SSI's Plays for 2005 (Jan 17th)



New member
Sep 21, 2004
Not trying to fool anyone with this thread, i posted some plays in this forum this season. This thread is for 2005, i organized my bankroll and am now starting afresh for this calendar year.. Im not selling anything or going to solicit anything, merely looking to contribute. The main reason that i post, is it helps to keep me disciplined in my betting.. Like everyone else, if im hot then tag along, if im cold then fade away... Hoping everyone has a nice 2005 betting year...

One Unit Plays: 1-0 (+1.00 units)
Two Unit Plays: 0-0 (+0.00 units)
Four Unit Plays: 0-0 (+0.00 units)
One Unit = $100 for me.

Today's Plays: Char/Mil over 192.5 (1 unit at Oly)
Detroit -3 (1 unit at Oly)

will probably post other plays for today in this thread later.. Have a nice day.

Homie Don't Play That
Sep 20, 2004
SSI not trying to bust your balls but you posted the following in December

<<<"not trying to fool anyone with the record, this has not been a profitable year for me in the nba up to now.. It was a nice year in football but im yet to turn the corner in the nba.. In this thread, im merely trying to change my luck from bad to good and get on the plus side for the season.. Very nice little profitable night last night but i need several of those.. The plays here may at least be a good fade for a few players.... ">>>

Obviously your NBA season started back in November, you were not having a good year and stopped. Now you are coming back and trying to act as if this is all new. Bul*s*t. All we have here on this board is integrity and we are all bound by the same rules. I rely on this board for selections and need to KNOW that those posting have integrity.

I have always looked for your selections and have the the outmost respect for your handicapping skills you are one of the best. Please do not set a precedent by wiping out your dismal start. People like myself look for you for direction. You are essentially changing your record to show more winners than losers and that's not cool. If I can make a suggestion break up your record by month.

Nov 4-8-0 or whatever it was
Dec 0-0
Jan 1-0

Don't discount your start. What if everyone started doing it? Whats next starting a new record every 4 days if thing's go bad?

Its a slippery slope, dont take that first step people are watching. Good Luck.

P.S. You are not selling anything you say and that is right all you have here is your integrity. Are you going to start a new record tomorrow if things dont go according to plan today?

What is your true record for the 2004/2005 season SSI ? At least be forthcoming with that. :icon_conf



New member
Sep 21, 2004
not very good falco, many games under .500... dont want to fool any newbies, and this is going to be my only thread for 2005... ive been doing this since 1986 and was documented here for about 2 seasons.. Had back to back winning football and basketball seasons but this year has been bad in hoops, not wanting to hide that face... I have not kept a detailed record for this season as of now... Ive been very bad and disorganized and in starting this thread, i am trying to put my house in order and have a nice 2005 betting season.. Hope you along with everyone else here wins.. Like i said, in my posting plays --- it is more to keep me disciplined than anything else..

Homie Don't Play That
Sep 20, 2004
You had one winner yesterday but in December you had?? Are you hot or cold just wondering. Its difficult to follow with all the record changes and all. Thanks


New member
Sep 21, 2004
falco, i definately have not been hot.. I talk with "Oldman Ted" daily and he can attest that i have been something like 11-11 over my last 22 plays.. The start of the season was not good, the last month has been .500 at best... Im merely hoping to have a nice 2005 year..

Homie Don't Play That
Sep 20, 2004
Bul*s*t! A good gambler like yourself KEEPS detailed records. You are essentialy changing your record to show more winners than losers. I'm totally dissapointed in you.

You reap what you sow and the rest of your NBA season is now officially cursed by your lack if integrity. Watch.

I'm through with this topic and you SSI. We'll see how the curse unfolds only you can lift it with honesty.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
seems like ive already been cursed... my record sucked when the season started, around 10 games under .500.. then we got into the end of football season and the bowl games and i simply put hoops on the back burner for a while.. played some here and there of course but not daily...

Ive admitted a losing record, im not saying that ive won anything.. merely trying to discipline myself as things got a lot unorganized toward the end of 2005.. Hope you can understand that, if not then i cannot say anymore... Posters come and go around here, some are the flavors of the month... now that i have some time as my business slows during winter months, i hope to post on a more regular basis.. Have a nice day Falco..

New member
Oct 20, 2002
falco if you say you rely on certain posters for their picks

then the bcn contest is a great tool to use

jack of hearts updates it everyday and for me

i always look at one or 2 certain individuals

one is the admiral, no not the general , they do both have my upmost respect

admiral is solid as they come..fwiw


New member
Sep 21, 2004
adding Detroit Mercy -2.5 (Oly) for 2 units..

this is a daily thread for all plays..

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