Good christian values at play
Good christian values at play
Then i guess if she is VP she will be leading the charge to throw Bush and the other no bid crook Cheney in jail?
Why? Did you know Dick Cheney left his post at Halliburton making 44 million a year to become George Bush's VP? Did you also know that ALL of his future stock options have been placed in a trust and will be donated to charity?
Dick Cheney is my kinda guy -- a selfless national treasure.
Why should President Bush and VP Cheney be thrown in jail? Because they were assholes toward our enemies?
If that's the case then I hope John McCain and Sarah Palin turn out to be even BIGGER assholes.
Good lord if you believe all that shit you just shoveled it really isn't worth going on. You live behind a safe wall of delusion.
But his whole vice presidency has been a general conflict of interest, symbolized by his secret industrial society known as the Energy Task Force. Cheney has resisted all efforts by the General Accounting Office and advocacy groups to provide documents that detail the proceedings of the task force. In the two and a half years since the task force was convened, the White House has been on a rampage to slash or gut environmental measures.
There's nothing in that article that contradicts my original statement.
But I did love this part:
So because Dick Cheney has been moving swiftly to stamp out all enviro-wacko'ism (remember, Cheney is a radical free marketer, like I am) it's a "conflict of interest" and he's done something wrong?
The left doesn't like his values and policies, so they demonize him...without a SHRED of evidence to back up their delusions.
Dick Cheney did indeed "take a bath" in order to serve his country.
Bravo, Mr. Vice President. :aktion033
You are dumber than a bag of hammers, heatohio.
hno: Your claim that he left his job implies that he actually cut ties, which he claimed in a national tv show. He was proven to be a liar. He was taking in money from a company that he was doing favors for.
How fucking stupid do you have to be to not understand that this is a conflict of interest?
As for your claims that he's donating that money, I'd highly doubt that. In fact I'd say there is no way in hell he does. If you believe that it just goes to show who I'm dealing with.
No wonder it's so easy to own you in debates. I'm dealing with quite possibly the only person who may be dumber than the shit I stepped in today.
Doing favors for whom? Oh, you mean the Halliburton contracts in Iraq?
The same Halliburton that was employed by the US government under Bill Clinton?
There is no conflict of interest.
It's true -- your article even partially discloses this.
You mean the shit on the sidewalk that was left there by an "equal species" to humans?
You mean to tell me dogs don't use toilets?
He is as brainwashed and as stupid as they come. Just the type of person America wants. He hates this country so much he doesn't want a better future for it. He's anti American and should be deported immediately.