DePaul +5 vs. <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
ffice:smarttags" /><st1:City w:st="on"><st1
lace w:st="on">Louisville</st1
Interesting turnaround spot here for Louisville which played a strenuous track meet on Thursday night vs.Charlotte and now has to go on the road and play an early Saturday morning game in Chicago. DePaul has lost at home just once this year, and that was in the first two weeks of the season on the heels of their first quarter finals week. They’ve held serve in every home game since, including an impressive 19 pt. win vs. Cincy when Cincy was in a similar short turnaround situation. Demons will more than hold their own on the boards and matchup on Greer might pose a problem for Louie. Louie looking for the regular season CUSA crown, but it won’t come easy in this spot.

Interesting turnaround spot here for Louisville which played a strenuous track meet on Thursday night vs.Charlotte and now has to go on the road and play an early Saturday morning game in Chicago. DePaul has lost at home just once this year, and that was in the first two weeks of the season on the heels of their first quarter finals week. They’ve held serve in every home game since, including an impressive 19 pt. win vs. Cincy when Cincy was in a similar short turnaround situation. Demons will more than hold their own on the boards and matchup on Greer might pose a problem for Louie. Louie looking for the regular season CUSA crown, but it won’t come easy in this spot.