Rumsfeld ... Flat out Lied to the Troops !

Oct 21, 2004
"Rumsfeld said the Army was sparing no expense or effort to acquire as many Humvees and other vehicles with extra armor as it can." (Ibid.)

Thus, the Defense Secretary put the onus squarely back on the manufacturers, saying the civilian and military leadership had done everything they could do, but could not move the manufacturers along more quickly. This Yahoo article then continued along this same vein.

"U.S. soldiers and Marines in Iraq are killed or maimed by roadside bombs almost daily. Adding armor protection to Humvees and other vehicles that normally are not used in direct combat has been a priority for the Army, but manufacturers have not been able to keep up with the demand." (Ibid.)

However, American manufacturers were quick to call this claim a lie:

NEWS BRIEF: "Armor Holdings Could Boost Humvee Armor Output 22%", News and Commentary, December 9, 2004

"Dec. 9 (Bloomberg) -- Armor Holdings Inc., the sole supplier of protective plates for the Humvee military vehicles used in Iraq, said it could increase output by as much as 22 percent per month with no investment and is awaiting an order from the Army. U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said yesterday the Army was working as fast as it can and supply is dictated by 'a matter of physics, not a matter of money'. Jacksonville, Florida-based Armor Holdings last month told the Army it could add armor to as many as 550 of the trucks a month, up from 450 vehicles now, Robert Mecredy, president of the company's aerospace and defense group said in a telephone interview today. 'We're prepared to build 50 to 100 vehicles more per month', Mecredy said in the interview. 'I've told the customer that and I stand ready to do that'.''

This is the true face of the Army, a face I saw all too constantly when I served during the Vietnam War era. Civilian and Pentagon brass really and truly care nothing for the troops in the field, their constant Public Relations campaign notwithstanding. If this leadership really cared about the troops in the field, they would not have armed them with Depleted Uranium ( D.U.) weapons, which are going to kill the vast majority of the troops now serving in-theater. Compared to the D.U. disaster, properly arming our Humvees and other vehicles is small potatoes.

However, now you know that our manufacturer could easily and quickly produce more armored vehicles and that they only reason they have not done so is that the Pentagon has not sent them a purchase order! Once again, we catch one of our top leaders boldly lying to the troops. For the record, the Public Relations people quickly moved into "containment mode" and issued a statement from President Bush in which he assured both the soldiers in the Iraqi theater and loved ones back home that officials of his administration really cared for the soldiers and were doing everything they could to address this issue.

Since President Bush is an unrepentant Illuminist Skull & Bones, his attitude -- and the attituded of his officials -- toward the troops and toward the loved ones back home is exactly as New Age author, Bill Cooper describes:

"The man of the household must be housebroken to ensure than junior will grow up with the right social training and attitudes ... Junior will go to war or father will be embarrassed. So junior will go to war, the true purpose notwithstanding ... A woman with a newborn baby is too starry-eyed to see a wealthy man's cannon fodder or a cheap source of slave labor." [William Cooper, "Behold A Pale Horse", P. 63)

New member
Sep 20, 2004
We currently have the lowest casualty rate ever, so they have to find something to whine about. When in history has an army had every weapon, manpower and piece of armor at a snap of a finger. They are doing a damn good job getting the equipment to the front lines. Real nice job by the reporter creating a story which is a non-story.

There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
I actually agree with GameFarce. Not sure if that means that I'm getting stoopider or maybe he simply posted a truth in error.

On the flip side, when your military state of a nation spends 50 X's more than anyone else on terrorist armor and weapons you should be well equipped.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
They are well equipped, hence the lowest casualty rate ever.

Did we see the same concern when clintoon sent the Rangers into somalia to provide meals on wheels without one piece of armor?

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
Bloggers put the lie to Dan Rather - and maunufacturers are putting the lie to this. I'll wait before calling Rumsfeld a liar - this could be the Pentagon buying system or the Pentagon bureaucracy at work.

I'm sure we'll all know within a week or so!

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
Only an extremist fanatic would see a "let's wait and see" comment as support.

Doc - When you see a half of a glass of water, do you think of it as being half empty?

New member
Sep 20, 2000
and maunufacturers are putting the lie to this. I'll wait before calling Rumsfeld a liar - this could be the Pentagon buying system or the Pentagon bureaucracy at work.

I'm sure we'll all know within a week or so!<!-- / message -->
Well I don't care how you or I frame it...Its beyond obscene.
Oct 21, 2004
typical Bblight Coulter response:

So basically screw the kids ..... let em fight this war and if they die because the dont have the proper machinery, such is life

This is soooo typical of bblight ... Mr "Leave the Troops" alone on other posts

Why are you not up in arms over this issue? Ghees, could it have something to do with the lack of planning and ineptness of the Bush administration

Again, BB Coulter, ya got it down pat ... Your concern for the troops ranks right up there with King George

Go sell your phony patriotism to someone else

New member
Sep 20, 2004

The whiny liberals could care less about the vehicles being armored. They just want to take shots are Rummy, end of story. I didn't see one liberal concerned when clintoon sent the Rangers into somalia on the meals on wheels mission w/o one piece of armor. When one guys cries or deserts the media gives it coverage like it's wide spread. The media never seems to mention the 200,000 troops that are not whining about this and that. If the troops were not getting equipment I'd be the first to be pissed. Remember when the war started and we heard the troops didn't have bullets and food. It's all BULSHIT. They are armoring the vehicles and getting them to the troops that need them most. We do not know all that goes into getting the armored vehicles over there, remember this equipment is very heavy and it takes a while to get it there. That's good enough for most.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
saying rumsfeld lied just because its physically possible to increase production of armored is ridiculous. The fact is that prod. has increased from 15 to 450 a month recently and thats pretty good. Instead of focusing on protecting the soldiers from roadside bombs we should loosen the rules of engagement to encourage the destruction of the terrorists.
Oct 21, 2004
Rumsfeld should have been **** canned a long time ago ...

he is hated by the military and has done one piss poor job with this military blunder in Iraq ...

Ahh, speaking of Rumsfeld ... those fond memories:

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD><TABLE borderColor=#000000 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=23 border=1><TBODY><TR><TD>
Shaking Hands: Iraqi President Saddam Hussein greets Donald Rumsfeld, then special envoy of President Ronald Reagan, in Baghdad on December 20, 1983.
Oct 21, 2004

Be it tanks, insufficiently armored Humvees or holey long johns — we’re still talking about troops not being supplied with what they needed to be supplied with. And claims that you always go to war with the army you have are disingenuous. It was Rumsfeld’s job to anticipate what the soldiers in the field should have had. Moreover, he’s had two and a half years of military operations to get things right. That he hasn’t is to his discredit, and he should be held accountable.

As for claims the troops are receiving everything they’ve asked for, double bananas. From before the war started, this Administration has shown it does not want to hear things from the military that don’t support the Administration's political storyline about the “cakewalk of Iraq.” It was widely reported and substantiated prior to the start of the war that senior officers in the Pentagon felt the Secretary of Defense was dismissive of their arguments they needed more troops and proper equipment for the invasion and a lot more force allocated to the occupation. The forced resignation of Army Secretary Thomas White in 2003 for questioning the post-war occupation plan, or lack thereof, sent a further chilling message to the Military about the perils of reality-baiting. You don’t get told what you tell people not to tell you. And the Administration has made it painfully obvious what they don’t want to be told.

Bottom line, Rumsfeld should have known better. And that he and his handlers didn’t anticipate such hostile questioning from the troops is yet another sign of just how out of the reality loop on Iraq the Secretary appears to be. If you don’t sack a Secretary of Defense for this, what do you sack him for?

The fiasco in Somalia resulted in Clinton’s defense secretary Les Aspin’s resignation and Rumsfelds resigination is LONG OVERDUE ...

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
I love it when Doc goes into one of his extremist tirades, ranting and raving and grabbing at any story to support his thesis - it doesn't matter whether any of his "facts" are true or not, as long as they fit the rant de jour.

Doc - I didn't come to Runmsfelds defense - I suggested that this story play itself out to it's truthful conclusion - then we'll all know what the truth is - but you aren't interested in the truth, are you? All that you seem to want is to gather bullets that you can shoot at the Bush administration - it doesn't matter if the posts you put together are factual or not as long as they are anti-Bush.

Doc - I've been looking at the picture of Viktor Yushchenko, and I think that's what you must look like on the inside of your mind - all eaten up by revulsion and loathing! You make me think of that old commercial "A mind is a terrible thing to waste!"

Doc, quit wasting your mind on hate, and come over to the happier side where the sun is always shining and life is beautiful!

New member
Sep 25, 2000
"They are well equipped, hence the lowest casualty rate ever."

You will find out the true casualty rate isn't that low when all the effects of DU take thier toll......

Still tons of that from the 1991 adventure.
Oct 21, 2004


Anyone connected with this current adminstration can do no wrong in your mind .. once they leave the administration and start telling the truth about what idiots Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld, you do your best bblight Coulter impression and quotes any sources as "liars" ....

You made a comment to me yesterday regarding Nazis .... you my friend would have fit in perfectly with the ol Nazi salute when Adolf Bush and Heinrich Cheney roll by

I find it SO INTERESTING how little concern you have for our troops in Iraq .. NONE and this story proves it once again! The average American would be upset reading this crap of our kids being hung out to dry .... NOOO, NOT THE BUSHIES AND BBLIGHT COUTLER! Hey, protecting the "Image" of this administration is more important than protecting our kids ...

You really make me sick with your concern more about King George's image than our kids that are dying daily in Iraq ...

Enjoy Christmas at the Cheney household as your types are the true traitors to this country!

New member
Sep 20, 2004

Clintoon was commander and cheif of the meals on wheels operation in somalia.

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