What 7 debts do I owe you?? You still havent said
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n someone who swindles you by not repaying a debt or wager
Post the definition of WELCHER then
How about an example of a moron: a guy who has a "hunch" that a half million to one shot is fact.:laughingb:bigfinger:madasshol:trx-smly0:fckmad::Countdown:laughingb:bigfinger:madasshol:trx-smly0:fckmad::Countdown:laughingb:bigfinger:madasshol:trx-smly0:fckmad::Countdown
What is worse.... Thinking a well renowned brain surgeon losing his license in all 50 states... or assuming that trump accusers are democrats? Or go with Hillary is going to stick it in Rumps Rump election day? Or Trump is part of the "Russian Collusion" ?
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Noun 1. welcher - someone who swindles you by not repaying a debt or wager
So... If I welched you SEVEN times... what do I owe you that I didnt pay?
And if I didnt WELCH you... then take the "Russian" wager ... or the wager you had a woman add you onto her house...Or that you file firvilous lawsuits as a pauper... or you have 8 lawsuits coming up this april....
OR you pick some of YOUR allegations against me, and I will wager on those.
Sorry, you creepy little cocksucker, believing a half million to one shot "trumps" everything. You've been told what you owe, you just keep pretending it wasn't said-kinda like you pretend you don't drive a cab, right, being too stupid to remember that you claimed to have quit before Christmas and not long thereafter claiming you had quit "months ago," lol.
Talk to yourself much?
:monsters-It's roaringly obvious I'm talking to YOU, bitch, thought maybe you "overlooked" the first one and also wanted to highlight your cowardice. Once you receive an offer to back up your big mouth, suddenly, you ain't got nothing to say, I wonder why, stupid, lying cocksucker.
How can a grown man feel good about having 8 lawsuits coming up just in the month of April, to try and make some money.
What a shitstain on society
(YET he runs from a bet of 1 person being charged from any of Trumps team with Russian collusion or interference)
And BTW Ive owned guns and passed background checks to get them for almost 25 years now, way before he signed lmao, dumbass
No way this mofo is 6'4" 185 lbs. I would chip in a couple hundred bucks to have someone take some pics of this dude in April. I'm thinking this codger is 5'7" 240lbs and is in a wheelchair. This fucker doesn't work out, he is too miserable about his life. I wanna see a pic of this homo.
I will be there in October and if there is anything left of him after "leaving the light on" for Zit, I would like to snap a few photos of this shit talking pos. 6'4" 185 pounds is pure bullshit, this homo isn't a lean mean fighting machine by any stretch
It's INFRATRUCTURE week, isn't it? Well, talking to Bloodhound Bob for 20 hours, it's clear Hobo Steve is building a road right up to the door of his BFF, that scrawny mute, Kuschner, can't WAIT for THAT prick to get indicted, lol...
Special counsel questioned Bannon this week.