The shenanigans being pulled by the Dems giving Hillary the nomination, or the shit being pulled by the Repubs by refusing to give it to Trump?
Ummmm before the Wisconsin vote.
Clinton 8,746,692 votes
Sanders 6,049,969 votes
so by " shenanigans" you mean giving the nomination to the candidate with the most votes. Do wear a helmet when you sleep?
Come on, man. She may have more votes but that's not his point. You don't think the super delegate system is set up to let the party elites choose the Democrat nominee? Not giving a shit about the wants of the people they "represent" is the one thing these two parties have in common.
The Liberals have two choices, a self professed Socialist or a Granny who’s under investigation by the FBI. Great representation.The shenanigans being pulled by the Dems giving Hillary the nomination, or the shit being pulled by the Repubs by refusing to give it to Trump?
Come on, man. She may have more votes but that's not his point. You don't think the super delegate system is set up to let the party elites choose the Democrat nominee? Not giving a shit about the wants of the people they "represent" is the one thing these two parties have in common.