The Liberal Way: The Audacity of Intolerance and Arrogance


Jan 19, 2005
The Liberal Way: The Audacity of Intolerance and Arrogance

Monday, April 13, 2009, 07:34 AM

By Wayne Allyn Root, 2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential nominee

You've got to love Barack Obama. He's willing to talk to any
terrorist, murderer or socialist madman in the world. But not
to a member of the opposition here in America. If you stand
for freedom, patriotism, capitalism or entrepreneurship, he has no
interest in talking with you.

President Obama is willing to negotiate or compromise with
anyone in the world- no matter how heinous, vicious, or awful
their past. But no compromise is allowed here in the good 'ole
USA on government spending, bailouts or taxes.

Obama's Democratic friends in Congress have no problem flying to Cuba
to meet with Fidel Castro. This man, a mass murderer who's
held his own people hostage for a half century.

But these same Congressmen won't even cross the aisle to
speak with fellow legislators who believe in patriotism,
capitalism, free markets, or personal responsibility.

Those words are frightening and hateful to liberals.

Liberal Democrats (Obama supporters) aren't even bothering
to hide their extremist views anymore.

Democrats admit being Socialist in latest Rasmussen Poll

A new Rasmussen poll shows big majorities of virtually
every group of Americans, namely Republicans, independents,
investors, middle age Americans, older Americans... are all
supportive of Capitalism versus Socialism.

And not by some small difference, either. Most Americans
support capitalism by margins as big as 11 to 1! On the other
hand, Democrats are just about dead even in their support of
Socialism versus Capitalism.

It seems the cat is out of the bag. Obama and his supporters
are in fact Socialists. They want to socialize America.

You don't have to believe me. Just ask them. Rasmussen did.
Say it out loud- all together now:

Obama is a Socialist.
Democrats are Socialists.
There, doesn't that feel better to get the truth out?

Liberals cheered the death of Ronald Reagan at Columbia University

It was 1981 when a breathless student ran into my political
science class screaming, 'President Reagan has been shot!"
"They've assassinated Reagan!” The reaction from my fellow
classmates? CHEERING. Celebrating. High-fives all around.
The intellectual elite of America were smiling , hugging and
Screaming with glee, “Yes! Reagan is dead!”

How could this happen at this great Ivy League institution?
Simple. Many (if not most) of my classmates were Socialists
and Marxists. They weren't shy about it, either. They openly defended
and praised communist countries and their leaders. What is so
frightening and disturbing is that today my classmates
populate the highest levels of federal government. One of
them sits in the White House. Yes, President Obama
was my college classmate. And he's filled his administration
with our Columbia University classmates- people
that despised capitalism and patriotism so much that they
celebrated the death of Ronald Reagan as if it was New Years Eve.
Diversity at Columbia (and all other Ivy League colleges) ranges from
liberal to Socialist to Marxist. INTOLERANCE defines their very being.

Patriot Glenn Beck of Fox News: Code Red
Now the same liberal Obama crowd is trying to smear an
American patriot named Glenn Beck. Why am I not surprised?

Beck was never considered much of a threat by liberals
when he hosted a show on CNN (some suspect those initials
stand for “Communist News Network”). This all changed when
Beck was hired by Fox News Channel, and his show became one
of the highest-rated television shows in America.

Suddenly the Socialist Threat Rating rose to level red.

Now he's joined Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael
Savage, and Bill O'Reilly at the top of's
“Socialist Most Wanted” list.

I guess being a supporter of Ron Paul or a member of the
Libertarian Party isn't the worst thing you can be anymore.
Remember, a Homeland Security affiliate agency recently
Broadcast an alert to Law Enforcement that having a Libertarian or
Ron Paul bumper sticker on your car was enough to
consider someone a potential terrorist!

First the crime was “Driving while Libertarian.” According to it's now “Driving while listening to conservative talk radio.”
That's right, take the Glenn Beck and the Fox News bumper stickers
off your car immediately. That is, if you don't want to be
labeled a militia member or “domestic terrorist” by government or law

So, what does the small-minded, intolerant, intellectual leftist crowd
have in their 'Rules for Radicals' bag of tricks for Glenn Beck?

Now, Rush Limbaugh doesn't make public appearances, so
the best the liberal radicals could do was talk nasty about him and try
to boycott Florida Orange Juice, one of his sponsors.
(They failed, sales went up!)

But Beck is the new target. Right now, the radical left is blaming Beck for
gun violence in America. Somehow, when he advocates sound fiscal
policy, balanced budgets and lower taxes, Glenn is inspiring hatred and

With the Tea Party protests coming up April 15th, it has been
disclosed that the radical left was planning on infiltrating tax protests
across the country- in particular the event in San Antonio that Beck
was slated to speak at. These radical leftists had plans to try to
embarrass Beck and brand him with some kind of extremist, pro-
violence, revolutionary image.
To avoid controversy, Beck has decided not to speak in San
Antonio, in front of the Alamo, a great symbol of freedom in
America. Sad to hear, but certainly not surprising. Intolerance,
smearing and silencing of dissent is what the radical left does best.

They insist on free speech for themselves, but shout down, or
exclude differing opinions. They claim to be “open-minded,”
but cheer for the assassination of patriots and freedom fighters like
Ronald Reagan. I’m sure they’d cheer for the death of Glenn Beck, Sean
Hannity or Michael Savage too.

Interesting that Obama's ideological buddies in Congress love
Castro, but hate Reagan. Castro imprisoned, tortured and
murdered Cubans he disagreed with. He stole or closed
businesses of his political opponents. By destroying capitalism,
Castro turned back the clock, leaving Cuba in the dark ages.

Reagan would have died to protect the free speech of his
political opponents. Reagan fought to get thousands of Jewish
political prisoners released from the Soviet Union. Reagan was a
hero. Yet Obama’s idealogical friends in Congress celebrate Castro.

The very same people who today complain Glenn Beck and
the rest of talk radio aren't giving President Obama a chance, want to
silence conservative talk radio. They only believe in free speech for their
leftist and Marxist buddies.

It's that infamous liberal double standard.
The reason Libertarians and fiscal conservatives are holding
Tea Parties is because we actually pay our taxes. Isn't it telling that
so many of Obama's picks are tax cheats? It's easy to raise taxes
when you don't pay them yourself.

Fiscal conservatives are mad as hell and protesting because our tax
burden is already far too high. We understand the burden of taxes,
simply because we pay most of them. We understand that to create jobs,
government must allow us to keep more of our own money. Higher taxes
will kill jobs, force small businesses to close, and destroy any chance of a
quick economic recovery.


How dare a fiscal conservative, a hero like Glenn Beck,
speak at a pro-freedom, anti-tax rally. Liberals feel the
need to mobilize, infiltrate the tax rallies, and smear him.
After all, they can't allow anyone a national stage to point out:

* Obama's budgets will triple the national debt.
* Obama has quadrupled the highest deficit under Bush.
* Obama's first budget is larger than all other budgets in the history of America combined- from George Washington to George W. Bush.
* The tax burden for the top income earners in America is already crushing- the top 1% in this country already pay over 30% of the taxes; the top 20% more than 70% of the taxes.

The folks at can't afford to let these facts out.
Free speech must be stifled. What's next? Will Obama
audit your taxes if you say the Pledge of Allegiance in public?

I'll be speaking April 15th at the Las Vegas Tax Day Tea Party.
I predict massive turnouts at Tea Parties across the nation.
It's time to take America back. Back from the intolerant Socialist thugs
that cheered for the death of my hero Ronald Reagan.

To patriot heroes like Glenn Beck I say, “Keep doing
what you're doing.” The Socialist Threat Rating level
has been raised to red because what you're doing is working.
Let's keep the pressure up.

America's anti-tax political revolution has only just begun.
See you at the Tax Day Tea Party rallies.

Wayne Allyn Root was the 2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential candidate. His new book will be released by John Wiley & Sons this July 4th entitled, “The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts.” The book is available for pre-sale at For more of Wayne’s views, commentaries, or to watch his many media interviews, please visit his web site at:


New member
Jul 21, 2006
god i hate people playing off the title of obamas book, audacity of hope

ive seen so many shiity columns, audacity of this, audacity of that. talk about beatin a dead horse.
Sep 21, 2004
god i hate people playing off the title of obamas book, audacity of hope

ive seen so many shiity columns, audacity of this, audacity of that. talk about beatin a dead horse.

Who cares what you think?


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Nov 17, 2005
forever Obama will be remembered with the word Audacity

he might as well patent it as his

Sep 21, 2004
President Obama is a bad man. Don't like his platform much, but this here President rocks big time!


Jan 19, 2005
<TABLE class=tborder id=post2086434 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=3 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_2086434 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #2b295e 1px solid">Blueprint for silencing talk radio exposed
[SIZE=+1]New book warns of 'commissar committees' to censor speech[/SIZE]

<HR SIZE=1>[SIZE=-1]Posted: April 13, 2009[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]8:49 pm Eastern[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]© 2009 WorldNetDaily [/SIZE]

<TABLE align=right border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width=190>

WASHINGTON – As popular opposition to the reinstitution of the so-called "Fairness Doctrine" mounts, Barack Obama and the Democrat-dominated Congress will end-run critics with legislation that will curb dissent on talk radio through the imposition of "localism" rules and community watchdog boards across America, charges a new book by a former NBC Westwood One talk-show host.
In "Shut Up, America! The End of Free Speech," author Brad O'Leary says the plan amounts to the development of party-approved "commissar committees" to censor the kind of lively and free-wheeling debate America has known since the scrapping of the so-called "Fairness Doctrine" by President Reagan's Federal Communications Commission in 1987.
By demanding radio stations answer to local community watchdog boards to ensure programming is "balanced," "fair," "diverse," "tolerant" and "serving the public interest locally," O'Leary says the rules and legislation being planned will once again make talk radio accountable to politicians, political activists and bureaucrats at the FCC.
Tell your government to stay away from censoring talk radio and manipulating news coverage: Sign WND's Petition to Block Congressional Attacks on Freedom of Speech and Press now!
The ultimate threat over the heads of radio stations is license renewal, he explains. "Far-left groups such as ACORN [Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now] stand at the ready to pressure these boards into silencing conservative talk radio programs, either through intimidation or the loss of broadcast licenses," says O'Leary, who, during the presidential campaign, wrote the best-selling book, "The Audacity of Deceit: Barack Obama's War on American Values."
The book points out there were only 75 radio talk shows in America during the last year of the "Fairness Doctrine" rules. Today, there are more than 3,000.
"The liberals' once-dominant media forum is fading fast, in part because Americans have discovered real diversity of ideas elsewhere," O'Leary writes. "The enemies of free speech know this. They also know that, if they are to accomplish their goal of stifling all debate, they will have to control all media outlets."
While the Obama administration and some Democratic congressional leaders have denied efforts to reinstate the "Fairness Doctrine," none have denied efforts to stack the FCC with appointees open to the idea of reining in talk radio.
"Under the rubric of 'broadcast localism,' it is clear the commission is proposing no less than a sweeping takeover by Washington bureaucrats of broadcast media," wrote Rep. John Boehner, House minority leader, in a letter to FCC Chairman Kevin Martin as far back as last June. "The proposals and recommendations for commission action contained in the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking amount to the stealth enactment of the Fairness Doctrine, a policy designated to squelch the free speech and free expression of specifically targeted audiences."
Those regulations would specifically "reinstitute advisory boards to regulate broadcast content and revive a host of other rules the commission dropped more than 20 years ago," explained Boehner.
Also revealed in "Shut Up, America" is evidence that Obama's new FCC chairman wants to create a "Fairness Doctrine" for the Internet to regulate and censor online speech.
Julius Genachowski, an Obama friend from Harvard Law School and the mastermind behind Obama's online fundraising machine, is an ardent supporter of so-called "net neutrality" regulations, perceived by O'Leary as a first step toward "Fairness Doctrine"-style regulations on content for the Internet. Genachowski would have government decide what content Internet operators and network owners must provide.
"Incredibly, he claims this is to keep the Internet free and open to all," says O'Leary. "In reality, his goal is to usher the heavy hands of federal regulators into the tent. Genachowski would give federal regulators editorial authority over what private operators must provide."
Genachowski also advocates creating new media ownership rules that promote a diversity of voices on the airwaves. In fact, Genachowski is credited with helping craft the Obama technology agenda, which states: "Encourage diversity in the ownership of broadcast media, promote the development of new media outlets for expression of diverse viewpoints, and clarify the public interest obligations of broadcasters who occupy the nation's spectrum."
"Such language is bureaucratese for government control," explains O'Leary. "So-called 'public interest' requirements would put broadcasters at the mercy of local review boards. Such boards would, of course, be politically charged entities with the power to bar any broadcast content that is not deemed to be in the 'public interest' of the local community."
"Shut Up, America: The End of Free Speech," published by WND Books, is in bookstores nationally today. O'Leary launches national promotion for the book today.
"If you want to see the blueprint for the plot to silence talk radio, this is it," says Joseph Farah, founder of WND and WND Books. "How important is this? If you want to see the people in charge in Washington remain there perpetually, ignore this threat. The plot to end free speech and the free press in America is the ultimate incumbent protection plan."

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #2b295e 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #2b295e 0px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #2b295e 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #2b295e 1px solid"></TD><TD class=alt1 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #2b295e 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #2b295e 0px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #2b295e 0px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #2b295e 1px solid" align=right>

Feb 22, 2005
Its just another "boogie man" for the sheep to be riled up about.

Gun control will never happen and neither is this

Jan 19, 2005
Wayne dead on again

Obama & Biden- More Weapons of Mass Distraction:

Thursday, April 30, 2009, 02:52 PM

Biden Says "No Planes, Trains, or Automobiles."

But Take Control of the Border with Mexico- "Why Would We Do That

By Wayne Allyn Root, 2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential nominee

The Obama Administration loves WMD's: Weapons of Mass Distraction. Swine flu is yet another opportunity to distract the public. While the public is panicking and fearing for their lives, perhaps they won't notice that Obama is misleading us about...everything.

Yesterday was a great example. Obama bragged about the success of his economic program and the 150,000 jobs he has single-handedly "created or saved." Meanwhile it was announced on the same day that our economy shrunk by a staggering 6.1% in the first quarter; job losses continued to set records (with a total of 1.2 million lost since Obama took office); and Obama's own budget projects a national debt of $17 trillion by the time he leaves office (over $7 trillion more than when he took over). Now that's what I call success. Happy Days are here again!

To make sure the public doesn't notice that our economy has fallen into the abyss, Vice President Biden in the face of a few dozen cases of the flu (all mild so far in the USA), publicly stated that he told his family to stay away from confined spaces- planes, trains, subways, automobiles and how about this one- classrooms. In a nation of 300 million people, with a few dozen cases of the flu, our confident and courageous Vice President recommends closing shop in America. None of us should go anywhere. School? Who needs school? Not our children. Travel? Who needs travel? From now on, planes, trains or automobiles are out. Our own Vice President believes we should cower in fear inside our homes in the face of a few cases of the flu.

In response to this possible flu pandemic we face, the Vice President has no answers, no solutions- just that we stop doing anything that might put us in contact with...people. That's his one bright idea. Yet the one thing that anyone with common sense would do, we don't. I understand that closing the border with Mexico is not a good option (although it is an option if things get worse); there is simply too much commerce that would be disrupted (such as much of this country's fruits and vegetables).

HOWEVER, there is one thing that Obama, Biden, and Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano refuse to do that could stop or slow any fears of a pandemic: that is to give our border authorities the right to refuse entry to anyone who has flu symptoms and is not a U.S. citizen. The current policy is: sneeze all you want, get sick right in front of a border agent, and yet we'll let you through the border so that our taxpayers can pay for your medical needs. Virtually every country in the world is telling their citizens not to go near Mexico- the epicenter of the possible pandemic. Yet our country sits on a border with Mexico and does...NOTHING.

All Biden can recommend is to stop traveling, stop using transportation, stop buying. Biden's advice will bankrupt the nation. Biden's advice will bankrupt airlines and train companies. Biden's advice will bankrupt tourist destinations like Las Vegas, Orlando, Disneyland, Manhattan and Hawaii. But turn back foreigners who show signs of the virus from ever entering America in the first place? “We can't do that!” That might offend Hispanic voters. Politically correct liberals can't offend any group of minority voters. That is not an option. Better to stop traveling and close the American economy than offend any group of Democratic voters.

Is our country stark raving mad? We've put idiots in charge of the United States economy. Complete and utter fools who think nothing of causing panic among the populace; destroying American business with a few careless words; and refuse to control our border with the country where virtually every single case of the flu has emanated. But using WMD's (Weapons of Mass Distraction) to confuse and panic the voters- on that topic Obama and his friends are as good as anyone in the history of politics.

Wayne Allyn Root was the 2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential candidate. His new book will be released by John Wiley & Sons this July entitled, “The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts.” The book is available now for pre-sale at For more of Wayne's views, commentaries, or to watch his many media interviews, please visit his web site at:

New member
Nov 8, 2006
One chronic "spammer" gets banned and another crops up. Filling a void that they somehow determined existed.

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
One chronic "spammer" gets banned and another crops up. Filling a void that they somehow determined existed.

first off, congrats! you've spelled every word correctly in this post with coherent grammar!

second, who is the 'spammer' you're talking about that was banned?

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
A new Rasmussen poll shows big majorities of virtually
every group of Americans, namely Republicans, independents,
investors, middle age Americans, older Americans... are all
supportive of Capitalism versus Socialism.

no, no, no this CAN'T be right

our resident statistician, gtc, told us that the majority of americans, 20%, favored socialism over capitalism

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
One chronic "spammer" gets banned and another crops up. Filling a void that they somehow determined existed.

BRUCEFAN is more than reasonable in his number of Topics.

And though I wouldn't likely vote for WA Root for dog catcher, he's at least libertarian and supports removal of criminal prohibitions against adult consensual behaviors (ie...gambling)

New member
Nov 8, 2006
Be nice if only occasionally he would use his own words other than his inflammatory titles.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Be nice if only occasionally he would use his own words other than his inflammatory titles.

It would be nice if you occasionally posted something of substance whether it was your own words or not.

Jan 19, 2005
Intolerance and Arrogance
Lie, cheat steal, and call people who disagree bastards
Thats par for the course :ohno:

Ed Shultz confirms what we already knew about left

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New member
Aug 5, 2006
Moments like this from Schultz explain better than anything how the Dems have taken overwhelming majorities and made them toxic assets. "With great power comes great responsibility" and all that shit. What they're doing with C&T, Health care, etc are bad enough -- the way they're doing it is appalling. Schultz nicely sums up the "we don't give a fuck what the people want" mentality.

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