The mid-eighties to the mid-nineties were the peak of the industry for bettors, as if you were well-connected, had nationwide large outs, LV mover accounts, friends and beards in the LV streets carrying for you, had NYC accounts, plus the early offshore outs, with some wiseguys/offices also firing straight into LV phone were set!
If "In The Know" back then, one was anywhere from thirty seconds to a full two minutes ahead of the other sharps and their followers in the before the offshores came, secrecy/cloak-and-dagger, 'twas much harder to conceal/flying stealth back then.
The big boys could get down for multi six-figures very easily and quickly to the NFL, NBA, and MLB.
Fortunes won and lost..with the cycles repeating themselves in small intervals.
So true Rainbow, following BB or Chinaman for NBA, while using CS totals was a nice ticket.