Since we had some problems last Season, I have changed the Deadline to Saturday 3PM EASTERN
and Since the REAL LVH Supercontest has a 11AM PST Deadline, I think this is More than fair.
I need Everyone that has Signed up for the NFL RX Contest to post in this Thread, this way You know that the Deadline has changed.
Anyone that feels they don't like this change and wants Out .... I will refund your payment if you have already paid. Or take you off the list.
Thank you
and Since the REAL LVH Supercontest has a 11AM PST Deadline, I think this is More than fair.
I need Everyone that has Signed up for the NFL RX Contest to post in this Thread, this way You know that the Deadline has changed.
Anyone that feels they don't like this change and wants Out .... I will refund your payment if you have already paid. Or take you off the list.
Thank you