STAY away from

Found this on Usenet and thought I should pass it on.
From: GARY (
Subject: STAY away from
Usenet Newsgroups:
Date: 2003-03-01 22:45:04 PST

I stumbled onto this site.......its a Free site to play in a daily
blackjack tournament....They advertise that they will award players a
total of 700.00 a week for winning..etc---@10.00 a day( top 7 daily)and
25.00 each(top 7 weekly).Has leaderboards on site etc...I joined(free to
sign up)probably gets u on junk email lists etc.. and told my bother
about it. He also joined.....we both played and won(or so we thought) to
get your winnings---They have u open a account with a costa rica betting
site.......and thats where they put your money......which was ok i was
cool with that...Heres the catch!.....when last tuesday came......(the
day they deposit ur winnings) nothing happened...Surprised?
so we both emailed them "after 24hrs"...I got a email today from a dude
with the user name "Butch Butcheson" Hes like a overseer i guess...of
the LIFESABET SITE>>>>saying that my brother and i were the same
people?? ......I emailed him back telling him that we had separate
accts....and live in separate residence..We live across town from each
other..His(butchs) Response was "GOOD--Then fax me a copy of your
drivers license".and he also questioned my age.(.to a fax # he
provided)..I couldnt believe all this....Im 46yrs old.... What I
Emailed him was this........I think he owes us a apology and obviously
the "credits" we won.......Most of the Guys here in this Discussion
group seem like nice people..........and i wanted to share this with u
guys....I mean he wants a copy of My Drivers License???YIKES! What can
he be Thinking......
U guys take Care
and don't patronize LIFESABET.COM

Thanks for the laugh.
Heck, anytime I hear or read 'butch' even if its only a part of the whole word as in 'butchered' it makes me laugh and at the same time kinda makes me feel kinda sorry for the guy.

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