Nope election was over when the economy went under. Mccain actually was pulling ahead when he picked Palin at first. Media just started blaming the economy on the republicans only and people love the media. Its been downhill since then.1. do not use msnbc as a source for anything it makes you as bad as anyone who cites Fox News
2. move out from under your rock, this election was over when Palin got chosen.
don duder you are out of touch man. believe what you want but as soon as you saw the gimmick pick of palin you knew mccain was desperate.
he got a bump in the polls because of the convention + the base showing up thanks to palin. but when mccain could not pick someone to secure independents (he wanted lieberman) the election was over with.
the economy did not go under over night. it is not like the "fundamentals" were strong and then all of the sudden they tanked.
honestly this election was over when bush got his second term.
seriously anyone who thought a mccain/palin ticket was getting into the white house is up in the night.
i agree that they got a solid bump out of the palin gimmick but when he was forced to pick her just to get back in the race it was over with.
you can use whatever you want to spin it but i am yet to hear an undecided say they were not turned off by the palin pick.
i understand she gave you hope willie and here i am telling you it was false hope. that is always difficult to stomach, but it is obvious.
all the economic crisis did was cement it a month before the vote.
and you talking about pundits is absurd. lets start talking about the pundits and see how long you last before your head explodes with their stupidity.
Mccain is not the type of man to go dirty and bring up rev wright. He is not that type of person to do that. Nor will he go and call obama a muslim, even thought technically he is. The polls will widen but not becuase mccain will get dirty. Polls will widen because on national tv mccain and palin both are not good speakers. Both looked bad in the debates and many independents are taking the side of Obama.Preachin to the choir bro. The Palin pick, his ignorant comments about the economy, the bail out bill "gimmick" were par for the course of moronic moves we already knew McCain would make. Sure he's a gambler. But right now he's on playing on tilt. He's at the point where when he's pushing his chips to the center, everybody knows he's got garbage and shoveling they're chips as well. They're just one desperate move after another. And the polls reflect it daily kinda like one of those uncontrolable spirals.
With the state the economy is in, and the steady and calm manner Obama's been handling this, the country is convinced who a strong and confident leader is. If McCain tries to go dirty and brings up Rev Wright, muslim accusations and go with extreme dirt, the voters will know he's getting desperate and see right through him. And the gap in the polls will widen.
You think