Back door aren't the words I was thinking,lol. With1:30 left up by17 Warrick misses 2 free thrrows. With 1:00 left, Boeheim epties his bench. We foul the hit 1 of 2 foul shots. We get fouled and the guy misses 2 foul shots. Ok still up by 16, they have the ball with 37 seconds left and we give them 4 shots in the last 37 seconds and they miss the first 3 and then wouldn't you know they hit the 4th shot with 1 second left,lol. A TOTALY BULLS hit end of the game, but hey I've been on the other end at times too. So we have to take what is dealt to us. On to the next game. At least coach got his 699th win and will get his 700th win this Saturday at home .