'Michele Bachmannwas like a lost soul a conservative reporter describe her as "wallpaper" 'Jon Huntsman was much improved. Newt Gingrich had a few good lines. Herman Cain was entertaining. Ron Paul was the same as ever. Rick Santorum was sporting a pink tie. But none of these men will be the Republican nominee and that was pretty plain tonight.'
John Podoretz in the NY Post suggests 'In his debut on the national stage, Perry proved he possesses a somewhat indefinable star quality -- exactly what Republicans were distressed to feel was missing from the field.
Whatever his failings, and they may well be vast, Perry
does have “it.” In terms of sheer presence, he diminished Romney and everybody else on stage last night -- and he left Michele Bachmann, his only real rival for the Tea Party vote, in the dust.
From here on in, it’s just Perry and Romney. There’s little point in having anyone else on that stage any longer except as comic relief.