When I look at games that I am interested in potentially playing....
I look for "signature", National TV games first and foremost....what are a lot of people interested in seeing. (This may be the only game of the night, or the premier Saturday or Sunday games, or CNF or MNF)
I will watch the line movement throughout the week to get an idea of how the line is moving and where people are betting.
Finally the last day, I will look at my tout tallies, and determine if my thoughts on the game are against the touts thoughts, and get my plays.....if there isn't a big tout difference, then I can either play what I was thinking, or lay off.
I know it doesn't work that way for a lot of people, but it seems to work for me. I don't care that I place my bet in the last 10 minutes before the game, because I don't think the spread points that the line moved will matter to me anyway.
Just my thoughts......bash away.