE class=tborder style="BORDER-TOP-WIDTH: 0px" cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR title="Post 4102951" vAlign=top><TD class=alt1 align=middle width=125>Joe Contrarian</TD><TD class=alt2>Hey TR, I forgot to mention, Sarkozy loves Israel too. (And doesn't care much for savages who raise their sons and daughters to be martyrs, blowing up pizzerias, buses, train stations etc.) </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Total Recall the Jew hater now? Is this the post-anniliation by Nepenthe Joe? Tilting into a word salad phase thats a release, pleasurable for you to sink to, in a disgusting sort of way. I havent seen that much blood since Doc Mercer used to rip you a new one regularly. And you actually believes you won? :puppy:

It takes guts to live in a free society, where the good have to tolerate the occasional bad. Trouble is, you would sacrifice the good to remove the bad.You want to throw the baby out with the bathwater.You cant lived scared, you gutless hyena. Like my avatar says, if you want maximum security, go to prison, leave freedom loving people alone. Theyre not scared. Dont make your paranoia about terrorists mine. Go build your bombshelter and crawl in. Tell the guy Im playing golf with tommorow who has been my friend for 20 years that Joe says I hate him. Hed rip you to shreds verbally, you know, with that classic Jewish sarcasm I enjoy so much. Take your name calling, your sloganneering, and your bed wetting problem to a psychiatrist. Maybe you should go on Prozac. You really should get a life and stop living in cyberworld. You NEOS have forgotten what its like to be human. Thats your ultimate fault. You have as much chance of holding the worlds interest as Sanjia did. Stop wasting your breath on us. We dont like you. Theres another movie that brings out the same feelings in me after listening to his schtick. Go see the world Joe wants to usher in. Go see THX-1138, because thats where hes trying to lead you...

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