From Announces Relief Program for Anybody Owed Money By BetPanAm. 100 percent bonus, 10 time rollover, no money lines, no Blue Marlin repeat "bailout" players....and do NOT contact Sports911 with your information. This "relief" program in no way relinquishes BetPanAm from its responsibility to pay everybody in full, however, it looks doubtful that they are going to do so and as such has set this relief program up for eligible players who are affected by this debacle.
1-877-691-BETS. CALL THEM DIRECT STARTING TOMORROW. DO NOT CALL 911 WITH YOUR PLAYER INFORMATION AND THERE IS NO NEED TO DISCLOSE YOUR PARTICIPATION IN THIS PROGRAM TO ANYBODY. Under no circumstances will BetPanAm be permitted to use your participation as a reason for not fulfilling their obligation to pay players! All affected players are welcome except those who have already participated in the Blue Marlin bailout through Announces Relief Program for Anybody Owed Money By BetPanAm. 100 percent bonus, 10 time rollover, no money lines, no Blue Marlin repeat "bailout" players....and do NOT contact Sports911 with your information. This "relief" program in no way relinquishes BetPanAm from its responsibility to pay everybody in full, however, it looks doubtful that they are going to do so and as such has set this relief program up for eligible players who are affected by this debacle.
1-877-691-BETS. CALL THEM DIRECT STARTING TOMORROW. DO NOT CALL 911 WITH YOUR PLAYER INFORMATION AND THERE IS NO NEED TO DISCLOSE YOUR PARTICIPATION IN THIS PROGRAM TO ANYBODY. Under no circumstances will BetPanAm be permitted to use your participation as a reason for not fulfilling their obligation to pay players! All affected players are welcome except those who have already participated in the Blue Marlin bailout through