YEP 100% TRUE!!!
XXXXXXXX Enterprises, Inc. was registered under company Id XXXXXXXXX-3 and Nevada Business Id NVXXXXXXXXX. This company type is Foreign Corporation. This business was created XXXXX ago - on 2014-XX-XX. Current company status is Revoked.
XXXXXXXX is the current agent of this company. This agent office address is XXXXXXXX Las Vegas, 89119 NV. XXXXXXX Enterprises, Inc. home state is WY.
There are 4 officers and directors in this company. (DaFinch's Wife) with president title, (DaFinch) with secretary title, (DaFinch) with treasurer title, (DaFinch) with director title.
How the fuck do YOU know what other people are reading, asshole? Not to mention, if that's the case, why are in the thread, you fucking retard?
I think we need a special counsel to determine how a grown man can file bankruptcy three times in his life.
Oh, really? One can file BK every two weeks, in theory, but, you gotta wait about 7 years to actually COMPLETE one. How about a course about how a grown man can actually FILE and GO bankrupt FOUR times in his life...oh, wait, you VOTED for one, you stupid, hypocritical cocksucker, and now we've got multiple indictments, multiple guilty pleas(with more to come shortly), multiple wife beaters quitting, all from a moron who signed legislation making it EASIER for fucking nut jobs like Greenputz and NFL Turds to get guns, which may have contributed to the Florida tragedy, and, oh, yes, lucky 13 indictments on ELECTION INTERFERENCE. Stupid fucking twat...Loser!@#0Slapping-silly90)):madasshol:bigfinger:trx-smly0:Countdown:fckmad:
1st of all, somebody already HAS faced faced charges for interference with authorities' investigation into Russia, schmuck, that would be Papadog. .
How can a grown man feel good about having 8 lawsuits coming up just in the month of April, to try and make some money.
What a shitstain on society
(YET he runs from a bet of 1 person being charged from any of Trumps team with Russian collusion or interference)
And BTW Ive owned guns and passed background checks to get them for almost 25 years now, way before he signed lmao, dumbass
Nobody has been charged with any crime related to the election.
Despite your blubbering baby bullshit that some crime took place.
You're not that bright and easily misled.
I've already detailed the 7 plus welches against me, plus, you've welched against BZ, not only having the gall of trying to tell him how your losses could be dispensed, but hilariously lying and saying he needed the money and scammed YOU; who here hasn't paid off a wager where they are convinced they were scammed by the winner?ointer:Loser!@#0Slapping-silly90))$$