yeah, and they are all Democrats, too, bought and paid for Democrats. Funded by Soros groups and paid to riot because otherwise they wouldn't get off the effing couch. They are provided with signs, with eggs, with American flags and lighters, with bus rides to and from events, with meals and legal services for the ones who are arrested, and $15/hr for their services too. If these anti Trump 'protests' weren't fully funded, there would be no protests at all. None. Not a single one.
These idiots are rioting because they're being paid to riot. None of these moron liberals have any idea why they're even there. American flag burning, Mexican flag waving, violent thugs who sucker punch people, throw rocks at cops, burn police cars, and cover their faces because they don't want to be identified for the crimes they know they are committing. Democrats/liberals, following their Alinsky rules to the T and showing off the tolerance that they keep insisting everyone else have.